

Frankie and Tessy slid the door open into the store nodding to Mannie at the counter.

"I'm turning twenty in ten days and all the chocolate bars in this store seem like the perfect gift for me just in case you don't know what to get me." Frankie said while grabbing a Snickers bar.

"Actually, I wasn't planning to get you anything but you could ask Mannie out. Trust me, he had gift you the whole store." Tessy said sarcastically, winking at her.

The woman opposite them paused, cocking her head to one side. She turned to look at Frankie, holding her gaze steadily, impassive. Frankie squirmed uncomfortably under her penetrating gaze. Tessy watched the woman, eyes regarding her intently but she said nothing. For some inexplicable reason, the woman smelled like danger.

Trying to keep her voice casual, the woman asked Frankie, "Did you say you're turning twenty on the sixteenth?". Frankie nodded. "My daughter is turning twenty on the sixteenth too." She said smiling but it didn't reach her eyes. Tessy eyed her suspiciously once again, but still said nothing.

Slowly, the strange woman turned her eyes to the bracelet sitting pretty on Frankie's wrist. "That's beautiful. Your dad gave it to you?"

Frankie hesitated, unsure what to say. "No, my mum gave it to me. My dad uh..passed away." -But thank you. Frankie added.

Feigning sympathy, the woman continued. "How did he die?" That was it. Tessy came closer at this point, ignoring the strange woman's inquiry and pulling Frankie away, squeaking - I'm sorry but we really have to go, her voice rising several octaves. They made for the counter, paid for the snacks and hurried out the store.

She followed them, keeping a careful distance.