
Eclipsed Luna (BL Omegaverse)

A heads up..I will not post warnings on chapters. I understand many people have triggers, but for me there are too many to try and warn readers about. I have no plans of blood and gore, but know there will be death and sexually mature content. This is also a Boy x Boy book with omegavers meaning men can get pregnant. If you have any issues of any one of these types of content please refraine from reading. Thank you all for your support! Being born as the second son of the Alpha normally would mean the life of being a leader for the warriors. Kash did not get such luck. He was not born an Alpha. He was born as an omega. His father had protected him for years. Keeping him away from everyone, even his own pack. Now that the annual ball is arriving along with his 18th birthday his father expects him to greet new wolves to find a mate. Kash does not want this life and fights it. But a certain Royal arrived a day early and has other plans for the omega. Will Kash learn to like who he is and become stronger for it, or will he reject everything. A story of growth and love. I will caution that this story will have strong language and sexual content. It is boy x boy and omegaverse. This story starts slow and will build. It is not just about his relationships but his way of living, the changes that come into his life and how he handles it all. I hope you enjoy the ride with my first webnovel! I do try to post chapters often but I am very busy with work. My goal will be a minimum of two chapters a week. **** I walked to the door only to be completely assaulted by the scent. Standing in the room was my mate. A fierce young male. He was adorable. His small stature would fit perfectly against mine. I could not stop staring at the man before me. His black hair framed his face with the piercing silver eyes. His pale alabaster skin looked so smooth and tempting even from the slight distance we held. He was perfect. “Are you done staring? If so, you can leave.” He had now crossed his arms and glared at me with mistrust. I could now understand that he was under 18, or he would have scented me as his mate as well. “Well?” All I could get out of my lips, thanks to my wolf trying to take over was one word. “Mate.” The eyes of my mate opened wide before he started to shake his head. “Oh, hells no! I am no ones mate. Never will be.” He started to back away as much as he could from me. I grinned stepping forward while my Beta took my back. He knew it would be dangerous to get between us right now. My wolf found our mate and wanted to claim him. “I am Alpha Atlas of the Royal Eclipse Pack. And yes, you are most definitely my mate. What is your name?” He shook his head. He then looked towards the direction of his father stood before looking back at me. “I do not have to talk to you. You are not my Alpha.” The glare he gave me was more pinch his cheeks adorable over aggressive. ****

Zurgyness · Fantaisie
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49 Chs


Atlas View

The rogues fought well, almost like they had learned pack fighting. We still were able to chase them off, but two of my warriors got injured. I was thankful we had no losses. Zion and I did not like the way they fought and decided to look into it more.

"There is no doubt they had warrior training. Who in their right mind would do that?" Zion just shook his head as I spoke out loud what we were both thinking. "One. A pack is taking the initiative to train them for some obscure reason. Or two. A warrior was kicked from a pack and is teaching them. Again, no reason why. I will have to write a report and talk to other alphas and see if they notice the same on their lands."

"Alpha. It might have just been a way to keep us busy." Zion finally spoke up. "They fought well, but they also did not fight to win. Maybe they were testing us. Either way, I did not like the way they just ran off. This will not be the last time."

"We need to increase our patrols. I want not less than five warriors at a time during patrol. Safety in numbers is best. Have some warriors also set up in the boarder town. They are the most at risk." I sighed. "Looks like we could be in for a good fight."

"Lets rest for tonight and deal with the rest tomorrow. You might have to shorten your trip." Zion smiled. "Not that you would complain."

This caused me to chuckle. "I would, but I really need to meet with those two packs after the event at Ridge Mountain. They both have new Alphas and I have yet to welcome them personally."

"You also need to get the date and celebrations for your mating set." Zion grinned. "Or you getting cold feet now."

"As if. The sooner that is done the sooner I can relax. Kash is too perfect for his own good." The moon was high in the sky now as we entered the mansion gates. "He should be asleep now."

"Yeah, yeah. Go check on your mate. I will make sure our injured warriors are taken care of." Zion looked towards the upper windows. "I will also look into more guard options while you and Kash are gone."

The mansion was quiet as I made my way upstairs. I nodded to the two guards for Kash's night duty as I passed by them. "Alpha." They both spoke with an answering nod. I walked past my door and went to Kash's hoping it was unlocked to get a peek. Of course, I could check with the middle door, but this one felt like the right choice. The first thing I could smell was my uncle. I held in the growl. He would have used this chance to talk with him of course. I need to make new rules or have guards up here while we have visitors. It was worse when I opened the door and could smell him inside. He scented his room. My eyes glowed in anger. I started to scent the room back. Looking for Kash.

'Zion. Kash is not in his room. And Uncle scented Kash's room while I was gone.' I was having a small panic. Did my uncle do something.

'The guards are there so Kash has to be upstairs. Check the other rooms. He could have fallen asleep while reading.'

As soon as I was sure his room was scented with only mine, I left to check the other rooms. He had to be somewhere. 'Zion I can't find him!'

'On my way. Did you check all rooms?'

'Yes! He is in none of them.'

'Okay, I will check with his guard.'

I was pacing now. He had to be up here, but what was I missing?

'They said he had lunch with your uncle then retired upstairs. No one has been up or down since. Are you sure you checked all rooms?'

'Yes....Wait! I never went to mine. But he wouldn't.'

Zion chuckled in the mind link. 'If the meeting was stressful and your uncle tried to scent him. What do you think any other omega would do?'

'I am fucking stupid. Checking my room now.'

'Goodnight boss.'

As soon as I opened my door I was assaulted by his pheromones. They told me how stressed he was. I checked the couch thinking he might have curled up there but he was not there. Looking towards my bedroom area I smiled. Walking as quiet as I could so not to disturb him, I got the sight of a life time. Well maybe not, but to me it was they best thing to come home to after a rough day. The only thing I would change would be his stress levels. His clothing was tossed on the floor haphazardly and my hamper had definitely been rummaged through.

Walking slower I looked at the state of my bed. The pillows and blankets had been pulled towards the centre. He had piled them as high as he could in a small nest. Curled up in the middle was Kash, in nothing but my tee. He had not pulled any blankets over himself, but he had a pillow up against his chest. I purred, not bothering to stay quiet. My mate, my omega has shown me he needs me. How could I not?

Slowly moving towards the bed, I called out to him. "Kash. Can you wake for a second?"

"Hmm. Atlas?" He slowly moved sniffing the air as he spoke.

Giving him fresh scent, I waited for his next move. It was quiet for some time while he shuffled around sniffing the air, making sure it was me.

"Come sleep. So tired." A small smile as my scent took over his own stressed pheromones.

That was what I waited for, purring with excitement, he invited me to his nest. I stripped down to my boxers, not caring about putting my dirty clothing into the hamper. 'Found him Zion. Night' One last link before I shut it off for the night.

Unsure where Kash wanted me I slowly crawled in behind him. I moved some of his hair from his face and tucked it in behind his ear to look down at his face. Kash then turned towards me, and buried his nose to my chest. The rumble from my content could be felt. Slowly I traced my hand along his cheek. "Sorry I am so late."

"Hmm. My room stinks." I chuckled. "Not funny!" Though he sounded mad he sunk his nose closer to my scent gland. "You smell so good."

"I am very glad you like my scent. I love yours as well." His answering purr had me smile. "You should sleep."

"Hmm." He then started to scrape his teeth along my neck down to my collar bone. My whole body shivered in delight. "Cold?"

"No." Unsure if he wanted me to speak more, I waited.

I felt him giggle before he gave a small nip to my collar bone. "I heard Zion caught the coyote before you."

"My uncle is still telling that story?" Smiling even more I then sunk into the bed further, while grabbing a blanket to pull over the two of us. "Behave and get some sleep."

"Okay." He curled up once more inside my arms that now wrapped around him.

It did not take long for his breaths to even out. Taking the chance, I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Good night Kash."

"Oh.My.God!! What the actual fuck?!" Kash's voice woke me from my sleep. "Atlas!"

Sitting up and rubbing my eyes I looked towards my angry mate. "What's going on?" Sleep was still heavy in my mind.

"What do you mean? Why am I in your tee and waking up in your bed?" Kash was pacing not far from the bed.

"You nested here last night. Before you get pissed, I asked to crawl into my bed and did nothing but make your wolf sleep." That made more sense. It was his wolf side when he woke last night.

"My wolf? Ugh, my head hurts." I ran over as he sat down. "I'm sorry."

I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "No need to be sorry. How is your head?"

"I remember now. It was not my wolf when I came here. Your uncle was too close and his scent hurt. I could not go in my room." A small growl escaped when I thought about it. "Yeah, guess you know. Anyways, I went on auto pilot I guess."

"It is an instinct for omegas when stressed. You craved the scent you wanted close to remove the one you did not." Slowly I released more of my own. "I like how you smell now."

He grinned. "Now I do as well. I feel better when your scent is near." He sighed.

Looking down at him I frowned. He had a lot on his mind. "You want to prepare for the day?"

"Are there any plans?" He did not look up.

"Not really. My uncle is still around, so I need to be a host." My tone was not happy. He did stress my mate out, even if he claimed it was not intentional.

"Can we keep him from our rooms?" He finally looked up and I could still see the wolf along the edge of his eyes. "He was nice, and had some funny stories, but I do not want his smell up here." I chuckled when he growled. "What's so funny?"

"Your growl is just cute to me." I shrugged my shoulders when he asked.

He pushed my arms away making me laugh a little harder. "I am not cute!"

"Then how about you meet some warriors and learn to add a little bite to your growl?" This would keep him safe and hopefully happy until we leave.

"Really?" He was almost running to his room but stopped before he opened his door. "What should I wear? I can train right?"

My laugh stopped me from answering right away. "You do not know how adorable you are. Yes, you can start learning today. Wear a tee and some sweats. Though my shirt looks good too." The way his face went red before he stepped into his room warmed my heart.

"Atlas?" His voice was already beyond his door and in his room.

"Yes Kash?" I walked over a little concerned.

Kash was standing in the middle of his room with a big smile. "You fixed the smell!" Nodding I watched him as he grabbed some clothing and walked over to me. Using his strength he tried to push me out of his room. "Hey! Get out so I can change jerk!"

"Ahh! My mate is just to cruel." I laughed as I let him push me back inside my own room and he closed his door.

"Royal Pain in the ass!" His exasperated comment had me laugh more.

Kash was in a little better mood as we went to the training grounds. There was no need to drive but the area was a little walk away. I was enjoying the Kash around me. He was brighter and appeared more balanced. It was amazing what allowing a wolf to be a wolf did for ones mental well-being. I laughed went he pointed to the fish in the pond and his almost fall into the same pond when a frog surprised him. Kash had my complete attention.

"The grounds we are going to have been built just for the purpose of training our warriors. Your lessons will start on building your balance. You need a stronger core and better cardio before you get to more of the physical aspects. I have already talked to my top trainer and he will give up dated progress to myself and Zion." Kash was now beside me with a serious look to his face.

"I understand most of what you said. The progress reports, are they necessary?" I could see him trying to figure out why I request them.

"Doc will also be getting them. You will be seeing Doc once a week as well to make sure you do not threaten your heath. If he says you have to stop, you will." Kash had stopped now, a large frown on his face.

"And why would he stop me?" He had now crossed his arms. Looks like feisty Kash was coming out. He was so unpredictable and I loved him for it.

"Only heath reasons. Needing rest or injuries. I will allow you to push yourself until it threatens your health."

He growled. "Bruises don't count!"

I laughed and rubbed his head. "They do not. I mean strains, sprains, or breaks."

He nodded his head. "I can agree to that. Will your warriors want to train me though? My brother said that our own would not want to."

"When we get to more of the hands on, we will have to see. My warriors are trained well, but you do give off the aura not to hurt." I patted his shoulder when he dropped his head. "I am sure Zion or myself can help once in a while. I want you to be able to protect yourself, even if I wish I can be around you twenty-four seven, we both know that is not possible, or heathy. Your wrist still needs healing but there are things you can do, like laps, without causing distress. I talked to Doc already."

"Thanks! I promise to not do more than you allow. This is a chance of a life time for me." Kash had a bright smile as we entered the facility.

Doing my best to keep 3 chapters a week going.

Is this just too much of a slow burn, or are you people happy? I hope you are still enjoying it, since no one really comments I shall continue to write.

Thank you so much for still supporting with powerstones. You are all the best!!

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