
ECLIPSE OF THE MOON: The Alpha’s forbidden desire

Hera is a broken girl that has been abused all her life by her parents for reasons unknown to her. On her 18th birthday, she is disappointed to discover she doesn’t have a wolf which leads to her being rejected by her mate. But unknowingly to Hera, she possesses a powerful strength and ability that is a threat to her, the existence of her kind, and her mate, the Alpha. She becomes the nightmare of thousands. Even the Moon goddess can't escape her wrath. The fate of the two lovers lies in each other's hands. Is love enough to conquer the brutal fate?

Ahmed_Raheenat · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Hera kept struggling till she jolted awake, covered in sweat. Her breathing was erratic as she struggled to breathe.

Her eyes traveled across the room making her jerk up in fright as she noticed she wasn't in her room.

A sweet smell of cinnamon with a hint of woodsy scent hit her nostrils. She found herself relaxing to the intoxicating scent.

"Where am I? She frantically looked around in a state of hysteria. She groaned in pain. Her whole body was hurting.

The sound of someone clearing their throat made her jump out of bed in fright.

"Glad you're awake" a masculine voice spoke from a dark corner of the room. She swooned at the huskily sexy yet domineering voice.

"Show yourself" she commanded, in an attempt to sound defensive "Where am I? What do you want from me? 

The man chuckled softly. He was amused by her authoritative tone despite being small and fragile "I didn't know there's a ball of fire in you" he responded, ignoring her questions.

"Please I don't want any trouble, I want to go home." Hera pleaded. She could feel the brink of tears threatening to fall. 

The man let out a warning growl "You are in my territory, sweetheart. What makes you think I'll let you go so easily?" 

His question made her heart drop. She began to panic.

"I don't know how I ended up here but I'm not a rogue. My name is Hera Perseus , I'm from the Moonstark Pack" she explained, hoping to convince the man to free her. 

From the powerful aura in the room, she sensed the unknown man must be an Alpha.

"I know you are not a rogue. You don't even have a wolf yet".  He said as he slowly walked out of the dark. The pure fear on her face made him smirk.

Yo… you… are Alpha Kratos" Hera stammered in fear. Her breathing hitched as she found it hard to believe she was in another territory. 

"You are not a rogue, which means you are a spy." Dragging her closer, he grabbed her by her chin. Making her groan in pain. 

The sweet strawberry mixed with cinnamon from her body was driving him over the edge. It was intoxicating. For an unknown reason, he was drawn to her, right from the time he was brought to him by his Beta. 

"I'm not a spy, I swear by the moon goddess. Please don't kill me." Hera begged. The stone cold look in his eyes made her quiver in fear. He was indeed an attractive man. She found herself admiring his beauty and physique despite being in trouble.

He studied her closely, looking for any form of lie. Her angelic face looked innocent yet troubled. He felt the urge to protect and caress her.

" SHE COULD OUR MATE" Kratos Wolf, Helios exclaimed. 

SHUT THE FUCK UP "Kratos yelled back at Helios before blocking him out. 

"My Beta found you at the bottom of the lake, washed up by the rain," he explained while eying her suspiciously. "You are not a rogue, no! You don't smell like one and you are not a spy either yet you are in my territory."

The event from the previous night came crashing down on Hera. The monstrous look on her parent's faces, their plan to kill her, and not having a wolf yet. She couldn't hold back her tears from falling. She was heartbroken.

Irritated by her attitude, Kratos pulled her from the floor and pinned her against the wall. His patience was wearing off. 

"You should be happy you are still alive, sweetheart! I will ask you one more time and I deserve a fucking answer. What were you doing in my territory?". He snapped, making her flinch.

Again, he was intoxicated by her sweet smell. He realized he was closing the small space between them but he was unable to stop himself. Completely captivated by her gentle beautiful face. Her gray eyes complimented her features.

"I was attacked by my parents. My father…. tried to kill me…" She couldn't control her tears from falling.

"The last thing I remember was my mother screaming". Hera was already soaked in tears.

For the first time in years, Kratos felt his heart ache. His emotionless eyes were replaced with pity. Her presence made him feel strange; a pleasurable and soothing one.

He felt the urge to protect her, keep her and make her his."You belong to me now. Hera" He wanted her to himself. "You are in my territory, so you will do as I say.

No! I can't be your sex slave. I'd rather die" Hera protested. She heard about the horrible things he does to his female captives. 

"How about I let my men take turns huh? A thousand men thrusting into your tight little pussy like a whore. You like that huh? His words dripped with threat.

She gasped in horror. Her head shook violently with tears streaming down her face. "Please don't" she desperately begged. 

He pulled her closer to his chest "Now you will obey my orders and be a good little girl okay? He tugged a fallen strand of hair behind her ear before burying his nose at the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet smell. 

"Okay…" she answered carefully, not wanting to trigger him off again. She wiped her face with her palms and let her body relax in his touch.

"You can't imagine what I would do to you if you try running away". He warned, making her quiver in fear. He raised her head and stared intensely into her eyes. His eyes flickered to her lips. He refrained himself from kissing her plum red lips. 

They were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "I'm sorry Alpha, but we have a big problem." 


The lifeless bodies of four of his warrior wolves and an unknown man lay on the floor. Kratos roared out of anger and hurt seeing his lifeless strong warriors.

"Who did this?" He asked, his voice was dangerously low. His head snapped towards his Beta waiting for an answer.

"We are still investigating. Dr. Atlas examined the wounds. He said the wounds were not from a regular wolf. Seeing they have similar marks, it was done by one person." Elias, Kratos Beta explained. 

"And who is that man?" Kratos asked, pointing to the unknown lifeless man.

"We did a background check on him. His name is Eros Perseus from the Moonstark pack". Elias answered. 

Upon hearing the man's name, his mind drafted to Hera. He became suspicious.

"I want you to find out who did this to my men. And when you do, I want his whole town in flame" he thundered, his eyes turning pitch black. 

With that, he turned away walking back to the pack house when a voice suddenly cried out from the crowd.

"Alpha! We have incurred the wrath of the moon goddess" Ozar, the pack sorcerer walked out of the crowd. "I hope we all survive". He asserted, making the whole crowd cower in fear and worry.

In anger, he made his way to the room where Hera was kept. He burst open the door making it slam loudly on the wall. Hera screamed in fear. 

"You told me your father tried to kill you, why the fuck do I have his body lying lifeless in my house?" He yelled at her. 

She looked at him, completely stunned and unable to say a word. Who could have killed her father?