
Eclipse of Eternity: A Reincarnate's Journey to Divinity

"Eclipse of Eternity: A Reincarnate's Journey to Divinity" follows the odyssey of a young man, initially from Earth, who finds himself reborn in a fantastical medieval world teeming with magic, swordsmen, demons, vampires, dragons, and other mythical beings. Born into a poor family, the protagonist embarks on an extraordinary quest from the moment of his rebirth.

Daeek · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: The Long Road North

The first few days on the road were the hardest. Leaving behind the familiar comfort of the village, the warmth of my parents' love, and the playful banter with Anya left a hollow ache in my chest. Every creak of a branch, every rustle in the bushes sent shivers down my spine.

Eldarion's map proved to be more of a suggestion than a definitive guide. It depicted a rough outline of the path, a meandering line that snaked its way north towards the looming shadow of the Dragontooth Mountains. But the actual terrain – dense forests, meandering rivers, and rolling hills – was a far cry from the simple sketch.

My days were spent in a constant state of vigilance, foraging for edible plants, setting snares for small animals, and finding safe havens for the night. Sleep was a precious commodity, often interrupted by the unsettling symphony of nocturnal creatures.

Despite the hardships, a sense of purpose fueled me. With each step I took north, I felt closer to Aethelgard, closer to unlocking the mysteries of my magic. The memory of Eldarion's words – the spark within, the power waiting to be unleashed – became a mantra I repeated silently whenever doubt threatened to engulf me.

One afternoon, while navigating a particularly dense patch of woods, I stumbled upon a hidden clearing. In the center stood a towering oak, its branches heavy with leaves tinged with the vibrant hues of autumn. An air of tranquility hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the constant tension that had become my norm.

As I approached the oak, a sense of familiarity washed over me. It was faint, almost imperceptible, but undeniable. Intrigued, I placed a hand on the rough bark. A wave of warmth pulsed from the tree, tingling up my arm and filling me with a strange sense of peace.

Could this be a place imbued with magic? Was this a sign, a beacon guiding me on my path?

Suddenly, a twig snapped behind me. I whirled around, hand instinctively reaching for the dagger Eldarion had included in the satchel. A young girl, no older than twelve, with bright green eyes and fiery red hair stood there, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Well, well," she said, her voice surprisingly deep for someone so young. "What do we have here? A lost little farm boy trespassing on sacred ground?"