
Eclipse of Eternity: A Reincarnate's Journey to Divinity

"Eclipse of Eternity: A Reincarnate's Journey to Divinity" follows the odyssey of a young man, initially from Earth, who finds himself reborn in a fantastical medieval world teeming with magic, swordsmen, demons, vampires, dragons, and other mythical beings. Born into a poor family, the protagonist embarks on an extraordinary quest from the moment of his rebirth.

Daeek · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

The valley echoed with the soft grunts of exertion and Elara's patient instructions. My muscles burned, sweat dripped from my brow, but a determined fire flickered in my eyes. Today's training focused on manipulating air, a seemingly simple element that proved surprisingly difficult to control.

Elara had me start with the basics. We sat cross-legged on a grassy hillock, facing the rising sun. Closing my eyes, I focused on feeling the wind, a gentle zephyr rustling the leaves around us. I imagined it as a soft current, a living entity with its own rhythm and direction.

Breathing deeply, I visualized channeling my will into the wind. I pictured it swirling around my outstretched hand, picking up in intensity. But nothing happened. The air continued its gentle dance, oblivious to my feeble attempts at control.

Frustration gnawed at me. I clenched my fists, picturing the wind whipping into a frenzy, obeying my every command. The effort backfired. A sudden gust of wind, strong enough to send me sprawling on the ground, ripped through the valley, scattering leaves and sending my training materials flying.

Elara chuckled, her laugh echoing like wind chimes in the morning air. "Patience, Elian," she said, helping me up. "Force isn't the answer. Remember, magic thrives on harmony, not dominance."

Dusting myself off, I recomposed myself. Elara was right. Brute force was a losing strategy. I needed a different approach. This time, I focused on feeling the wind, not controlling it. I imagined myself becoming one with the current, understanding its flow, its direction.

Slowly, tentatively, I began to visualize influencing the wind. I pictured it brushing past my hand, swirling around my outstretched arm in a gentle current. My focus intensified, a delicate dance of will and awareness.

Then, a faint sensation. A tremor in the air, a response to my unspoken command. The wind, ever so slightly, brushed against my hand, swirling momentarily around my arm before dissipating back into the gentle morning breeze.

A thrill coursed through me. Success, however small, was a victory. Elara offered a warm smile. "See, Elian? Even a whisper can be a powerful tool."

The rest of the day was dedicated to refining my control over air. We practiced extinguishing candle flames with focused gusts, guiding falling leaves along predetermined paths, even creating small air pockets that allowed me to hover a few inches above the ground for a fleeting moment.

Each success, no matter how minor, fueled my determination. I learned that manipulating air wasn't about brute force, but about understanding its nature, becoming one with the current, channeling its natural flow with the gentlest of nudges.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the valley, I collapsed onto the soft grass, exhaustion claiming my body. But my spirit soared. Today, I had taken another step on the path to mastering magic. The whispers of wind had become echoes, and I, a fledgling mage, was learning the language of the unseen