
I am dead...or am I?

Hearing the birds chirping continuously, Haran put the pillow beside his head to cover the noise. But the noise kept penetrating his eardrums like drums beating. Haran woke up with his eyes wide. But he was astounded after seeing the present scene.

He was lying on the hospital bed. The patients were sleeping soundly in their beds. But…. Did I not die at home …? I was lying on the bed….

Haran felt that his head was about to explode. He could not figure out the head and tail in the present situation. How could he come from home to here? Did someone transfer him from him? Why?

Haran was not able to understand. So, instead of racking his head on the unknown, he decided to focus on his present surroundings.

The bed was situated near the window. It was a typical hospital room with 6 beds arranged opposite each other. As it was dawn time, the patients were sleeping soundly.

Haran envied them. He could not understand how their ears could ignore the rucus caused by the birds.

 He taught him thought of drinking water from the jug beside the bed. But just as he stretched the hand he was astounded.

He controlled the scream that was going to escape from his mouth. He thought he remembered his hands which had become wrinkled enough due to his old age. But now they have become smooth like a 20-year-old!!

 Haran breathing became rapid. He thought of laughing out loud to relive the horror he felt, but thought otherwise.

He looked around and went to a nearby toilet. He was not able to adjust to his walking style.

Previously, he had to hold onto something just to walk from one corner to another. But now he was able to walk without any dependence and a spring on his steps.

 As he looked in the washroom, Haran was astounded. He was not looking at a wrinkled old guy with bald on his head, but he was looking at a young guy with youthful handsomeness. But inside this young guy was an old man…. Just thinking like this gave Haran Goose bumps.

 He could not imagine how, why and when…. But life had come back somehow, and it should go on.

 Haran eased himself. Although he was still unfamiliar, he could cope with himself.

 Suddenly, he heard screaming voices outside which made his brows frown in confusion.

 As he came back outside the washroom, he could see a woman searching left and right, anxiously. And his body moved towards her instinctively.

 This was his mother....an old face overlapped with the current one.

Suddenly every thing was dark once again.