For what felt like the next seven hours, Ares put me through a hard core training regiment of hand to hand combat.
He walked me through moves I could use, then put me up against the big guy I had fought the first time.
I ended up giving him the nickname 'Bubba' to make it seem like I'm actually fighting an opponent instead of just a construct created by Ares in my head.
For the first few hours, I got my ass handed to me more than once.
But I dished out more to Bubba then he returned.
Especially towards my last fights with him.
My body felt like it had been through the ringer repeatedly, and I couldn't wait for it to end.
"Alright, enough of the easy stuff." Ares said from what sounded like everywhere around me, which I had become accustomed too.
"What!!" I asked, breathing hard, still trying to recover from my last fight with Bubba.
Just like before, my surroundings changed, and before I could protest, I found myself in a large concrete shooting range.
I stood in one of the stalls looking down range when everything stopped moving.
"Could you warn me next time?" I asked, having to steady myself on the concrete walls to my sides.
"Stop whining, grow a pair and deal with it." Ares said.
"At least I have a pair." I said sarcastically, standing firmly back on my feet.
"HarHarHar. You're hilarious." Ares grumbled.
"Right, enough banter. We're moving onto firearms. This is something you already have experience in, but not to the point that you could actually be a threat to some rando shooting at you for some dumb shit you probably deserve."
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know much about guns that are currently available to you in this day and age of Night City, But what I do have, is the hundreds of thousands of files on Militech prototype weapons and gear." Ares said mischievously.
Then with a 'POP' then 'CLANK' a gun dropped onto the waist high concrete table in front of me.
Startled, I took a step back.
"Don't worry, it doesn't bite." Ares said, chuckling.
Taking a step closer, I looked the gun over.
"...what is it?" I asked.
"This is what was to be called the G7 Scout."
Ares explained.
"It was a prototype sniper rifle designed for long-range engagements. Lightweight, modular, and fitted with an advanced targeting system in the scope itself. In the right hands, it's a game-changer," Ares continued, his voice dripping with pride.
I hesitated for a moment before picking up the G7 Scout. It felt surprisingly balanced in my hands, not too heavy but solid enough to reassure me of its power.
The sleek black finish and streamlined design made it look like something straight out of a futuristic war movie.
"Alright, let's see what you've got," Ares said, and instantly, targets began popping up at various distances down the range.
Taking a deep breath, I raised the rifle and peered through the scope. The targeting system immediately came to life, overlaying critical data – wind speed, distance, even suggested aim adjustments. It was like having an expert sniper whispering advice into my ear.
I squeezed the trigger, and with a sharp crack, the first target went down. The rifle had almost no recoil, allowing me to quickly line up my next shot. One by one, the targets fell, my confidence growing with each pull of the trigger.
"Not bad, not bad at all," Ares remarked, sounding genuinely impressed. "But hitting stationary targets is only the beginning."
Before I could ask what he meant, the targets started moving.
Some zipped across the range at high speeds, while others popped up unpredictably, simulating real combat scenarios. My heart pounded as I struggled to keep up, my shots missing more often than not.
"Focus! Use the targeting system, let it guide you," Ares urged.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Trusting the targeting system, I adjusted my aim and fired in quick succession. This time, more targets fell, my accuracy improving as I adapted to the rifle and the rapidly changing environment.
Minutes felt like hours as I continued to shoot, my muscles burning with fatigue. Finally, the targets stopped, and I lowered the rifle, panting heavily.
"Not bad for a beginner," Ares said, sounding almost approving. "But there's still a lot of work to do. Remember, in the real world, you won't have the luxury of a controlled environment. You need to be ready for anything."
I nodded, wiping sweat from my forehead. "Got it. What's next?" I asked.
Disappearing from my grip, the G7 was replaced by another gun, much heavier.
"Say hello to the flatline." Ares said mischievously.
The Flatline was a beast of a weapon, significantly bulkier and more intimidating than the sleek G7 Scout. Its matte-black finish was marred by scratches and scorch marks, evidence of its brutal heritage. I hefted it, feeling the weight pull at my arms, and my muscles tensed in anticipation.
"This bad boy is designed for close to mid-range combat," Ares explained. "It's fully automatic, with enough stopping power to turn even the toughest enemies into Swiss cheese."
"Great," I muttered, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Just what I needed."
"Quit complaining and get ready," Ares barked.
I barely had time to adjust my grip before the targets started appearing again. This time, they were closer and more erratic, mimicking the movements of actual combatants. The Flatline roared to life as I squeezed the trigger, its recoil a violent kick that reverberated through my body.
At first, my shots were wild, the rounds scattering across the range with little precision. But as I adjusted to the gun's rhythm, I began to find my mark. The targets fell one after another, shredded by the stream of bullets.
The Flatline's brutal power was exhilarating, its raw force a stark contrast to the refined precision of the G7 Scout.
"Keep it steady!" Ares shouted. "Control the recoil! Short, controlled bursts!"
I followed his instructions, tightening my grip and firing in measured bursts.
The difference was immediate; my shots became more accurate, the targets falling with satisfying regularity.
The gun felt like an extension of my body, responding to every twitch and adjustment with lethal efficiency.
Minutes passed, and I lost myself in the rhythm of the gunfire. It was only when the last target fell that I realized how much my arms were trembling from the effort. I lowered the Flatline, my breaths coming in ragged gasps.
"Not bad," Ares said, his tone grudgingly respectful. "You've got potential. But remember, this is just the beginning. You need to be ready for anything—any weapon, any scenario."
I nodded, too exhausted to respond verbally. The Flatline vanished from my hands, replaced by a sleek, futuristic pistol.
"This is the Wingman," Ares said. "High-caliber, precision handgun. Perfect for when you need to make every shot count."
I examined the Wingman, its metallic surface gleaming under the harsh lights of the range. It was lighter than the Flatline but exuded an air of deadly efficiency.
"Alright," I said, my voice steadier than I felt. "Let's do this."
The targets reappeared, this time closer and faster than before. I raised the Wingman, my hand steady despite my fatigue.
The first shot rang out, the recoil manageable but still demanding precision. The target went down, and I quickly adjusted for the next one.
Ares's voice echoed around me, guiding me through each shot.
"Focus. Breathe. Aim for the center of mass."
I followed his instructions, my shots becoming more accurate with each pull of the trigger.
The Wingman required a different kind of discipline, a balance of speed and precision that was both challenging and rewarding.
By the time the last target fell, my arms felt like lead, and my mind was a blur of exhaustion and adrenaline.
But there was a sense of accomplishment, a feeling that I was becoming something more, something capable of surviving in the brutal world we now found ourselves in.
"Good work," Ares said, his tone approving.
I nodded, wiping the virtual sweat from my brow.
"Now, it's time for some rest." Ares said, also sounding tired as the training environment faded, replaced by the familiar darkness of sleep.
Yup, there's gonna be guns and other tech from different worlds added by Ares.