
Echoes of the Ascendant: Whispers of the Heart, Echoes of Duty

Is He the Heir of the Most Powerful Couple in the Universe? Or is he just a very wealthy man? Is he some sort of reincarnation? Or is he just a lucky villain with a system? Let's wait and see... As for the Romance, well, Let's see with the story. ----------------------------------- I first thought to write the first few chapters in a Urban setting and then change it to a more traditional and fantasy setting. But even I am not a fan of this trope. I know many novels which started off good but went downhill due to this. So, I thought of continuing this in a modern setting till the end. As for how I would do it, I still haven't thought about it. If you guys have any suggestions, do tell me. I'll gladly accept. ----------------------------------- ***This is still in the Development Phase. And I will gladly accept any of the advice or suggestions you have.

HegemonDao · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

The Winds of Change Blow Through the Aetherium Manor

Monday, January 19th, 2060

Aetherium Manor, Astra City, Aethelgarde.

In the opulent confines of the Aetherium Manor meeting room, four figures sat bathed in the warm glow of strategically placed lamps. Papers sprawled across the mahogany table, a stark contrast to the intricate floral patterns woven into the Persian rug beneath. At the center of it all sat a map of Astra City and its sprawling suburbs, its familiar streets marked by delicate lines.

Alethea, a young woman with sharp eyes and a mind honed for business, frowned at the map. "Young Master," she began, her voice tinged with concern, "are you certain about this land purchase? It's owned by a failing real estate company, miles from the city. There's practically no value to it."

Zayn, his gaze fixed on the map, met her eyes with unwavering resolve. "We need it," he declared simply. "And I want it secured by next Monday."

Alethea sighed, a flicker of frustration crossing her features. "Of course, Young Master." A curt nod was all she offered before turning her attention back to the documents.

"Harry," Zayn addressed a tall, muscular man in his late twenties, his voice firm. He picked up a marker and, under the curious eyes of the others, drew a bold border around a massive area a few miles outside the city limits. "Once Alethea secures the plot from that real estate company, you two will work together to acquire all this land within these borders. Use whatever means necessary - offers above market value, brute force if needed. I want every square inch of it under our control."

Shock rippled through the room. The marked area encompassed a staggering 700 square kilometers of land. Untouched grassland bordering the majestic Ebott Mountain Range, untouched for over a century. It was beautiful, undeniably, with potential for tourism, but the sheer scale of investment needed to develop it was mind-boggling. Even the vast coffers of the Aetherium Family would groan under such a burden.

"Don't worry, Alethea," Zayn said, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "Just secure the initial plot by the 4th of February. It needs to be under our new company before then."

The young man with wisdom belying his youthful appearance, Bastian, spoke up for the first time. "What's happening on that day? What's so significant about the 4th of February?"

Zayn offered a mysterious smile. "News will break. News that will change the future of Astra City." He refrained from saying more, leaving them to stew in their curiosity.

Bastian, ever the pragmatic one, voiced the unspoken concern. "Are you sure about this, Young Master?"

Zayn's gaze turned steely. "Yes, Uncle Bastian," he affirmed, a glint of determination in his eyes.

With Zayn's unwavering resolve settling the matter, the others nodded in acceptance. Zayn, after all, wasn't just any young master. Armed with the knowledge of the future gifted by the System, he was playing a different game entirely. This was a calculated gamble, a cheat code he intended to exploit to its fullest.

The land he planned to acquire for a measly sum of 2-3 trillion Luminar would see its value skyrocket tenfold by the end of February. The profits would be astronomical, but the true value lay beyond mere monetary gain.

As for the failing real estate company selling the first plot, they were caught in the crossfire of his carefully planned future. Without his intervention, sheer luck would have propelled them to success in the coming months. But now, thanks to his knowledge, their fate was sealed.

"I'll get to work right away," Harry declared, rising from his seat with a respectful bow before exiting the room.

Alethea followed suit, gathering her things with a determined air. The next few weeks promised to be a whirlwind of activity.

With the others gone, Zayn turned to Bastian, the man remaining a silent guardian by his side. He wasn't just the head butler; he was the family's eyes and ears, the head of Shadows, a formidable cultivator with a network of informants that rivaled the best intelligence agencies.

Zayn crossed the room, settling onto a plush couch. Bastian followed suit; his posture formal yet filled with an unwavering loyalty.

A knock on the door, followed by a feminine voice, announced their next visitor. "Master, I am here."

Selene, the stoic maid who had arrived on his birthday at his Aunt Valeria's behest, stood at the entrance, her form a silhouette against the golden light filtering through the door.

"Ah, Selene! It seems your duties with Aunt Valeria have concluded," Zayn said, a touch of amusement in his voice. "Welcome back to shadow duty. Though I confess, I rather enjoyed the presence of 'Maid' Selene for a while."

A flicker of a smile graced Selene's lips before it vanished, replaced by her usual stoic expression. Her presence was a comforting weight in the room, a silent promise of unwavering loyalty. Zayn knew he could discuss his plans for the Tempestas family in front of her. Selene reported directly to him, and is fiercely loyal to him, her duty to him would always come first even if it meant betraying the family head. Of course, this privilage is only for Zayn because of his overprotective estrange parents and his overprotective aunt.

He turned his attention to Bastian, the weight of his next instruction settling on him. "Arrange a meeting with Chairman Kingsley of the Tempestas family for next Sunday afternoon. I'll be paying him a visit to inquire about his health."

Bastian's brow furrowed. He understood the implications of this request. A few decades ago, the heads of the Aetherium and Tempestas families moved freely between each other's estates, a testament to a bygone era of camaraderie. But the bitter feud that had erupted had severed those ties. Even without a declared war, Zayn's proposed visit was akin to stirring a hornet's nest.

"Young Master," Bastian began cautiously, "are you certain about this? It's a bold move, and the repercussions could be significant."

Zayn met his gaze unflinchingly. "Indeed, Uncle Bastian. But sometimes, boldness is what's needed to break a stalemate."

Bastian knew better than to question his young master's resolve. He had witnessed the metamorphosis Zayn had undergone in recent weeks. The boy who once relied on others to navigate the treacherous waters of power was gone, replaced by a man determined to carve his own path.

"Additionally," Zayn continued, "get in touch with Derek Tempestas. Discreetly inform him about the existence of Cyra, his niece. Once he understands the situation, ask him to contact me."

Bastian's surprise was evident. Derek Tempestas was a ghost, a figure shrouded in secrecy even within the Tempestas family. Reaching him wouldn't be easy, but Bastian wouldn't voice his doubts. He had a reputation to uphold.

"Young Master," he reminded, a hint of concern lacing his voice, "your uncle and others, including your parents, swore an oath to keep Cyra's existence a secret."

Zayn's jaw clenched for a moment. "My uncle was wrong," he stated, his voice firm. "His decisions, fueled by pride and anger, are what led to the current animosity between our families. My duty is to protect my little sister, cousin…whichever term she prefers. And I will protect her."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air. Bastian had never seen such unwavering determination in Zayn's eyes before. This young man, once burdened by fear and uncertainty, was now a force to be reckoned with.

"Very well," Bastian conceded, acknowledging the strength of Zayn's conviction. This wasn't just about family; it was about rewriting the wrongs of the past.

"Keep an eye on these people," Zayn instructed, sending a list via a secure channel to Bastian's personal device. The list contained names of prominent figures within the Aetherium Consortium, each marked with a chilling designation: 'Corrupt' or 'Mole.'

Recognition flickered across Bastian's eyes as he scanned the list. Some names were already under his watchful eye, but others were a revelation. The extent of the rot within the Consortium seemed deeper than he had anticipated.

"Don't take any action yet," Zayn cautioned. "Gather evidence, discreetly. When the time is right, I'll give the order. We need to strike swiftly and decisively, without revealing our hand."

Bastian understood. This wasn't about blind vengeance; it was about strategic maneuvering. His loyalty to the Aetherium family, as well as his admiration for the young master's newfound strength, burned brighter than ever.

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Zayn glanced at the entrance, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

"Come in," he said.

The door creaked open, revealing a stunning woman who appeared younger than her actual years. Her emerald eyes, usually cool and assessing, softened as they fell upon Zayn. She swept towards him, her movements a graceful dance, and enveloped him in a tight embrace.

Zayn, ever the gracious nephew, returned the hug awkwardly, a hint of pink flushing his cheeks under the scrutiny of Bastian's watchful eye.

"My dearest Zayn," Valeria purred, her voice like honeyed silk. "How was your meeting? Did those dullards give you any trouble?"

Zayn chuckled, a sound devoid of malice. "Nothing I couldn't handle, Aunt. Now, let's not focus on work. How was your day?"

Valeria sighed dramatically, a playful pout forming on her lips.

"Another day of endless meetings and social obligations," Valeria drawled, sinking onto the plush couch opposite Zayn. Her emerald eyes, though softened with affection for him, still retained a hint of their usual sharpness. "It's exhausting, keeping up appearances for the entire Lux Solis family."

A flicker of sympathy crossed Zayn's face. Valeria, despite her playful demeanor, had a heavy burden to bear. As the adopted daughter of the Lux Solis family head and the former heir of the rival Tempestas family, she navigated a delicate social tightrope.

"Perhaps you could take a break soon, Aunt?" Zayn suggested gently. "A trip to your secluded villa by the Azure Sea might be just what you need."

Valeria's eyes lit up at the mention of her private haven. "Oh, the thought of the waves crashing against the rocks and the soothing scent of the ocean..." she trailed off, a wistful smile gracing her lips. "It is tempting, Zayn. But alas, duty calls."

Zayn knew better than to push. He understood his aunt's sense of responsibility. He also knew she enjoyed the power and influence her position afforded her.

Silence descended upon the room, comfortable and unspoken. Zayn stole a glance at his aunt, admiring her composed beauty. Despite the years, she retained an aura of youthfulness, her movements as graceful as a dancer's. He couldn't help but wonder about the circumstances that led to her adoption by the Lux Solis family. Perhaps according to his plan, everything would soon be able to go back to normal.

'Let's just wait and see.'

Bastian, however, observed the exchange with a keen eye. He noticed the way Valeria's gaze lingered on Zayn a beat too long, a hint of possessiveness flickering in its emerald depths. It was a subtle shift, barely perceptible to an untrained eye, but Bastian knew her well, after all she could also be taken as his mistress too. Since Zayn's parents are currently absent. She is the Manor's current mistress. So, he does know her well. The fierce love she harbored for Zayn, a love that bordered on obsession at times, had always been a source of amusement and concern for him.

He cleared his throat discreetly, the sound drawing both Zayn and Valeria out of their private moment.

"If I may excuse you, Master Zayn," Bastian said, his voice respectful yet firm. "I have some urgent matters that require my attention."

Zayn nodded in understanding. "Of course, Uncle Bastian. Thank you for your time."

With a curt bow, Bastian exited the room, leaving Zayn and Valeria alone once more. The weight of Bastian's unspoken observation hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the complexities of their family dynamic.

Valeria, seemingly oblivious, shifted closer to Zayn on the couch. "You seem rather secretive these days, my dear," she observed, her voice a low murmur. "Is there something you're not telling your favorite aunt?"

Zayn's heart skipped a beat. He knew Valeria could be surprisingly perceptive. However, revealing his plans, especially the one concerning the Tempestas family, could create complications. He knew his aunt harbored a deep-seated resentment towards them, a residue of the past feud.

"There's nothing to worry about, Aunt," he replied smoothly, offering her a reassuring smile. "Just a few business ventures I'm working on. Nothing too exciting, I assure you."

Valeria raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. However, she chose not to pry further. She trusted Zayn, and she knew he would come to her when he needed to.

"Speaking of business," she began, shifting the topic slightly, "don't you think it's time you started utilizing the vast resources at your disposal? You're the heir to not only the Aetherium Consortium but also the Lux Solis fortune. Why not make a grand statement, prove to everyone that you're not just a boy playing businessman?"

Zayn chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, I'm using them, Aunt, believe me. But sometimes, the most effective moves are made subtly, under the radar."

Valeria's smile deepened. She recognized the spark of ambition in his eyes, the same fire that burned within her own. "Very well, Zayn," she conceded. "I trust you know what you're doing. But remember, if you ever need anything, anything at all, your Valeria is just a call away."

A wave of warmth washed over Zayn. Despite the complexities of their family history, he knew he could rely on his aunt's unwavering loyalty. He nodded, sincerity etched on his face.

"Thank you, Aunt. I truly appreciate it."

The conversation continued for a while longer, filled with lighthearted banter and playful jabs. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Valeria rose to leave.

With a lingering hug and a kiss on the forehead, Valeria bid Zayn farewell. "Get some rest, Zayn," she said, her voice softening. "The world will wait for you tomorrow."

Zayn watched her leave, a determined glint in his eyes. The world might wait, but he wouldn't. He had a vision for the future, a future he was determined to shape with his own hands. And his plans were just beginning to unfold.

A comfortable silence settled in the room after Valeria's departure. Zayn leaned back on the plush couch, a thoughtful frown creasing his brow. His mind drifted back to Sapphira, the talented young woman he'd recently recruited. Her raw potential was undeniable, and he was eager to see her skills blossom.

He recalled the initial meeting, the stark contrast between the grandeur of the Aetherium Manor and the dilapidated state of the apartment she called home. As an orphan, she had endured hardship most couldn't imagine. The decision to secure a new apartment for her had been an easy one. Not only was it a reward for her talent, but it was also a strategic investment in his future employee's well-being.

A satisfied smile played on his lips as he remembered her wide eyes filled with disbelief and overwhelming gratitude when she first saw the new place. It was a simple apartment, but a world away from the one she'd known. He'd provided her with an advance on her salary, enough to get her settled and prepared for the challenges ahead.

"A new company," he murmured to himself, his voice barely a whisper. The details of his plan, the one he'd kept hidden from his aunt, swirled in his mind. It was a bold move, a calculated gamble that could reshape the landscape of Astra City. And Sapphira, with her skills honed on the streets, would also be a valuable asset in his new venture.

He reached for his sleek holographic phone, the same model rarely seen outside the Aetherium family. With a tap, he accessed the secure communication channel he'd established with Sapphira.

"Sapphira," he began, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of anticipation. "I trust you've had some time to settle in? It's time we discussed your first official assignment."

The message sent, a spark of excitement coursed through him. The game was afoot, and with Sapphira by his side, he was confident of success.

The Second Voume: First Chapter.

HegemonDaocreators' thoughts