
Echoes of the Ascendant: Whispers of the Heart, Echoes of Duty

Is He the Heir of the Most Powerful Couple in the Universe? Or is he just a very wealthy man? Is he some sort of reincarnation? Or is he just a lucky villain with a system? Let's wait and see... As for the Romance, well, Let's see with the story. ----------------------------------- I first thought to write the first few chapters in a Urban setting and then change it to a more traditional and fantasy setting. But even I am not a fan of this trope. I know many novels which started off good but went downhill due to this. So, I thought of continuing this in a modern setting till the end. As for how I would do it, I still haven't thought about it. If you guys have any suggestions, do tell me. I'll gladly accept. ----------------------------------- ***This is still in the Development Phase. And I will gladly accept any of the advice or suggestions you have.

HegemonDao · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

Flickering Embers

(Note: Previously published as 'A Dance with the Shadows')

Tuesday, January 20th, 2060

Midtown, Astra City, Aethelgarde.

The sleek lines of the Lumina Zephyr Z-1 gleamed in the midday sun as Zayn pulled into the unassuming parking lot of the Serpent's Den. Nostalgia wasn't the reason for his visit. This seemingly innocuous restaurant was a front for the infamous Talon Consortium, a powerful mafia organization with a reputation as ruthless as it was efficient. Zayn needed a meeting with their leader, Norvus Talon, and fate, it seemed, had thrown him a curveball.

Stepping inside, the cool, dimly lit atmosphere instantly engulfed him. Patrons, a mix of businessmen and figures whose shadows seemed to cling to them, huddled around tables, their hushed conversations punctuated by the occasional clinking of glasses. A hostess, her face an unreadable mask, approached him.

"Mr. Aetherium," she acknowledged in a monotone, "Your table is ready."

Zayn ignored her, his gaze scanning the room. He saw no sign of Norvus Talon, but in the corner, a flicker of crimson caught his eye. Leandra. The woman he once loved, the woman with flowing raven hair that cascaded down her back, the woman who had ripped his heart out in college and the woman responsible for many events in the future. Anger, cold and sharp, washed over him. This wasn't supposed to happen. This meeting was a calculated gamble for an unlikely ally, not a chance encounter with his painful past.

He steeled himself, ignoring the pang of something bittersweet that accompanied seeing her again. "Where is Mr. Talon?" he asked the hostess, his voice clipped.

"He's expecting you in his private booth, sir," she replied, gesturing towards a secluded area in the back.

Leandra rose from her seat, her gaze locking with his for a fleeting moment. A flicker of something - regret, curiosity, or perhaps a plea for understanding - passed through her sapphire eyes. But before she could speak, Zayn turned away, his jaw clenched tight.

"This is a private discussion," he said curtly, addressing no one in particular. "There will be time for… pleasantries later."

He didn't wait for a reply, following the hostess towards the secluded booth. The encounter left him unsettled, but there was no time for sentimentality. The fate of his loved ones hung in the balance.

The dimly lit booth was shrouded in an air of mystery. A solitary figure sat across from an empty seat, his back to the entrance. As Zayn entered and closed the door behind him, the figure turned, revealing an imposing form. But this wasn't Norvus Talon as the whispers described him. This was someone else.

It was Corvus Falchion. Not the notorious mafia boss, but the father of Leandra, his former crush and ex-best friend. Yes, the ruthless leader of the Talon Consortium was none other than Corvus Falchion who controlled the Falchion Consortium as well. He would become the ruthless leader of the Talon Consortium as soon as he donned the Iron mask on his desk. He never showed his face to anyone except the Senior Aetheriums, the reason being Zayn's father, Reuben Aetherium, and Zayn's uncle, who was also Reuben's twin, were friends with him and that the Talon Consortium wasn't truly Corvus's; more than 40% of its shares were owned by the Aetheriums. But this was a secret Zayn shouldn't know about, although due to his knowledge on the future which he lived through the system, had revealed these secrets.

So, it seemed that Corvus revealed himself to either test Zayn or his intelligence network. He expected to see a horror-like expression on Zayn's face when he turned around just now. But to his surprise, Zayn didn't even flinch.

'It seems like he has access to a terrifying intelligence network than I thought,' Corvus thought.

Corvus, unlike the rumors that surrounded his alter ego, Norvus, had a surprisingly warm smile. His face, etched with the lines of a man who had seen his fair share of hardship, held a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Zayn Aetherium," he rumbled, his voice a gravelly caress. "A pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face as the Leader of the Talon Consortium rather than your best friend's dad. Though, I must admit, I wasn't expecting you to be so calm seeing your childhood friend's dad as the leader of a notorious mafia and also to see Leandra here as well, was she the one who told me about me?"

Though it is highly unlikely that his daughter would say anything about him, he didn't want to think that Zayn had access to his family's intelligence network when he is still only 19 years old.

Zayn took a seat across from him, his posture rigid. "Oh! That, Let's say that I have my shadows for the information and as for Leandra, it's purely a coincidence, Mr. Falchion. Now, down to business."

Zayn couldn't say that he knew of him due to him living in another timeline, could he? So, he chose this method to avoid any doubts.

Corvus chuckled, a deep sound that echoed in the booth, but it wasn't devoid of respect. He knew the weight the Aetherium name carried, and the consortium held a significant stake in the Talon's operations. Still, a healthy dose of skepticism laced his amusement.

"Straight to the point, I see, Mr. Aetherium," he rumbled, his voice a gravelly caress.

"I admire your efficiency. But before we delve into your proposition, allow me to address the elephant in the room, shall we?"

"Of course, Mr. Falchion," Zayn said, his voice calm despite the churning in his gut. "Leandra's presence here is purely coincidental. We haven't spoken in years, and this meeting has nothing to do with…umm... any personal matters."

Corvus studied him for a long moment, a hint of amusement lingering in his eyes. He knew Zayn didn't know of Leandra's presence here at the Serpent's Den. But Leandra being his daughter and the heir to his businesses, knew of Zayn's presence today. So, she got ready way ahead and waited here to talk and meet Zayn and solve some of their conflicts. But it seems it didn't go as planned.

'Sigh My dear daughter, I always told you not to take any rash decisions.'

While thinking of this, he looked at Zayn once again and he could faintly see through Zayn's stoicism, the turmoil simmering beneath the surface. But for now, he chose not to comment.

"Very well," Corvus finally said, leaning back in his chair. "Now, tell me, Zayn, what brings you to the Serpent's Den? What proposition do you have that warrants a meeting between the heir of the Aetherium Consortium and…" he paused, his voice dropping to a near whisper, "the shadow leader of the Talon Consortium?"

Zayn took a deep breath, pushing aside the unwelcome distraction of Leandra. He launched into his carefully prepared explanation, detailing the seemingly innocuous company, Xenonlt Luxuries. He spoke of their luxurious products, their enigmatic leadership, and the unsettling rumors swirling around their true purpose.

As he spoke, Corvus listened intently, his initial amusement and skepticism replaced by a furrowed brow. Zayn could see the gears turning in his mind, the weight of his words settling in. He pressed on, highlighting the unusual recruitment practices, the suspicious clientele, and the potential for this seemingly harmless company to disrupt the delicate balance of power in the city.

"The longer we wait, Mr. Falchion," Zayn concluded, his voice firm, "the deeper their roots will burrow. They'll exploit weaknesses, sow discord, and destabilize the very foundation of this city. Surely, that's a future neither the Talon Consortium nor the Aetherium Consortium desires."

Corvus remained silent for a long moment, steepling his fingers and studying Zayn with a newfound intensity. The weight of Zayn's words hung heavy in the air. Zayn knew Corvus wouldn't take the threat lightly, not with the potential for chaos it presented. But there was also the risk, the underlying gamble Zayn was taking.

"A bold claim, Zayn," Corvus rumbled finally. "And a risky proposition. While I understand your concerns, disrupting the established order is not something we take lightly. Also, Don't you think Chaos is what we want to strengthen ourselves. After all, Talon Consortium is a mafia organization. We do not need to worry about the chaos and disorder of the Astra City or even in the whole Empire. And if the Talon Consortium is well alive, why should we worry about the Falchion Consortium."

Hearing this, Zayn smirked. He expected this and that's why he came here prepared. Using his knowledge on future, he was able to track a few individuals with the help of his efficient Shadows. And now is the time to use that information.

"Oh! Does Mr. Falchion think that he would be able to survive this catastrophe? Also, though we are family friends, I do have a bit of a personal vendetta against Leandra so what if, I mean What if I were to accidentally reveal that the righteous businessman, Corvus Falchion is actually the Boss of the Notorious Talon Consortium, Norvus Talon?"

Corvus raised an eyebrow, a hint of anger lingering in his eyes, "Boy! You better watch your mouth. Although you are the heir of the Aetheriums and have 40% ownership to the Talons, do you think I won't dare to touch you?"

Due to the anger, Corvus's aura leaked, and a heavy pressure engulfed the room. But fortunately, he got hold of his bearings and quickly restrain his aura. After all, one who is sitting infront of him is not a simple person. But what made him puzzled is that Zayn didn't even flinch when his aura was leaked. His aura isn't something a mortal or a low-level cultivator or magician can endure. But for now, he didn't choose to question it. One reason being, Zayn isn't a normal person. He is the heir of the Empire's one of the most prominent families and another reason being that there are more pressing matters to attend right now.

*Clap* *Clap*

"Exactly that's why I dare to do that. You and the whole family will go to hell with this intel. And we can then take the whole Talon to our control. But I won't do that. Because as far as you want our help to maintain your 'hidden' identity. We too want your help in dealing some matters. And what's more we are 'Family' friends."

"Boy! You better not mess around. What do you want to accomplish with this? And what proof do you have that Xenonlt Luxuries is more than a flamboyant business venture? Why Should I even believe you now that you threatened me? I do not go well with the threats. You better give me a reasonable explanation or else not even Aetheriums can save you."

"Aetheriums can't save me? Ha Ha! I really don't know where your confidence comes from. Don't think we don't know about what you did for those people and the case regarding the few medical factories in Eda. We know, how you used our Family's name to escape from several of these cases. Fortunately, we have connections."

Zayn held his ground, his gaze unwavering. "There's no room for threats here, Mr. Falchion. For now, we'll forget about these previous deeds. Today, I came here proposing a partnership, not a hostile takeover. As for proof, I have something you might find… enlightening."

He reached into his pocket and retrieved his watchpad, a flicker of amusement playing on his lips. Corvus eyed the device warily, the tension in the booth thick enough to cut with a knife.

"What is this?" Corvus rumbled, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Take a look," Zayn said, placing the watch-pad on the table and pressing a button.

A video flickered to life on the screen, and Corvus's posture stiffened. The grainy footage showed a dimly lit room, two figures hunched over a table, their voices murmuring in hushed tones. As Corvus watched, his face grew thunderous. The figures were unmistakably high-ranking officials from both the Talon and Falchion Consortiums, and the information they were exchanging was highly sensitive – trade secrets, smuggling routes, classified intel.

Corvus slammed his fist on the table, the sound echoing through the booth. "What is the meaning of this?!" he roared, his voice laced with a dangerous fury.

Zayn remained calm. "This, Mr. Falchion, is just a glimpse into the web Xenonlt Luxuries has spun. They've infiltrated your organization, planted spies, and are gathering intel that could be used to destabilize your entire operation. And the Falchion Consortium isn't far behind."

Corvus glared at the screen, his jaw clenched tight. The betrayal evident in the video stung him deeply. His meticulously crafted network, breached by a seemingly insignificant company. The implications were staggering.

"How… how did you acquire this?" Corvus growled, his voice strained.

"Let's just say my resources are… extensive," Zayn replied mysteriously. He couldn't reveal his secrets, ever.

Corvus studied him intently, a flicker of something akin to respect flickering in his eyes. This young man, barely out of his twenties, possessed a shrewdness and resourcefulness that belied his age. He was a worthy adversary, and perhaps, an unlikely ally.

A long silence descended upon the booth, broken only by the ragged breaths of the two men. The air crackled with tension, the weight of the situation hanging heavy between them. Corvus stared at the screen, his face a mask of conflicting emotions – anger, betrayal, and a flicker of fear. This evidence was undeniable, a window into the treacherous dealings that had infiltrated his own organization.

Zayn maintained his composure, watching Corvus grapple with the revelation. He knew this was a turning point, a moment that could either solidify their alliance or shatter any hope of cooperation.

Finally, Corvus slammed the watchpad shut, the sound echoing through the booth. "Very well, Zayn," he conceded, his voice gruff but laced with a grudging acceptance. "You've made your point. It seems that we have a common enemy in Xenonlt Luxuries. But before we discuss any partnership, tell me, what is your plan? How do you propose we counter this threat?"

Over the next hour, a tense negotiation unfolded. Zayn presented his findings, highlighting the inconsistencies and oddities surrounding Xenonlt Luxuries. Corvus, ever the pragmatist, countered with his own concerns, the potential risks of a full-blown confrontation.

Yet, as their conversation progressed, a grudging respect began to form between them. Zayn saw a man burdened by the weight of leadership, a man who understood the importance of maintaining order, even if it meant playing a dangerous game in the shadows. Corvus, in turn, saw a young man burdened by a heavy responsibility, someone with a sharp mind and unwavering resolve. The initial animosity began to melt away, replaced by a shared purpose.

"Zayn, have you not talked with your parents regarding this? Why haven't they come to talk to me about such an important thing. Do they perhaps not consider the potential threat here?" Corvus rumbled, his voice laced with concern.

Zayn shook his head, a flicker of something dark crossing his features. "There's a reason I haven't told them about this, Uncle Corvus. And perhaps I would need your help in the near future when I am finally enacting the plan I have devised."

"Ah! What is it, Zayn? What's more important that you haven't talked about such an important thing with your parents? Wait! Does that mean you accessed all these information from your own private intelligence network? How is it possible that your intelligence network is stronger than one of the Empire's most advanced intelligence?" Corvus's curiosity was piqued.

Zayn couldn't reveal the extent of his abilities, not entirely. "No, I used our shadows to check these. But there is still some external help involved," he said vaguely.

"OK then. But care to elaborate why this much secrecy here?" Corvus pressed.

Zayn sighed. "Just one word. It's related to Tempestas."

The name hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the generations-old animosity between the Aetherium and Tempestas families. Corvus's brow furrowed as he studied Zayn intently.

"Are you hinting at a potential conflict with the Tempestas family, Zayn?" Corvus rumbled, his voice low.

Zayn hesitated for a beat, then nodded slowly. "It's a possibility I can't ignore, Mr. Falchion. The rise of a new power like Xenonlt Luxuries could disrupt the delicate balance, and the Tempestas family…well, let's just say they have a history of exploiting such disruptions for their own gain."

A tense silence descended upon the booth. The unspoken truth hung between them – the generations-old animosity between the Aetherium and Tempestas families, a rivalry that had once threatened to tear the very empire apart. Corvus, as the leader of the Falchion and Talon Consortiums, very well understood the weight these words carried.

"Then I would keep my mouth shut regarding this," Corvus said finally, his voice gruff but laced with a hint of understanding. "But I hope you have a plan to counterattack against Tempestas. After all, they know you the best. Aetheriums and Tempestas were once a one family after all."

Hearing this, a flicker of a dangerous glint crossed Zayn's eyes, a glimpse of the cold determination that simmered beneath his calm exterior. "Yes, I do have a plan, Uncle Corvus," he said, his voice laced with a steely resolve, "and it's a plan that will surely affect everyone a lot. Let's see how things unfold with time."

With that, he rose from his seat and extended a hand to Corvus in a gesture of newfound camaraderie. "Happy Cooperation, then."

A reluctant smile tugged at the corner of Corvus's lips as he grasped Zayn's hand in a firm handshake. An unlikely alliance had been forged, born out of necessity and a shared threat.

Zayn exited the booth, the weight of the meeting settling on his shoulders. He had accomplished what he came to do, but a nagging unease gnawed at him. The revelation of the Tempestas' potential involvement added a new layer of complexity to the situation.

As he made his way towards the exit, he caught a glimpse of Leandra standing near the entrance, her back to him. Her long, raven hair cascaded down her back, catching the dim light in a way that stirred a forgotten ache within him. Memories, both sweet and bitter, flooded his mind.

He paused for a moment, a tempest brewing within him. The sight of Leandra, her back turned, ignited a spark of longing – a flicker of the warmth they once shared. Memories, both cherished and painful, flooded his mind. He yearned to reach out, to bridge the chasm that had grown between them over the years.

But a tide of anger and resentment threatened to drown the embers of affection. The memory of her past rejections, the sting of her indifference, still lingered. Now, the weight of his premonition – a glimpse of her potential betrayal leading to Cyra's demise – pressed down on him with a crushing force.

The responsibility of protecting his family, the looming threat of Darius, and the fragile alliance he'd just forged with Corvus and finally the upcoming confrontation with the Tempestas all demanded his focus. With a heavy sigh, a conflicted mixture of longing and loathing twisting his gut, Zayn turned away. The decision left a bitter taste in his mouth, a cocktail of unresolved emotions that threatened to consume him.

Leandra, her back still turned, felt a tremor run through her as Zayn paused. A sliver of hope pierced through the despair that had threatened to drown her. Could it be, after all this time, there was a chance for reconciliation?

But as the hope blossomed, it was quickly choked by the chilling weight of her own premonition. The image of Cyra, Zayn's beloved sister, flashed in her mind, a searing vision, a glimpse of her own hand, stained crimson with a betrayal she couldn't even comprehend. The guilt was a suffocating weight, a secret she couldn't bear to voice, not yet.

Leandra remained rooted to the spot, her heart a frantic drum against her ribs. As Zayn's retreating form disappeared into the night, a single tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down her cheek.

'Zayn,' she whispered to the empty street, her voice laced with a multitude of emotions – regret, despair, and a flicker of hope. 'Please forgive me... for everything.' The words hung heavy in the air, a desperate plea for a future she wasn't sure she deserved. The burden of her secret knowledge, a future she couldn't control, and the potential for a devastating betrayal threatened to consume her.

With a heavy heart, Leandra turned and walked away, her silhouette swallowed by the shadows. The weight of her past and the burden of her premonition hung heavy on her. The road ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, and the choices she made would not only affect her own destiny but also the fate of those she held dear.

The city lights shimmered, oblivious to the turmoil brewing beneath its surface. The future remained unwritten, a battleground where love, loyalty, and betrayal would clash in a fight for survival.

The road ahead was uncertain, shrouded in the shadows of their past and the looming threat of a new enemy. Yet, a flicker of hope remained, a fragile ember that only time would tell if it could be fanned back into a flame."

Note: This is the last edited version of the chapter. Only thing now remains is to make the dialogues italic and some words bold. *Sigh* I have written over 3600 words. It is not easy, people. So, i want all your suggestions in improving the story. 

Up next: confrontations, betrayals, love, and epic cultivation battles! See you in the next chapter!

HegemonDaocreators' thoughts