
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


God - What did I tell you three?

At that time the three saints were standing with their heads down.

God - answer...

St. Alfric - Forgive us, O Father. We got angry and argued with Asmodeus.

God- Hmm, life is not always learned from our mistakes. Lessons can also be learned from the mistakes of others. It was because of this anger that I had expelled Asmodeus. It would be better if you three do not repeat this mistake.

Three saints together - Oh God, we will remember. After saying these words, all three bowed their heads and started leaving slowly.

God- Wait, if you are apprehensive and have a question then you should ask.

St. Cecilia - God nothing is hidden from you. We just want to know why even three of us together will not be able to withstand even one spell of Asmodeus. We are just messengers and Asmodeus is a devil. Then how is he so powerful?

God - The answer to this is very clear, Cecilia...all three of you are made of my energy. Claudius is also a form of my energy. Light") It is also called a warrior of God...It was created by me along with Asmodeus.But Claudius was subordinate to Asmodeus along with other Angels.Because I created Claudius to help Asmodeus.Yet Its power was more than the three messengers of God.

Asmodeus is part of me. I can only took it out Light from him did not take away his strength. Because he is a part of me. i cannot destroy his power or act on it. And now he is also the master of dark powers. There is no limit to his power. That is why I told you to tell Asmodeus only what I sent you for..

St. Sebastian - Forgive us Lord, this will never happen again...saying this all three disappeared...

(Friends, God will not come forward now. All the things will be done on his behalf by three messengers or Claudius. Unless it is very necessary, God will not come later...) Back to the story...

On the other hand, the four devils had come to know that their illusion had been removed, but they did not know how it was removed or who removed it... All three gathered in the same cave of Sekrila forest...

Abbadon- My illusion has been broken. Are the illusion of all of you still intact...!!!!

All three together – no. Because of speaking together, all three look at each other.

Abbadon-How can this happen?

???What power has been found that can break the illusion of all four of us together?

Abraxas- I too am not able to understand anything. What to do now???

Lilith- What should we do? We will find whoever has done this and punish him...

Valefor- No Lilith it is not that easy...

Whoever has done this cannot be ordinary. Just think, how powerful must be the one who broke the illusion of all four of us so easily... We should not be in a hurry.

Abbadon- Valefor is right. I think we should tell Lord Asmodeus everything....

Abraxas - But will this be right? I mean, God should not get angry already that we start going before him with such small things.

Cecilia: Yes this is also...

Abbadon: If he goes, he will probably just get angry, but if we starts taking decisions on our own without informing him, he will definitely be punished us.

Abraxas - No no. We go straight to the devil's king... (Abraxas remembered his old mistake...)

There is no need to go anywhere...

All of them turned into statue with the voice of Asmodeus...

Asmodeus's voice - It is not necessary to come to me. And you are forgetting everything, you cannot hide anything from Asmodeus... And as for your illusion, I am the one who broke it... All of them are surprised again.

ASMODEUS - There is no need to be more shocked. Now you will continue as it was going on before... and with this, ASMODEUS's voice stopped coming...

Now all three had many questions in their mind, but no one had the courage to ask Asmodeus...

All three disappeared into their respective places without saying anything….

On other Side of Earth..

In no time, 10 months passed. The work of the bridge was also about to be completed. Just some final tests and then the inauguration... In 10 months, everything else was normal except one thing. That was the growth of our hero. In just 10 months, Vicky had started walking, talking, and even reading books to start nursery. Now with this miracle, raj and Mona were remembering the words of Saint Vishakh which he had told to his child naming ceremony….

First, the day came when the bridge was ready, it was inaugurated and now Jayaraj's work was also over. Jayaraj had received 2 new project offers. Which was also very big but something else was going on in his mind. Mona was also not unaware of this. She also asked raj but raj stopped talking by saying that he will tell her later…

Next day raj was sitting in the lawn reading newspapers. Mona was sitting with him. Vicky(pet name) was running in the lawn and behind him were of all the servants…then a security man of Gate came to them and told something Jairaj and Meenu were shocked to hear this and were also happy. It was Because Saint Vishakh arrived at their doorstep Both of them themselves went outside to welcome him.

Saint Vishakh was standing there at the gate.

raj-Teacher please forgive us. You had to stand here for so long....

Saint Vishakh - No problem children. There is no such thing as asking for a forgiveness. And today you are calling me teacher. Last time you had said Saint, right?

Mona- Teacher, It was a different thing then. Then we considered you just an ordinary saint. But now we know that

You can't be ordinary. The way you told us about our family, named our child and told us about his future, only a divine soul or a great man could have done that. Please forgive us for misunderstanding you earlier.

Saint Vishakh- I had said earlier also that there is nothing like asking for forgiveness. As for me being a great man, I am just an ordinary man doing what he is told to do.

Mona- what is the meaning of this teacher!!!!! Who has said what...!!!!

Saint Vishakh- You will know everything when the time comes, daughter.

raj- Hey Mona, will you do the whole thing here or will you let Teacher come inside also. Teacher, please come inside and bless our house.

Saint Vishakh - why not son! Then Saint Vishakh, raj and Mona went inside. Coming inside, Saint Vishakh saw that Vijay was playing there. He was running here and there with small steps and all the servants were running behind him. Seeing this, Saint Vishakh smiled and moved towards him. Then Saint Vishakh lifted him from ground. As soon as he llifted Vijay, Saint Vishakh felt as if the energy of the entire universe had come into his body. Vijay also came to Saint Vishakh and started playing with his beard, which Mona saw raj and Saint Vishakh also started smiling.

Saint Vishakh-What is your name son?

Vijay- My name is Vijay..

Saint Vishakh- Oh wow, you speak very well and clearly. Where did you learn it???

Vijay- I!!!!! Aaaahhn, who knows. It came on its own.

Saint Vishakh - By itself, this is even better... Saint Vishakh was talking to Vijay, but at the same time he was also chanting some spells in his mind, due to which an ideal light came out from his hand and went into Vijay. Now to know what this light was, let's go into a small flashback.

One day ago... Saint Vishakh was sitting in meditation when suddenly Saint Sebastian appeared before him. But this did not make any difference to Saint Vishakh's attention. He was engrossed in his meditation. After leaving raj's house, Saint Vishakh had gone to meditate in the middle of a dense forest. Till now he had not returned from his meditative state. Ever since he was cursed, he had not sat in meditation but now His mind was very happy. Why could it be that he was freed from the curse after so many ages. He had got his powers back. All five of his Kundalini had been awakened. At this time Saint Sebastian was standing in front of him and smiling. Baba Visakha's happiness was not hidden from Saint Sebastian.

Saint Sebastian-Saint Vishak Open your eyes.

The voice of Saint Sebastian not only reached Saint Vishakh's ears but also his heart. Saint Vishakh immediately opened his eyes. Seeing the messenger of the god in front of him, Saint Vishakh sat on his knees…

Saint Vishakh- Today I was blessed that Saint Sebastian himself appeared to me.

St. Sebastian- This is very rude of you, Saint Vishakh that you are saying this. I have got the place where I am today by luck, but whatever you have achieved is because of your hard work and story tap.

Saint Vishakh- No Lord, don't say that. I am an insignificant, sinful human being, and not worth as much as the dust at your feet. Just meeting you will make any life blessed.

St. Sebastian- There is only one God, Saint Vishakh. We all are just devotees who follow his orders. Well, I came here to tell you something...

Saint Vishakh- Yes Saint please Say...

St. Sebastian- You must be aware that a few months ago there was an attack on raj in which an attempt was made to harm Vijay also.

Saint Vishakh- Yes Saint, at that very moment I had put a red shield in front of Vijay. When he went near him first time, Saint Vishakh had made a security circle in front of Vijay.

St. Sebastian- We know this. But we have come here so that it never happens in the future.

Saint Vishakh- Saint. My eyes are on Vijay all the time. I won't let anything happen to him until he gets his powers.

St. Sebastian- I know that you are able to save Vijay. But this is Kalyug Saint Vishakh. Many such forces have arisen which can harm Vijay. Even though you have safely hidden Vijay's powers. But still his looks and charm will be more impressive than humans. There will be a attraction in him, which will increase the number of his friends or enemies. Some such elusive creatures have entered among the humans where they have received the energy of black magic from Asmodeus. In Kaliyuga, white light energy does not come out from inside any human being, but Vikram is a part of God himself, this energy is present in his entire body and even in his blood. He will not be able to keep quiet from those illusive creatures and they will definitely try to harm him. It is possible that when those illusive creatures attack Vijay and you save him, they will not be able to do anything to him, but the short of the safety net that is you, they will come to know about it and they will definitely tell ASMODEUS. ASMODEUS has promised not to hurt Vijay but he will not leave you. And we don't want this...

Saint Vishakh- So what is your order for me Saint.

St. Sebastian- Sarvas Suraksha Prajotanam...

You can recite this spell by taking Vijay in your embrace. This will not only act as a protective shield around Vijay's body but the physical strength of child Vijay will also increase significantly. This is necessary until he gets all his powers.

Saint Vishakh- But Saint small quarrels and fights are common, especially among boys. So would it be right to expose Vijay's powers among the people in such a situation? In such a situation, Vijay will become everyone's attention, especially the evil powers.

St. Sebastian- You rest assured Saint Visakh

The protective shield that will fit into Vijay's body will work only when there is a life-threatening attack. For the rest of the time he will remain inside Vijay. And as for physical strength, it is important for Vijay to have it...

Saint Vishakh- Whatever your order Saint...

St. Sebastian- Well done...

And then Saint Sebastian disappeared...

Back to present:-

Saint Vishakh- May you be victorious son... Okay, go play.

Vijay got down from Saint Vishakh's embrace and started running here and there.

raj- teacher, should we go inside?

Saint- It is not necessary, son. I just wanted to meet Vijay, which I did. Now allow me to leave.

Mona- But teacher, you had said that you will come when there is any crisis. Please tell me what crisis is coming...!!!

Saint Vishakh- Crisis is not going to come, but there is no need to worry now.

Mona was about to say something but before she could, Saint Vishakh said, "I know how many questions would be there in both of your minds, put an end to all those questions. When the right time comes, you will get all the answers automatically..."

Raj. As you see fit, Teacher. But at least come inside, if only for a while. Give us an opportunity to serve you.

Saint Vishakh - That opportunity will definitely come, son, but now I have to go. Yes, but I want to take some promises from both of you.

Both - What promise Teacher!!!!

Saint Vishakh- This will be known only when the right time comes. But you have to promise that you will give me whatever I ask for.

Both- We promise teacher. We know whatever you ask from us will be something good.

Saint Vishakh- Very good. Both of you have very pure thoughts and hearts.

On the other hand, Asmodeus was sitting in his court thinking something.

ASMODEUS - (in his thought)...I promised God that I would not reveal that child's power to light, nor would I do him any harm, but it would be foolish to face him without knowing how powerful his power really is. After all, God must have created that power in him by thinking something. But what can i do now!!! Some way will have to be found. ASMODEUS closed his eyes and awakened his space powers, began searching for something and soon found one. A smile appeared on the face of ASMODEUS...then he suddenly disappeared from his palace and went straight to "The World of Warriors" which is also known as The World of Power Dynamics...but what is this world? It was looking absolutely scary. Where people were being killed by devils. Many houses were on fire. There were half-burnt corpses lying on the roads, with devils standing near them. Perhaps the devils had just eaten the dead. The atmosphere was very terrible. People were crying. It had no effect on those devils. Same was the condition of the whole world. But what is this, in such a bad environment which can be called no less than hell, there were big banners hung at intervals without any support. This was not strange, what was written on the banner was strange.

.... "Asmodeus Realm"...

(Why has Asmodeus come here, and why is it written on every banner Asmodeus Realm

How has Asmodeus turned out to take on God ) Stay tuned to find..

To be Continued..

Friends, the plot of the story ends from here. I have given as much detail as I wanted... Now the story will pick up pace... So fasten your seat belts and let's move to the first Arc of our story which is named... .


Slayer_21creators' thoughts