
Echoes of Guidance

In a world where darkness and redemption collide, Liam, once a fearsome Demon King, is given a second chance at life by a powerful deity. Reborn as the noble professor Allen Raphaelis, he must now perform acts of good, despite his villainous nature. Liam hides his immense power while guiding a new generation of heroes to protect the world he promised to protect. Struggling between his dark desires and the path of redemption, he finds himself in the body of a minor villain destined to die. Hoping his death will set the plot in motion, returning him to the place he belongs, he expects his son, Adrian, to rise as a hero savior. However, Adrian insists on keeping him safe, saying, "Father, those weak monsters are not worthy of your time. Leave it to me." Meanwhile, his daughter Isabella fiercely protects him from others, declaring, "Daddy! Stay away from that foxy bastard!" Despite his wish to escape fate, Liam resolves all necessary problems, misunderstood as a dark hero burdened with eliminating evil. His seemingly cruel demeanor hides a deep compassion, drawing readers into his inner turmoil as he reluctantly mentors a class of troubled children.

Lytrishean · Fantaisie
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14 Chs


Spring is such a pleasant season. Especially when they are spent with the person who you love. Two lovebirds are spending both of their time talking and looking at the starry night sky. Liam Ascante and his fiancée, Triane Velathor are hugging each other seeking comfort. Both of them are laughing and smiling at each other.

A man with green hair and grey eyes is snickering and talking with both of them. It is such a beautiful sight. Franz Illya is the second-born child of Illya Marquisette. He was born with an animal-like instinct that allows him to have high agility and precision when fulfilling his quest. His ability as an assassin truly shines in their party.

"We are in the middle of the war and the only thing that concerns both of you is how to make babies?" A blunt voice comes behind them. The chosen Hero, Heion Cardine. A boy with red-blazing hair and black eyes. The Holy Sword wielder is the eldest son of Count Cardine. Despite being of a lower rank, the fact he had been chosen as the Holy sword wielder will raise his status. His body was filled with sweat. The couple flushed hard.

"You are too direct. You should ask them if they are planning to have descendants instead Hei." A silver-haired man wearing a pair of glasses just looked at the sword master with an unpleasant look. Callisto Xena is the youngest son of the prime minister. With his talent in tactics and strategy, he took the position of team strategist.

"Our next target should be the knight of vengeance. He might just be a knight but somehow he still manages to capture Marquis Claze in a mere thirty minutes. It means that the knight is strong. They are about one hundred and twenty-two goblins, eighty-two orcs, fifty-five dark elves, thirty vampires, and approximately seven high-ranking demons as his retainer."

"Two of the dark elves were from the high rank, twelve of the vampires are A-level vampires while three of them are pureblood."

"Our strategy focused on killing all the beings in the castle. For that reason, the spell that will be cast consists of 'Heavenly Flare' and 'Holy Blessing'. Using the Holy blessing we will stunt the enemy for approximately fifteen minutes. Heavenly flare will be used to take the enemy simultaneously. Finally, by using 'Monarch aura' we will head back and deal with the knight. As long as he is not the demon king, His Highness should be able to restrain the demons."

"Franz and Heion. Both of you will fight as a vanguard to buy some time for the priest and magician to recover their stamina."

Liam nodded and looked towards Callisto. "Is it really necessary to kill them all? I mean some of them might surrender."

"Demons are evil beings that tarnish this continent, Your Highness. All of them need to be eradicated." Callisto's words stunned him. Callisto was wrong. He saw it, the demons pleading for their safety. The demons have their own family as well. Killing is not something to be proud of. It's not a great achievement but for some reason, as they stand on the path of justice, they are correct.

"It's as God's will." Katherine, the second-rank priest with green hair and blue eyes is clasping her hand together and silently prays. Liam never understands the word 'necessary evil'. A caress on his cheeks took him back to the world of reality.

Triane is looking worriedly at him. The smell of burning firewood stuck in his nose. Elden thought to himself. There is no need for him to think about someone else considering he too has his reason to be in the frontline party.

Liam once again steeled his heart and hugged the woman who he deeply loved. He only has one chance. The cold gaze of his father, The Emperor, and the icy glare of the Empress. To regain back what he lost. He will fight for the very end.

Triane smiled and hugged him softly and she whispered sweetly. "We will fight by your side no matter what, my love."

So why?

Why? Why!

For what reason?

The staff that was embedded in his chest? What is the reason for that evil cruel smile that was cast upon her face? The woman that he loves dearly, the man who promised to walk to hell's path with him, the people who swore to walk together with him.

Why? Why it was he who is bleeding and losing breath with the enemy in front of him?

The sight of the burning and falling debris next to the violet-haired dark knight caught his attention. His empty socket eyes widen in shock. Why? His enemy seemed stunned.

Liam falls to the wall with a bleeding chest. The knight of vengeance is looking at them with a mocking smile gleefully. He never expected someone might join him in the afterlife. The knight laments. It is still wrong. The child needs to survive. With a slow breath, he looks toward the lonely man with a sad smile. "Are you shocked? You don't have to."


Liam still looking at the closing door holding his engagement ring with despair. The knight's voice caught his attention. "What did I do wrong? Tell me. Is it because I am a bastard child? A black sheep of the royal family? A useless and worthless human? Answer me! What did I do wrong?"

The knight is still looking at him with a sad pair of eyes. "You did nothing wrong. It's just the nature of humans. Their greed goes beyond the demons, you know? Human greed is endless. To get something they wished for, they extorted it from someone else. At least for us demons, we devour our enemy and kill them to get stronger."

Liam keeps his mouth shut. His heart froze.

"Your mother is a commoner huh? Yet you inherited the monarch aura. I can understand why they wanted to kill you so badly." A childish voice captured his attention. His sight is losing. His body can no longer feel any warmth. He wanted to retort the child's voice. He wants to tell him he is wrong. Only darkness awaits him.

"Give my core to him, Claude." The boy named Claude looks toward the fallen knight with a perplexed expression. Demon core is equivalent to mana stone. For humans and other beings, mana stone can amplify their power but for demons who were created from the world, mana stone is the same as their life force. What the person means might be to save a human child.

"Arkaine, I know the fact that you want to rest in peace but saving the brat will not be worth it. Even if he has a monarch aura, he is essentially useless." Claude walks towards the center of the hall.

It was filled with corpses and bodies. The chandelier that is hanging is still holding out. The marble floor is cracking and filled with flowing blood. Even if he is standing as the demon king who ruled over them, he just looks unfazed by the bloody and battered sight of his people.

"That child has something, Claude. Something that I cannot see. Those bright emerald eyes look just like her eyes. I don't know if it's possible. But if he inherited his mother's blood properly, he would make a fine general. I know, she will be glad too. The foolish woman thought that we were evil creatures. She runs and finds solace with a cunning human that takes away her will to live."

Both Claude and Arkaine know who the woman they are talking about is. Her long black glimmering hair resembled black obsidian and her bright deep emerald green eyes. "She betrayed your feelings, don't you resent her?"

Arkaine smiled gently. "I love her."

Claude clenched his fist tightly and took a deep breath. "I shall fulfill your wish, goodbye. Rest in Peace, my knight."

Even till the last moment, the smile on his face never changes. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Claude reaches to Arkaine's chest and plunges his right hand, grabbing a mana stone coated with blue flames. Most of the natural demons and dark beings come from dark mana but Arkaine is different.

Arkaine existed the moment the world created him, The Great Demon King. Just like that woman. Now both of them are no longer by his side. They leave a child to his hand. A child who killed people who connected their souls to his.

Arkaine's body turns into ashes right in front of him. Walking silently towards a body that dying slowly he pushed the demon core into Liam's heart. A child who has nothing now has everything he lost.

The blood of his aide and the heart of his knight. Claude sat by the body and looked at the child. 'Child'. He might look like a 12-year-old boy but Claude is aware of the fact that he was much older than the 'child.' Liam lost his companions, his people, and the woman he loved.

He might end up like Arkaine. This child might forgive the woman who stabs him. That's why he swore to protect the child this time. He will teach him the true nature of evil in human society. To destroy the world, to fight against the God who abandon them.

Claude thought that this time he might have someone. Someone who he can call a family. Both of them, who lost everything can only find solace in each other. Yeah, revenge. He will teach this child about the true 'evil' that his mother gave her life for. He will tell the child the story of the vengeance of a man who gave everything to protect his heart. Claude will let the child write a new ending for their tragic story that ends up a tragedy.

He must not repeat their mistakes. Liam Ascante will be the Apostle of the End.

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