
Chapter # 8

This visitor conveyed an urgent message: their presence was desperately needed back in that realm, where a grave danger loomed over everyone. Although this request was bewildering, your parents found themselves with no other option but to heed the call. They left you in the safety of your home and ventured back into that world.

Upon their arrival, they encountered Master Z, who appeared bewildered by their inquiries about the dire situation. The confusion deepened when they recounted their past actions. In response, Master Z urged them to depart immediately. They complied, but upon reaching the tunnel leading back home, they found themselves unable to open the door. Faced with this obstacle, they returned to Master Z, who was profoundly alarmed.

Master Z summoned a globe reader to discern the truth of the matter. It was then revealed that you, their beloved daughter, were in imminent danger. The malicious wizard had obstructed access to their world, and the person who had approached your parents was a minion of his. This had all been a cunning trap to separate your parents from you, leaving you vulnerable and allowing the wizard to transport you to his realm through a concealed portal."

Me: "What happened next?"

Grandma: "Well, as I was saying, your parents possessed incredible powers. They swiftly located the place where the wizard was attempting to create the portal. Engaging the minions in a fierce battle, they aimed to thwart his plans. However, amid the chaos, a minion inadvertently struck the wizard, causing him to drop his spellbook and mispronounce the incantation.

This unexpected turn of events transformed the portal into a menacing black hole, drawing everything towards its ominous depths. Panic gripped those present as the black hole grew in size, threatening to consume everything in its path.

Facing this dire predicament, your mother's tears welled up, prompting your father to inquire about her distress. She explained that there was a way to close the black hole, but it might require a sacrifice—perhaps even their own lives. Your father was stunned by the gravity of the situation, but their thoughts turned immediately to you, their beloved child.

Summoning their combined powers, they directed a concentrated assault on the malevolent void. The black hole trembled as it absorbed their energy, growing larger and more voracious. Undeterred, they persisted until the black hole finally burst and vanished from existence.

Exhausted and drained of their energy, your parents collapsed to the ground, lifeless. It was then that Master Z arrived at the scene, surveying the aftermath. He rushed to their side, and your parents, their faces adorned with contented smiles, assured him that they had succeeded. Tears welled up in their eyes as they made one final request: to watch over and care for their cherished daughter. With that, they peacefully closed their eyes, departing this world forever."

My tears flowed uncontrollably.

Me: "S-so, they died because of me..."

Grandma: "No, sweetheart, don't say that."

Me: "It's the truth! I was the reason for their d-death."

Unable to contain my grief, I fled the house, seeking solace in my secret refuge. There, my tears flowed freely.

Me: "I miss you, Mom and Dad. I'm sorry your lives ended because of me. I brought nothing but misery."

??: "Heyyy... don't say that." :\

Startled, I turned to find Ethan standing there.

He handed me a tissue, offering silent support as I wiped my tears.

Me: "What are you doing here?"

Ethan: "Don't you remember? I can't return until you do."

Me: "oh... I'm sorry. I bring misfortune to everyone."

Ethan: "No, Katie. You're not. Please don't say such things. Tell me, why were you crying?"

Me: "My grandmother just revealed everything about my parents. I was the reason for their sacrifice."

Ethan: "No Katie. It wasn't your fault. It was their decision. Don't blame yourself. Look they could have just left that world and lived happily with you. But no they saved that whole world. They abandoned their happiness just to save many lives. Just like you. You could have just left me there that day. But no you put your life in danger to save mine. So don't say that you are bad luck. Just because of you they saved a whole world. Be proud of your parents." :)

Me: "Thank you." I managed a weak smile.

Ethan: "You're always welcome."

Me: 'I'll be heading home now. It's getting late.'

Ethan: "Yeah. Goodbye."

Me: "Goodbye."

I returned home to find my grandmother waiting anxiously.

Grandma: "Where did you go? Are you alright? I was worried sick."

Me: "I'm sorry, Grandma. I won't do it again."

Grandma: "Have you calmed down?"

Me: "Yes."

Grandma: "What do you plan to do now? You know about your powers. Are you going to Master Z?"

Me: "I still don't know, Grandma. I'm scared. I don't think I can do it."