
Chapter # 7

Meanwhile, your mother strolled along the dimly lit streets, blissfully unaware of the impending danger. Suddenly, she found herself surrounded by a group of 10 to 20 individuals. Before she could comprehend the situation, she was forcibly pushed to the ground, her hands and feet restrained, and her mouth covered. Just as your father arrived at the scene, your mother was stunned to see him. Consumed by rage, he engaged the assailants in a fierce confrontation. Desperate to communicate her plea to cease the violence, your mother mumbled through the cloth covering her mouth, but her words fell on deaf ears.

During the altercation, one of the attackers produced a firearm and fired upon your father. He crumpled to the ground, yet astonishingly, he struggled to rise and continue the battle. However, he was struck once more, rendering him incapacitated. Your mother could scarcely believe the horrifying turn of events, tears flowing uncontrollably.

Summoning every ounce of strength, she managed to free herself from her restraints. With vengeance burning in her eyes, she raised her hand, and in a swift motion, the assailants were propelled into the air, swirling in a dizzying vortex before being hurled to a considerable distance.

She then rushed to your father's side. He remained unconscious but breathed faintly, his condition perilous. Realizing the dire circumstances, she berated herself, her voice laden with self-blame. In a sudden epiphany, she recalled something crucial. She wiped away her tears with a determined resolve and looked at your father with a faint, determined smile, promising to rescue him.

With unwavering determination, she transported him to her extraordinary realm. Despite the astonishment of onlookers, she remained undeterred, leading him to her father, the venerable Master Z."

Katie: "What?? He's mom's father?!!"

Grandma: "Indeed, your mother confided in Master Z, revealing everything that had transpired. He expressed gratitude and remorse simultaneously, inquiring why she had brought him to that realm. Her reply was resolute: she wanted him to share half of her powers with your father, a measure that could potentially save his life. Grandma: "When your father arrived at the scene, your mother was stunned to see him. Seeing her all tied up and surrounded by those inhumanly beings, he was in rage. Desperate to communicate her plea to cease the violence, your mother mumbled through the cloth covering her mouth, but her words fell on deaf ears.

During the altercation, one of the attackers produced a firearm and fired upon your father. He was struck once more, rendering him incapacitated. Your mother could scarcely believe the horrifying turn of events, tears flowing uncontrollably.

She then rushed to your father's side. He remained unconscious but breathed faintly, his condition perilous. Realizing the dire circumstances, she berated herself, her voice laden with self-blame. In a sudden epiphany, she recalled something crucial. She wiped away her tears with a determined resolve and looked at your father with a faint, determined smile, promising to rescue him.

With unwavering determination, she transported him to her extraordinary realm. Despite the astonishment of onlookers, she remained undeterred, leading him to her father, the venerable Master Z."

Katie: "What?? He's mom's father?!!"

Grandma: "Indeed, your mother confided in Master Z, revealing everything that had transpired. He expressed gratitude and remorse simultaneously, inquiring why she had brought him to that realm. Her reply was resolute: she wanted him to share half of her powers with your father, a measure that could potentially save his life. Her father's astonishment was palpable as he sought confirmation of her seriousness. Without hesitation, she affirmed her decision, and he, in turn, consented.

On that day, your father's life was salvaged through this extraordinary act. However, both of them embarked on a rigorous regimen of daily practice. Your father had to acquaint himself with these newfound powers, learning the delicate art of control. Meanwhile, your mother grappled with her newfound weakness, having relinquished half of her innate abilities. Over time, their dedication bore fruit, and they grew stronger together.

This daily practice soon became an integral part of their lives, and when a malevolent wizard threatened their world, their diligence paid off. Despite having only half their original powers, your mother and father emerged as the most formidable adversaries. Together, they vanquished the wicked wizard and all of his henchmen, restoring peace to their realm.

Subsequently, your parents celebrated their union in marriage, and eventually, you came into this world. Their joy was boundless, and life seemed perfect until an unexpected visitor arrived from their otherworldly home.

This visitor conveyed an urgent message: their presence was desperately needed back in that realm, where a grave danger loomed over everyone. Although this request was bewildering, your parents found themselves with no other option but to heed the call. They left you in the safety of your home and ventured back into that world.