
Chapter # 6

Chief Shen: "But, Master—"

Master Z: "You can go back if you wish. However, there's one condition."

Me: "What condition?"

Master Z: "Your grandmother never divulged anything about your parents, did she?"

Me: "How do you know that?"

Master Z smiled at me, his eyes filled with ancient wisdom.

Master Z: "Have you ever thought of why she never told you about your parents?"

Me: "I-i don't know. That's why I was asking you to tell me."

Master Z: "Ask her. She holds the answers you seek. Cause you might not believe when we'll tell you and it's fine cause we are strangers. But you'll believe it when your grandmother tells you about it. When you learn the truth, return. I'll be waiting for you. You can back go now."

Me: "Thank you," I murmured, and with Ethan by my side, I left the otherworldly palace.

Chief Shen: "Master are you sure that she'll come back?"

Master Z: "Yes. She will. I knew her reaction would be this. But it's not her fault. Helen never told her anything."

Chief Shen: "Helen?"

Master Z: "Her grandmother."

Returning to my world, Ethan stood ready to leave. He turned back and offered me some parting words.

Ethan: "I may not be in a position to advise, but always remember, you can achieve anything if you have faith in yourself. You are far from weak, Katie. I witnessed your bravery when you saved me."

Me: "I'm sorry."

Ethan: "There's no need to apologize. Take your time. Whenever you're ready, remember me, and I will be there for you." I managed a feeble smile, acknowledging his encouragement.

He departed, and I made my way home.

Me: "I'm home," I announced, slipping off my shoes.

Grandma: "Welcome back, dear. How was your day?"

Me: "I don't know... peculiar, maybe?"

Grandma: "What happened, sweetheart? You don't seem well."

Me: "Grandma... May I ask you something?"

Grandma: "Of course, dear."

Katie: "Were my parents—"

Grandma: "Oh, sweetie, I just remembered, I need to go to the grocery store. Let's discuss this—"

Me: "Later, right?"

Grandma: "I..."

Me: "You always say that. When will this 'later' ever come? Why don't you tell me anything?!"

Grandma: "It's nothing special, sweetheart. I'll explain later." She turned to leave, but I persisted.

Me: "I met Master Z today."

She froze, her eyes widening in shock.

Katie: "He told me that my parents were guardians, possessed extraordinary powers, and saved this world. I, too, have these powers, and now it's my responsibility to protect both our worlds. Is that true, Grandma?"

Grandma: "...Yes, it is," she admitted, her head bowed low.

Me: "Please tell me everything, Grandma."

Seating herself on the sofa, she signaled for me to join her.

Grandma: "Many years ago, people from that world could come here, but with a condition—they must not harm our world. Your mother was one of them.

Katie: That's why she had powers. But why did dad had them?

Grandma: "I'm telling, listen carefully. It all commenced when your parents were merely 18 years of age. Your mother and father were both students at the same college. Your mother possessed a remarkable disposition—gentle, kind-hearted, and remarkably intelligent. She harbored extraordinary powers, yet she kept them concealed, never employing them.

However, one fateful day, while embarking on a joint project with your father, they encountered a distressing incident. As they traversed the streets, they witnessed a child dashing across the road, while the mother was engrossed in her phone. The child was perilously close to being struck by an oncoming bus.

In that critical moment, with no alternative at her disposal, your mother reluctantly summoned her magical abilities to save the child's life. Your father, who was present, didn't respond with shock; instead, he was deeply impressed. After your mother's intervention, the child's grateful mother took him away, her entire focus now on her child. Subsequently, your mother nervously met your father's gaze. To her astonishment, he wore a warm smile and vowed to safeguard her secret, a pledge she gratefully accepted.

Upon completing their project, night had fallen. Your father insisted on escorting her home due to the late hour, but she declined, assuring him she could manage on her own. She left the premises, and some time later, I observed your father hastily departing as well. I inquired about the reason for his sudden departure, and he explained that your mother had inadvertently left her phone behind; he was on his way to return it.

Meanwhile, your mother strolled along the dimly lit streets, blissfully unaware of the impending danger. Suddenly, she found herself surrounded by a group of 10 to 20 individuals. Before she could comprehend the situation, she was forcibly pushed to the ground, her hands and feet restrained, and her mouth covered. Just as your father arrived at the scene, your mother was stunned to see him.