
Chapter # 5

He led me to a place, covered with dense vegetation. He stopped in front of what looked like a cave, hidden behind hanging branches and leaves. No one would guess there was something here. He moved some branches, and we entered the cave. It was pitch black inside. The dog said something, and a door appeared before us. He walked ahead, opened the door, and we stepped into the tunnel on the other side.

I was awe-struck as I stepped into the realm beyond the tunnel.

Dog: "Welcome to our world," he greeted, his eyes filled with warmth.

Everywhere I looked, enchantment met my gaze. It bore a striking resemblance to our world, yet here, magic thrived, and everything, from trees to inanimate objects, possessed the ability to converse. The sky, painted a vibrant shade of blue, was adorned with clouds tinged with a delicate hint of pink.

After a brief stroll, we settled into a vehicle-like contraption.

Me: "What is this?" I inquired, bewildered.

Dog: "This is our mode of transportation. It travels swiftly along the tubes," he explained.

Me: "Impressive."

He set the vehicle in motion, and the speed at which we glided was nothing short of astounding. Moments later, we halted before an extravagant palace.

Exiting the vehicle, I marveled at the grandeur of the palace.

Inside, we were met with courteous greetings from the inhabitants. In a chamber, an elderly man and another figure stood waiting.

??: "You've grown up," the old man remarked.

I turned to see him and another person, utterly baffled.

??: "Yes, my dear. I'm talking about you," he said, his eyes twinkling.

Dog: "Katie, meet Master Z and my father, Chief Shen."

Master Z: "Welcome, my daughter."

Me: "Forgive me for intruding, sir, but how do you know me?"

Master Z: "All will be revealed in due time. For now, let me tell you that I knew your parents."

Me: "My parents?" I gasped. "Do you, by any chance, know what happened to them? Why did they abandon me? Do you know—"

Chief Shen: "Calm down."

Me: "I-I'm sorry."

Master Z: "There's no need to apologize."

Chief Shen: "You must be exhausted. Ethan, escort her to the guest room."

Me: "Ethan?"

Chief Shen: "Goodness gracious, you never introduced yourself, did you? And how long do you plan on remaining in this canine form?" Chief Shen chided, addressing the dog.

Dog: "Oops, my bad," he said, closing his eyes and murmuring an incantation. In an instant, the dog transformed into a young boy with the same sapphire hair and captivating eyes. He cast me a mischievous smirk, which made me blush, prompting me to hastily avert my gaze.

Ethan: "Hello, my name is Ethan."

I shyly nodded.

Chief Shen: "Now, please escort her to the guest room."

Me: "No sir, I'm not tired. Please tell me why did you want to see me?''

Chief Shen: "Well, Katie, you possess powers."

Me: "What?!"

Master Z: "Indeed. Both our worlds are in peril. You are the only one who can protect us all."

I stared at him in utter disbelief.

Master Z: "Come and sit here." I went and sat infront of him. Chief Shen was beside him while Ethan stood behind. "Your parents were guardians. They had powers. They saved this world and defeated the evil. But the evil has risen again. And this time they are going to attack your world. You, because of your parents, also have powers. And now it's your turn to save everyone."

Me: "I still can't comprehend what you're saying. But one thing is clear: I am not capable of saving anyone."

Chief Shen: "And why do you think that?"

Me: "Firstly, I don't possess any powers. Secondly, I lack the courage to confront my own bullies. You're asking me to save not one but two worlds. If you are merely jesting, it's gone far enough."

Chief Shen: "We are not jesting. What we tell you is the truth. I understand this is overwhelming, but you need to grasp the gravity of the situation."

Me: "I'm sorry," I said, my head hanging low.

Chief Shen: "What—"

Me: "I sincerely apologize. But I can't do this. I cannot save anyone."

Chief Shen: "No, Katie. You possess the will and the spirit."

Me: "No, I don't. I'm just a bookish, timid girl, utterly lacking in strength."

Chief Shen: "You must believe in yourself."

Me: "I can't..."

Turning to Ethan, his expression seemed disappointed. I looked down and addressed him.

Me: "Please, just take me back to my world."

Master Z: "Take her back," he stated calmly.

Chief Shen: "But, Master—"

Master Z: "You can go back if you wish. However, there's one condition."

Me: "What condition?"

Master Z: "Your grandmother never divulged anything about your parents, did she?"

Me: "How do you know that?"