
Chapter # 52

Katie: "And they lived happily ever after." With a smile, she gently closed the book, titled "Echoes Enchanted."

"Wow! So cool!" The kids marvelled at the captivating tale.

"You witch, I'll end you now." two of them even re-enacted the final battle with spirited enthusiasm, much to Katie's amusement.

Katie: "Okay, sweethearts, it's time to head home. Your parents are here to pick you up."

"Okay, miss," they chorused in unison.

Among them, a little girl named Lily hesitated before mustering the courage to approach Katie.

Lily: "Miss?" she timidly called.

Katie: "Yeah?" Katie answered sweetly.

Lily: "Does magic really exist?" Laughter bubbled from the other kids, leaving Lily embarrassed.

Katie: "Kids, we shouldn't make fun of our friends."

"Sorry, miss," they apologized.

Gently taking Lily's hands, Katie pulled her aside, a conspiratorial smile on her face.

Katie: "Should I tell you a secret?" she whispered. Lily nodded eagerly. "Magic does exist."

Lily: "Really?" The little girl's eyes widened in astonishment.

Katie: "Yes. You just need to believe in yourself." She pointed at Lily's heart and then handed her the magical book. The little girl beamed, clutching the book with her tiny hands.

"Lily, let's go!" Her parents called for her.

Lily: "Thank you, miss. I'll get going." With a cheerful wave, she ran towards her waiting parents, excitement evident in every step.

As the children left, Katie picked up her bag, only to hear her name being called.

Ethan: "Katie!" He waved at her with a warm smile.

Katie: "Ethan? Why are you here?"

Ethan: "Why else? I'm here to pick you up. Let's go." His smile widened.

She chuckled at him.

Katie: "I'll drive today." She reached for the keys, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ethan: "Oh no, you won't. I don't want to die yet," he teased, shuddering at the mere thought of her driving.

Katie: "You little..." Laughing, she chased after him as he darted towards the car, their playful banter echoing in the air.


"Lily...Lily its time to sleep. Close your book and lie down." She said entering the room.

"Mom, 5 more minutes." She begged showing her lil puppy eyes.

She sighed not being able to bear her cuteness.

"What has got you so intrigued." She asked sitting beside her.

"Miss Katie gave me this book . Its about magic."

"Oh sweetie..you can read the remaining tomorrow."

"Okay mom." She closed the book, putting it on her side table.

"Good night." She kissed her forehead and turned off the lights before leaving the room.

'But that about the stick. What happened to it...was it destroyed or is it still there.' Her eyes slowly closed breaking the chain of her thoughts, and she drifted to sleep while still curious about the events occured in Katie's story.