
Chapter # 51 (End)

Ethan: "It hurts, you know? You keep avoiding me. Have I done something wrong?"

Katie: "No, it's not-"

Ethan: "I won't approach you if you don't like it, but at least tell me my fault." He was about to leave when Katie decided to reveal the truth.

Katie: "You did nothing wrong." Ethan halted. "It's just that I lack the courage to face you after all I've done to you. I don't deserve it, but please forgive me."

Ethan: "What are you saying?"

Katie: "I should've believed you, no matter what. Because of you, I saved everyone. You were the one who approached me, made me believe in myself, helped me in college, became my first friend, practiced with me daily, and made my every single wish come true. Yet, after all this, I chose to believe Mia. I didn't even listen to you properly. I'm ashamed. I can't forgive myself for causing you so much pain. I'll do anything for you to forgive me."

Ethan's voice carried a soft sincerity as he reassured Katie.

Ethan: "I didn't get stabbed for you to feel guilty. I promised to protect you, and I did. As for Mia, I don't blame you for anything, and I never did. It wasn't something anyone could easily believe. You were going through so much, so it's not your fault at all. Besides, I did act like a jerk, so it's quite acceptable. So for the hundredth time, I'm telling you to stop blaming yourself. You don't know how captivating you looked while fighting with the witch. Your parents must be overjoyed. You are simply amazing." Despite his encouraging words, Katie kept her gaze downward. "Well, getting stabbed might not be that bad after all."

Katie's voice, laced with curiosity, cut through the air.

Katie: "What are you saying?"

Ethan, with a playful smirk, leaned in.

Ethan: "I got to know about your feelings for me." Katie blushed at that revelation.

Katie: "I-I don't know what you're talking about." Stuttering, she looked away, and Ethan couldn't help but chuckle.

Ethan: "Are you sure? Well, I think I heard someone sobbing when I was unconscious." He teasingly approached her.

Katie: "I-I... What??! You were conscious at that time. How could you?" Stopping right in front of her, Ethan could see the vibrant blush on Katie's cheeks. In response to her embarrassment, she landed a playful punch on him.

Ethan: "Ouch. I still have that wound, you know."

Katie: "Oh my god, I'm really sorry." She stared at his wound with guilt. Ethan chuckled.

Ethan: "Well then, how about going on a date with me?" As he spoke, he planted a sweet kiss on her blushing cheek. Katie's eyes shot open, her face turning red like a tomato. Ethan couldn't help but find her adorable.

Ethan: "Your answer?"

Katie, still blushing, managed to look away with a shy smile.

Katie: "Su-sure."


Katie's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself enveloped in the splendor of an ethereal realm.

Katie: "This place! I recognize it." She scanned the surroundings, a nostalgic sense washing over her. "Mom? Dad? Where are you guys?"

Suddenly, her parents appeared before her, their presence bringing immense warmth and comfort.

Mom: "My love."

Katie: "Mom."

Dad: "Didn't I tell you that you're destined to triumph in this war?"

Katie: "Dad." Overwhelmed with joy, she raced towards them, embracing them as if to anchor herself in their comforting presence. "Did you see? I did it." Tears of triumph glistened in her eyes.

Mom: "Yes, love, you were nothing short of amazing."

Katie: "Are you guys proud of me?"

Dad: "We are. We've always been proud of you, my marshmallow. You were even cooler than us. I'm jealous." Their laughter echoed, creating a symphony of familial bliss.

Katie: "Yeah, I soared through the sky, flames swirling around me. In a single strike, I obliterated thousands of minions."

Dad: "Woah... you are genuinely remarkable."

Katie: "But I also caused harm and inflicted pain on Ethan. He's okay now, but the guilt lingers."

Dad: "It's not your fault, sweetheart. It's all part of the fight. It's over now, and you won't have to endure such trials anymore."

Mom: "Exactly. Release that burden, dear."

Katie: "Okay."

Dad: "I see you've got a lover boy."

Katie: "Dad!!"

Dad: "Ahahaha. He seems like a nice young man."

Mom: "Don't tease her."

Dad: "I'm genuinely happy for you, marshmallow. You'll finally live peacefully and happily."

Katie: "The only thing that's missing is you guys."

Mom: "Why? Aren't we with you? We'll come whenever you call for us." The embrace tightened, a moment suspended in the timeless serenity of their reunion.


Ethan knocked on the door, awaiting Katie's response.

Ethan: "Are you ready yet?"

Katie: "Just two more minutes."

Ethan: "Why do you girls take so much time-" His eyes widened, and his breath hitched as Katie opened the door. "Y-you look absolutely stunning." Genuine awe reflected in his eyes, unable to conceal the admiration he felt.

Katie: "Thank you." A shy smile played on her lips, her cheeks adorned with a rosy hue.

Ethan: "Shall we?"

Katie: "Sure."