
Chapter # 50

She reached the center, raising her hands with determination.

'I can do it,' she thought, mumbling a spell. A radiant, gleaming light wave emerged, moving swiftly with the blowing air, its brilliance falling on everything. Miraculously, everything began to return to its rightful place.

Ethan: "Woah..."

Chief Shen recognized the magic at play.

Chief Shen: "The reverse spell."

Master Z added with a chuckle, "Well, she's the only one who can do that."

It was as if she was orchestrating a magnificent symphony, her every movement in harmony with the cool breeze that whispered through the air. With a series of graceful waves, she conducted a magical composition that breathed life back into the surroundings. The transformation was nothing short of awe-inspiring.

With each wave, nature responded eagerly. Shady trees stretched their branches towards the sky, glossy green grass unfurled like an emerald carpet, and buildings adorned with a newfound grace stood tall against the horizon. The once-damaged houses now exuded an elegance that matched the peace that settled over the rejuvenated landscape. The air itself carried the fragrance of renewal, and the people, witnesses to this enchanting spectacle, stood in silent awe.

Then, as if plucking the strings of fate, Katie uttered another spell, and the air shimmered with magic.

She brought the people back. The remnants of ruins vanished, replaced by a scene of complete rejuvenation. The world, once marred by destruction, now stood adorned with shady trees, glossy green grass, elegant buildings, and charming houses, all embraced by a renewed sense of tranquility. Serene and grateful, the people marveled at the miraculous rebirth of their surroundings.

Master Z, humbled by the extraordinary power she wielded, could only watch in amazement.

Master Z: "This is the power she holds. She truly is amazing."

Turning to face them, Katie beamed with a radiant smile.

Katie: "I did it."

Her eyes, heavy with the weight of her magical exertion, threatened to close. Yet, before the fatigue could claim her, Ethan's swift embrace caught her gently.

Ethan: "Gotcha."

The moment lingered, capturing not only the magic that had restored the world but also the triumphant joy radiating from Katie's accomplishment. It was a testament to the resilience of hope and the beauty born from the ashes of adversity.

She woke up in her bedroom.

Grandma: "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" She sat on the couch, slicing apples.

Katie: "I'm fine, but how about you?"

Grandma: "Me? I'm fit as a fiddle." She chuckled.

Katie: "I'm sorry Grandma...Even though I defeated the witch, I couldn't protect either you or Ethan. Worse still, I attacked Grandpa. And all that destruction..."

Master Z: "It isn't true. Your way of perception is wrong."

Katie: "Grandpa, I-"

Master Z: "Everything played a role in your success. It's not your fault. Moreover, it helped you discern right from wrong. We are all deeply indebted to you."

Katie: "Don't say that."

Chief Shen: "It's true, though." He entered the room, with Ethan following behind. He still had a bandage around his wound.

Ethan: "Are you feeling alrig-"

Katie: "I-I feel a little sleepy. We'll talk later." Saying that, she quickly laid down, covering herself with a quilt. They left the room, a bit confused.


Later, she was sitting in the garden, tired of lying on the bed all day.

Katie: "Finally, some peace." She closed her eyes, savoring the cool breeze.

Ethan: "You're up?" Her eyes snapped open.

Katie: "Oh, yeah." Ethan settled down, and Katie abruptly stood up.

Ethan: "What happened?"

Katie: "Nothing. It's getting hot, so I'm going to my room." She didn't even wait for his response and dashed inside. She continued avoiding him, who, on the other hand, had enough of this.

At night, Katie entered the kitchen for water. She spotted Ethan already standing there and swiftly turned to leave. However, Ethan voiced his thoughts.

Ethan: "It hurts, you know? You keep avoiding me. Have I done something wrong?"

Katie: "No, it's not-"

Ethan: "I won't approach you if you don't like it, but at least tell me my fault." He was about to leave when Katie decided to reveal the truth.

Katie: "You did nothing wrong." Ethan halted. "It's just that I lack the courage to face you after all I've done to you. I don't deserve it, but please forgive me."

Ethan: "What are you saying?"