
Chapter # 4

I entered the library and greeted the librarian.

I perused the books, but I couldn't find one that I hadn't read. I approached the librarian.

Me: "Excuse me, Ma'am. Are there any new books?"

Librarian: "Yes, Katie. We just received some new books yesterday. I haven't had the chance to shelve them properly. They're on that table." She pointed to a table in the corner.

I went over to that table, picked up a random book, and started reading it.

After a while, the bell rang again. I returned the book to the table. As I was about to leave, my eyes fell on a book placed in the lower right corner. It looked ancient. I glanced at the title, "The Wizard and the Black Hole" by "Nicole Palice." It claimed to be "based on a real story."

'Huh, that's a good joke. How can this be real? Magic doesn't exist.' I put the book back and left the library.

[Time Skip]

I was on my way home when I passed the same alley. I heard a voice emanating from it. I halted and peeked inside. It was the same dog, but now he was walking on his hind legs, moving around animatedly. 'What's he doing?'

I moved a bit closer and concealed myself behind a trash bin.

Dog: "What do you mean I have to do that?"

Master: "You heard me."

'Oh, he's just talking. Nothing unusual about that.' ( ̄︶ ̄)

Wait... What!? He's talking?!

No, I must be daydreaming. I pinched my cheeks. "Oww!" I looked back at the dog.

He really was talking. But how was that possible? (●__●)

Dog: "Okay, so you're saying I have to bring her to our world. And all I have to do is strike some cute poses, and she'll be like 'aww,' and then she'll follow me to our world. Are you serious? First of all, I won't do those cringy poses. Secondly, do you really think she'll follow me anywhere? She's not that naive."

'What is he talking about? And who is he talking to?'

Master: "I don't know; just do whatever it takes to bring Katie here, or else you'll stay here too."

'Wait... Me?' °-°

Dog: "What?! Nooooo..."

Master: "Goodbye."

Dog: "Ugh... that old man." He kicked a plastic can.

It hit me on the head.

Me: "Hey! Why did you hit me?"

The dog jumped in surprise, his eyes widening as he saw me.

Dog: "What are you doing her-"

Me: "So, you can talk, huh?"

Dog: "What? No, I can't talk."

Me: "Oh really? I must be mistaken then." -_-

Dog: "...."

Me: "I should get going then."

I turned around, but I heard him sigh. I smirked and turned back, looking at the dog with a poker face.

He looked a bit confused.

Me: "What? Do you think I'm that stupid?" ಠಿ_ಠ

Dog: "..."

Me: "So, are you going to explain what's happening and why your master was talking about me?"

He gulped and stammered,

Dog: "I-I'm sorry, but I can't tell you about that. If you want to know, you have to come with me."

I immediately stood up. And started to walk away. He got confused and started following me.

Dog: "Hey..where are you going?"

Me: "I don't know. I think I've become crazy." I started laughing.

Dog: "...Why??"

Me: "Hahaha why..?? Ahahaha. First I saw a strange dog, then I beat three guys. Can you believe three guys.?? Then, I, out of nowhere was sleeping Infront of my house and I don't even know how! Then, I saw a dog which was badly hurt, completely healed in just one day.

Then, I saw that dog talking!! Then, there's a person whom I don't even know and is asking a dog to bring me to him. Aren't these enough reasons to prove that I have gone crazy?

And even now I'm talking to a dog.. ugghh all of this is driving me nuts."

Dog: "Okay listen. Calm down. You are not crazy. It's all real. I know it's hard to believe but I promise it's all real. I can't tell you anything. For that, you have to come with me."

He didn't look as if he was joking or something. Well either way I don't have any choice.

I sighed.

Me: "Fine, where do we go?"

His face lit up.

Dog: "Follow me."

He led me to a place, covered with dense vegetation. He stopped in front of what looked like a cave, hidden behind hanging branches and leaves. No one would guess there was something here. He moved some branches, and we entered the cave. It was pitch black inside. The dog said something, and a door appeared before us. He walked ahead, opened the door, and we stepped into the tunnel on the other side.

I was awe-struck as I stepped into the realm beyond the tunnel.

Dog: "Welcome to our world," he greeted, his eyes filled with warmth.