
Chapter # 47

Witch: "Well, their fate was sealed. They believed they could defy the wizard." She callously mocked their sacrifice. "Well, a similar destiny awaits you, sweetheart. But before that, I have other matters to attend to."

Following the witch through the surreal realm, Katie was stunned to discover Ethan, Chief Shen, Master Z, and Grandma, all bound and helpless.

Witch: "Look who came to your rescue. Well, let me attend to them first; then, we can have our face-to-face confrontation. I don't like having an audience, so let's dispose of them first."

She pointed at them, summoning hundreds of thorns to assail them. Katie, horror-stricken, screamed, "No!" The thorns halted just before reaching their targets. "Enough! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU. I won't let you do this anymore. I WON'T!!!!" She screamed.

Fueled by a potent mix of rage and despair, Katie harnessed her powers to their maximum potential. The witch, undeterred, summoned legions of minions to overwhelm her. However, Katie, like a force of nature, effortlessly obliterated them, showcasing an unparalleled strength that left even Chief Shen bewildered.

Chief Shen: "That's impossible." He exclaimed in awe.

Ethan: "So cool." He looked at her awestruck. Little did they know, the impending revelation hinted at unforeseen consequences.

In the midst of the escalating confrontation, Katie's eyes blazed with an intense fire as she summoned her spirit dragon. Katie ignited the battleground with a display of magical prowess that transcended the ordinary. The creature emerged with an ethereal brilliance, scales shimmering like stardust in the moonlit sky. As it soared through the air, each majestic wingbeat painted trails of iridescence, leaving onlookers mesmerized by the otherworldly spectacle.

Engaging the remaining minions, the spirit dragon unleashed waves of magical force, a symphony of power that disintegrated the adversaries with unprecedented might. The clash of energies created a celestial dance, the very air pulsating with the raw, untamed magic they wielded.

Turning her attention to the witch, Katie escalated the confrontation into a breathtaking battle, the very essence of their magic casting an enchanting glow over the surreal landscape. The clash of their powers echoed in the air like a celestial symphony, an intense duet of light and darkness.

In the heat of the struggle, Katie moved with unparalleled agility, her every movement a testament to the mastery of her powers. The witch, a formidable adversary, countered with spells and incantations, creating dazzling displays of magic in an attempt to subdue the relentless force that was Katie.

Katie, fueled by a fierce determination, deftly evaded the witch's magical onslaught, her spirit dragon providing a formidable defense against the relentless attacks. With each movement, Katie orchestrated a dazzling array of counterattacks, sending waves of magical energy that danced with the elegance of a cosmic ballet.

The witch, realizing the escalating intensity of the confrontation, summoned arcane creatures to her aid. Shadowy figures emerged, each infused with malevolent energy. The battlefield transformed into a chaotic tableau as Katie and her spirit dragon engaged in a fierce struggle against these new adversaries.

Undeterred, Katie pressed on, her every movement a symphony of power and grace. "Your attacks are but futile." With a resolute focus, she channeled her magic into a brilliant crescendo, creating a radiant aura that seemed to transcend the very fabric of reality. The spirit dragon, infused with this newfound energy, roared with an otherworldly might that shook the very foundations of the magical realm.

As the confrontation reached its zenith, Katie and her spirit dragon unleashed a collaborative assault, a culmination of magical energies that painted the night sky with hues of celestial light. The witch, overwhelmed by the sheer force of their combined power, faltered.

Yet, in a desperate attempt to cling to power, the witch taunted, "Killing me won't erase the disgrace you've become. You'll always be the cause of your parent's demise, the reason for all this destruction."

Katie, consumed by a surge of conflicting emotions, retorted, "It's not true! It's NOT MY FAULT!" In a burst of fiery intensity, she struck the witch and unleashed a colossal fire attack, reducing her adversary to ashes.

Yet, as the battlefield fell silent, Katie found herself standing amidst the remnants of the magical clash.