
Chapter # 46

As the spectral army surged forward, Katie stood resolute, a beacon of unwavering determination. The air thickened with an eerie presence as the ghostly figures closed in.

In a moment of intense concentration, Katie chanted an ancient spell, the resonance of her words weaving through the fabric of reality. A surge of mystical energy emanated from her, touching every apparition in its path. As the incantation reached its climax, a sudden stillness settled over the battlefield.

One by one, the spectral figures dissolved into shimmering particles, their essence returning to the arcane currents from where they came. The once formidable army vanished, leaving only echoes of their haunting presence.

Witch: "What?!" The witch couldn't believe her eyes.

Katie: "Cat got your tongue?" She smirked.

Witch: "Huh, don't get so full of yourself." She said and flew away. Katie immediately followed behind her.

While trailing the witch, Katie entered a surreal realm, surrounded by floating screens of ethereal design that left her utterly perplexed. Suddenly, the familiar visages of her parents materialized on one of the screens.

Ethan: "Katie!" He got up abruptly. He looked around confused. He touched his forehead and blushed. 'Was it a dream?' Thinking about the stuff Katie said he couldn't help but blush hard.

Chief entered the room listening to his shriek.

Chief Shen: "What happened, son? Are you okay,? You're completely red.

Regaining his composure, he stammered, "Katie... Where's she?"

Chief Shen: "She's in her roo-." His voice trailed off as realization struck him that he hadn't seen Katie since she left Ethan's room.

Concerned, Chief Shen rushed to Katie's room, only to find it empty. He quickly left to inform Master Z.

Master Z: "She's with the witch." He stated, sensing her location.

Ethan bolted out of the room, but a wave of dizziness momentarily overcame him.

Master Z: "Be careful, you aren't completely healed yet."

Ethan: "Hurry, we need to go to her. We need to help her..."

Amidst the tension, the scene shifted to a heartwarming display of Katie's childhood memories on the mystical screens.

\"Oh my cute baby.." her mom cooed, tickling her and kissing her cheeks.

"Is she up?" His dad asked excitedly.

"Yes," she picked Katie up from her crib.

"Aww…you missed daddy." She jumped at the sight of her dad.

"Hahaha. my cute marshmallow."\

Mesmerized, Katie kept looking at the screens. Her whole life was shown in them. She couldn't stop smiling.

She looked at another one.

\"Baby, look what Uncle Shen brought you? A teddy bear?" Her mom showed her the white bear with a heart.

"Ah ba ba." she kept babbling.

"She is very much happy to have it." Her dad said \

\"Is she asleep?" Her dad asked quietly.


"We should get going then."

"Something just keeps bothering me. I'm kind of scared." Her mom wasn't feeling good about it.

"Don't worry. We'll be back soon. I've told mom to take care of Katie."

They left her there and went to the other world.\

As her parents left for another world, Katie's gaze remained fixed on the screens, anticipating the next revelation, knowing where it was going.

\"What? I never called for you." Master Z said confused.

"Then? Why did he say that?" Her father asked.

"Master. There's a bad news. It's the wizard. He's planning to attack." Chief Shen hurriedly informed them.

"I knew he was up to no good. You both go back. We'll handle here." Saying that he left them there to fight the wizard.

"I don't think it's good. We should help them." Her dad said and they both agreed.

"You're right. Let's go."\

\"What to do? The hole keeps getting bigger. At this rate, it'll destroy everything."

"There's a way." She said crying.

"Let's do it."\

\Both were on the ground lifeless. Chief Shen ran to them.

"We did it."


"Take care of, Katie." Tears fell form their eyes.

"Tell her we were very sorry."/

Witch: "Poor souls. They endured so much for the sake of her daughter. You're the catalyst for their demise," the witch insidiously declared, exploiting Katie's emotions.

As the enchanting screens faded, they left Katie in tears, rendering her emotionally vulnerable to the witch's manipulative words.

Witch: "Well, their fate was sealed. Naive individuals. They believed they could defy the wizard." She callously mocked their sacrifice. "They thought they could revel in happiness after killing my love. Huh. Well, a similar destiny awaits you, sweetheart. But before that, I have other matters to attend to."

Following the witch through the surreal realm, Katie was stunned to discover Ethan, Chief Shen, Master Z, and Grandma, all bound and helpless.

Witch: "Look who came to your rescue. Well, let me attend to them first; then, we can have our face-to-face confrontation. I don't like having an audience, so let's dispose of them first...