
Chapter # 45

Katie: "What about your… daughter." her heart winced at her mention.

Witch: "Oh, she wasn't my real daughter. Either way it doesn't matter to me. She was just a tool for my revenge."

Katie was speechless. Katie's heart sank knowing she never cared for that very person who did everything for her upto now and even ended her life.

Katie: "That's enough. I'll no longer allow you to hurt anyone else." With determination, she left the house without informing anyone. Closing her eyes, she sensed the witch and smirked when she found her location.

The witch was seated on her self-proclaimed throne, enjoying a massage. Suddenly, she chuckled.

Witch: "It feels so good to hurt your granddaughter." She taunted Katie's grandma, who was bound with ropes all around her body.

Grandma: "It's not too late. You can ask for forgiveness. You definitely don't stand a chance against her."

Witch: "What the hell did you say, you old geezer?!" Angrily, she got up and went towards her, harshly grabbing her face. "You will see me kill her in front of you."

"Aaahh! Who the heck threw that? Oww oww." She was hit by an acorn.

Katie: "Hands off of her, you old hag." Katie appeared with a handful of acorns.

Witch: "Look who we've got here-. ow ow. Hey, stop doing that!"

Katie: "Sure." She gave her a cheeky smile. "It's not enough to make you suffer. I'm sure you want something more painful."

Witch: "Hmm, feisty."

Katie: "Why? Scared now?"

Witch: "You think?" With an imperious wave, she signaled her formidable army to advance menacingly toward Katie. Unperturbed, Katie gracefully stepped into a poised stance, an aura of quiet confidence emanating from her.

As the minions closed in, Katie's movements became a mesmerizing dance of power and precision. Swift as the wind, she dispatched each adversary with a calculated finesse that left the witch in dumbfounded disbelief. The air echoed with the harmonious clash of magical forces, an intricate ballet of light and shadow.

Undeterred by her initial setback, the witch, with a malevolent gleam in her eyes, wove intricate spells that gave rise to towering giants. These colossal beings, born of magic and malice, loomed over the battlefield, their imposing figures a testament to the witch's desperation.

Katie, undaunted by the newfound challenge, engaged in a breathtaking duel with the magical giants. Her every movement was a testament to her mastery, as she skillfully navigated the battlefield, evading their colossal strikes with agile grace. Each clash sent sparks flying, creating a spectacular display of mystical combat.

In a display of raw power, Katie channeled her energy into a spell of unparalleled magnitude. A dazzling array of colors burst forth, enveloping the giants in a vortex of magical energy. Slowly but surely, the towering figures crumbled, their magical essence dissipating into the air.

The witch, now visibly shaken, witnessed her formidable army reduced to ruins. Katie stood amidst the aftermath, her expression resolute and unwavering. The battlefield, once filled with the echoes of conflict, now bore witness to the triumph of skill over sheer force.

Witch: "This can't be..."

Katie, with a steely gaze, approached the witch, who took an involuntary step back.

Katie: "Your reign ends here."

With those words, Katie unleashed a surge of magic, confronting the witch with an overwhelming force that signaled the turning tide of their magical confrontation.

Witch used her powerful weapon, "People."

Katie knew she would never be able to defeat them. Hundreds of people attacked her, but she wasn't afraid anymore. She uttered a spell, causing every single one of them to disappear.

The witch, sensing her moment of desperation, summoned her potent weapon, "People," a dark magic that harnessed the collective energy of countless souls. Hundreds of ethereal figures materialized, each carrying a ghostly resonance of past lives.

Katie, recognizing the overwhelming odds stacked against her, remained undaunted. As the spectral army surged forward, she stood resolute, a beacon of unwavering determination. The air thickened with an eerie presence as the ghostly figures closed in.

In a moment of intense concentration, Katie chanted an ancient spell, the resonance of her words weaving through the fabric of reality. A surge of mystical energy emanated from her, touching every apparition in its path. As the incantation reached its climax, a sudden stillness settled over the battlefield.

One by one, the spectral figures dissolved into shimmering particles, their essence returning to the arcane currents from whence they came.