
Chapter # 44

Master and Chief exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the unfolding mystical phenomenon. Ethan's injuries visibly started healing as the spell took effect.

Chief Shen: "What in the world is this?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

Master Z: "One of the most powerful spells." He said noticing the healing of Ethan's wound.

With her closed eyes she continued to do it until she was exhausted and dropped to the ground.

Ethan's wound was almost healed. His breathing and heart rate became normal. But what worried Katie was that he didn't regain his consciousness.

Katie: "Why isn't he getting up?!"

Master Z: "Don't worry, my daughter. He is alright now. It'll take some time for him to regain consciousness. But no need to worry. You have saved him."

Katie's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at him with a pained smile.


Days passed, but Katie's anxiety persisted.

Katie: "How is he now?" she repeated for the umpteenth time.

Chief Shen: "My dear, he is fine. Better than before."

Katie's relief was palpable as Chief Shen closed the door behind him.

Katie: "That's a relief. Can I go see him?"

Chief Shen: "Sure."

Quietly entering the room, Katie found Ethan lying peacefully on his bed. Sitting beside him, she gently moved his hair from his forehead and caressed his cheek. Unbeknownst to her, tears welled up in her eyes.

Her tears flowed unrestrained as she gazed upon Ethan, the pain within her intensifying with every passing moment. The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on her, and self-reproach became an unrelenting companion.

In the midst of her emotional tumult, Katie's heartache deepened as she held him in her tearful gaze. The internal struggle continued, a storm of remorse and regret raging within her.

The turmoil within her was palpable, the ache in her heart resonating with the helplessness she felt. Blame became a heavy shroud that enveloped her, intensifying the emotional tempest she was weathering.

Katie: "I'm sorry. I regret not believing you. It hurts to see you in this state. Please forgive me."

Katie remained there for hours, reminiscing about the precious memories she had shared with Ethan. Holding his hand, she sobbed, pouring out her remorse.

Katie: "You know, Ethan, I've experienced so much because of you. Friendship, happiness, fun, sorrow, problems, laughter, and most importantly, love. Thanks to you, I've been able to experience these. You were the fragment of light in my life. Before, my life consisted only of me and my memories, but now I can't even bear to think about a life without everyone, especially you."

She clasped his hand with both of hers and brought it towards her forehead.

Katie: "I can't live without you. Please forgive me and come back to me. Please—"

The lump of regret in her throat stifled her words, leading to a glistening stream of tears from her eyes.


Some time later, Katie got up, placed a light peck on Ethan's forehead, caressed his face for the last time, and came out of the room. Chief Shen looked at her with a sad expression. She went to him and hugged him tightly.

Chief Shen: "Calm down, my dear."

Katie: "How could I? How could I be so stupid? What if he never forgives me? What if he doesn't want to talk to me again?"

Chief Shen: "Shh...it will never happen. It isn't your fault. I'm sure Ethan would never want you to cry."

She sniffed and nodded.

Chief Shen: "Go to your room and get some rest."


In her room, Katie heard a familiar voice.

Katie: "Grandma?" The sound of her grandmother crying in pain reached her ears. "Grandma!!!"

Witch: "Now you know how much it hurts to see your loved one in pain. I'll make your loved ones suffer in front of you. The first one being Ethan. You must know who is next, hmm.?" She grinned, and the voice disappeared. Katie's heart burned.

Katie: "What the hell will you get for doing this? How could you be so heartless? Didn't you also loved someone before? What about your… daughter." her heart winced at her mention.

Witch: "Oh, she wasn't my real daughter. Either way it doesn't matter to me. She was just a tool for my revenge."

Katie was speechless. Katie's heart sank knowing she never cared for that very person who did everything for her upto now and even ended her life.

Katie: "That's enough. I'll no longer allow you to hurt anyone else." With determination, she left the house without informing anyone. Closing her eyes, she sensed the witch and smirked when she found her location.