
Chapter # 43

Ethan: "Don't worry. Chief and Master will be here any minute. I promised I'll never let you get hurt."

Katie: "No, don't give up yet. Don't leave me, please."

Katie was in tears, her heart pained as she witnessed Ethan's condition. The weight of self-blame clung to her, intensifying her distress.

Ethan: "I'm sorry."

His eyes closed, breathing slowing.

Katie: "No! Please..."

Mia's derisive remark cut through the air

Mia: "Oh, poor soul, unable to save her lover."

Katie met her gaze, eyes ablaze with fury, a tempest of rage coursing through her veins. In an instant, a surge of power enveloped her – flames, a fiery dance of red and orange, cloaked her form as she advanced.

Katie's voice echoed with seething determination, " I'll make you regret every fleeting moment of your existence." In a swift, decisive move, she eradicated all of Mia's minions with a single, powerful stroke.

Mia: "What?!" her surprised cry cut through the chaos as Katie, fueled by an unyielding force, unleashed her power around her. "You're gonna kill the innocent peo-" her attempt to warn about potential harm to innocent lives was quickly halted as Katie, with a snap of her fingers, sent everyone nearby into another realm.

Looking sternly at Mia, Katie declared with determination, "Your turn." The revenge-filled energy around her intensified as she faced Mia in a fierce and magical confrontation. Their clash turned into a dance of opposing forces, each move calculated and executed with a skill that revealed their mastery over supernatural abilities.

Driven by intense anger, Katie hurled a series of fiery blasts at Mia, who skillfully dodged each one with surprising agility. The air crackled with the power of their magical exchange, a mesmerizing display of forces colliding.

In a bold move, Katie grabbed Mia with force, lifting her into the air before dropping her back to the ground. The impact echoed across the battlefield, and Mia struggled to regain composure amidst the chaos.

Katie's voice, filled with a mix of sadness and betrayal, echoed through the tumultuous clash, "I considered you my friend." A tear slid down her cheek as she gathered potent energy for a powerful spell. The incantation struck Mia with an otherworldly force, snuffing out her life, and her body dissolved into mystical currents.

As the battlefield quieted, the weight of recent events pressed down on Katie. Frustration burst from her in a primal scream, "Aaaaaahhhh," reflecting the emotional storm within. With newfound determination, she ran towards Ethan, collapsing beside him. The air held echoes of their magical clash, and Katie released a flood of mournful cries, grieving the toll the battle had taken on those she held dear. The remnants of their mystical duel lingered in the air, a testament to the forces that clashed in their tumultuous fight for survival.

Katie found herself immersed in a torrent of tears, her emotional turmoil evident in the anguish etched across her face. The sight of Ethan in his weakened state pierced her heart, and the weight of guilt bore down on her conscience like a relentless force.

Ethan's face was pale by now, revealing the extent of his injuries. He had lost too much blood. Her gaze held a painful expression.

Katie: "Don't leave me, please. You promised we'd fight together. You can't do this to me. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'll do anything you say, but please don't leave me like this."

By now Master and Chief had arrived there They were shocked to see Ethan in such a dire state. They urgently questioned Katie about what had transpired, but she remained silent, her attention fixated on Ethan. She remained in that state for a few seconds before she began muttering an incantation, incomprehensible to the them. They tried to calm her down yet she listened to neither of them.

She continued and began to weave a spell. As she maintained the enchantment, a luminous wave materialized in front of Katie. Guiding it with finesse, she orchestrated a mesmerizing dance of light. Wherever the radiant wave caressed, a magical transformation unfolded. Broken things seamlessly mended, and once wilted flowers bloomed anew, painting the surroundings with an ethereal beauty. The ongoing spell wove a tapestry of restoration, a breathtaking spectacle of renewal.

Master and Chief exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the unfolding mystical phenomenon. Ethan's injuries visibly started healing as the spell took effect.

Chief Shen: "What in the world is this?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

Master Z: "One of the most powerful spells." He said noticing the healing of Ethan's wound.

With her closed eyes she continued to do it until she was exhausted and dropped to the ground.

Ethan's wound was almost healed. His breathing and heart rate became normal. But what worried Katie was that he didn't regain his consciousness.