
Chapter # 42

They stopped at a place and were suddenly surrounded by minions.

Katie: "Mia, be careful. Stay behind me."

Mia: "Oh, I'm scared, Katie." She said faking her voice and snickering quietly.

{Back at home}

Ethan: "Who the hell locked my door? Katie, are you there? My door isn't opening. Katie!"

He kept calling her that she might hear his voice and open the door. Yet no one came. He tried to unlock the door but couldn't.

"Well there's nothing else I can do." He puched and broke the door. "I'm definitely gonna get an earful." He said shrugging.

"Katie? Where are you? I wanna talk." He searched everywhere but couldn't find her. That's when it clicked. Mia!! He immediately went into her room but no one was there.

Ethan: "Damn it!!!" He dashed out of the house in search of Katie. 'Please be safe, Katie.'

Katie relentlessly battled the unending swarm of minions, determined not to succumb to their ceaseless assault. Her punches shattered them, but a new threat emerged as a group of people closed in on her.

Katie: "No way."

They encircled her, and Mia, wearing a secret smirk, urged her to continue the onslaught.

Mia: "Why did you stop, Katie? Kill them."

Katie hesitated, grappling with her moral dilemma.

Katie: "I-I can't kill them."

Overwhelmed with conflicting thoughts, doubts flooded her mind. How could she harm innocent lives? How would she save Mia, her grandma, and face her parents?

Mia: "Aww...Did you give up that easily? 'Mia, I won't let you get hurt'? Was it only talk? You are weaker than I thought."

Confused, Katie looked at Mia.

Katie: "I'm sorry, Mia. I'll save you no matter what."

Struggling to rise, Katie found herself immobilized.

Mia: "No need. Your work is done. I don't need your help anymore."

Katie: "Wh-what?"

Mia harshly seized Katie's face, revealing a shocking truth.

Mia: "Such a stupid girl. Who can't even tell who is telling the truth and who's lying. You're just a disgrace. You shouldn't have been given so much power. Such a waste."

Katie: "What are you saying, Mia?"

Mia: "Well, Juliet, your Romeo was right all along."

Katie's eyes widened.

Katie: "No, it can't be right. You were such a good friend."

Mia slapped her, the pain mirrored in Katie's wince.

Mia: "I am not your friend. Because of your parents, my mother suffered so much."

Katie: "What?"

Mia: "Yes, surprised?! I'm the witch's daughter."

Disbelief filled Katie's eyes, disappointment in herself and disgust for not believing Ethan overwhelming her. She felt ashamed for hurting Ethan so much. 'I don't deserve these powers. I am only a letdown…to my parents, to Grandma and to Ethan.' She thought giving up.

Mia: "Oh, the little girl is crying now. Cry all you want, because you won't be able to after I kill you." She pulled out her dagger ready to stab her

It didn't matter to Katie anymore. She closed her eyes and waited for the impact.

Preparing to strike, Mia was interrupted by a sudden groan.

??: "Ughhh!!!"

Hearing the grown, Katie's eyes opened immediately. What she saw just shattered her heart into a million pieces.

Ethan was infront of her and got stabbed in her place.

Katie: "Ethan!!!" She cried out. She tried getting up but the minions held her down forcefully. She started crying.

Though Mia was surprised she started grinning soon.

Mia: "Well, both of you are gonna die, so I don't care who gets stabbed first."

Twisting the knife within Ethan, he groaned in pain.

Ethan: "Aaahh!!!.."

Katie begged for mercy, feeling utterly helpless. Mia, revealing in her evil laughter, mercilessly pulled out the dagger.

Ethan: "Argh..."

Katie pushed past the minions, rushing to Ethan's side.

Katie: "Ethan..."

He smiled weakly.

Ethan: "Don't worry. Chief and Master will be here any minute. I promised I'll never let you get hurt."

Katie: "No, don't give up yet. Don't leave me, please."

Katie was in tears, her heart pained as she witnessed Ethan's condition. The weight of self-blame clung to her, intensifying her distress.

Ethan: "I'm sorry."

His eyes closed, breathing slowing.

Katie: "No! Please..."

Mia's derisive remark cut through the air

Mia: "Oh, poor soul, unable to save her lover."