
Chapter # 36

Master Z: So this fight isn't only between the witch and Katie. But it's also between Katie and her powers. Either way, her own life might get in danger."

Ethan: "Did you know this form the start?" His face was full of worry.

Master Z: "Not everything, but most of it." Hearing this Ethan got mad.

Ethan: "Then, why would you even involve her in this!? If you knew this would cause her harm, why did you approach her?!!"

Chief Shen: "Behave!!"

He angrily got up and went back before saying "I swear if anything happens to her, I won't ever forgive you!"

Cheif Shen: "Ethan! Forgive me, Master. I don't know what has gotten into him. He must be out of his mind!"

Master Z: "No, no, it's fine." He chuckled a little. "He isn't tired. He is serious about her." He looked at his figure walking away as her daughter came into his mind.


Ethan knocked at Master Z's room. A calm 'come in' came from inside. Ethan entered the room while his head was hanging low.

Ethan: "Um... Master."

Master Z: "Yes son."

Ethan: "I'm really sorry."

Master Z: "For what? What you said was true."

Ethan: "I know but I did go a little overboard. I shouldn't have talked like that. It was rude of me."

Master Z: "No worries, son. I understand. I also understand your feelings for Katie."

Ethan: "Uh..." Ethan was shocked. His cheeks red with embarrassment.

Master Z started laughing.

Master Z: "But son, let me clear your misunderstandings. You said why would we put Katie's life in danger when we could've fight with the witch ourselves.

Son, you must know that our powers aren't very strong in that world. Our power reduce to half when we go there. And, now that it's decades since we went there we don't even know how much powers would be left in us.

But because the witch has already spent so much time there her powers are stronger. So only Katie can defeat her. Her powers doesn't have any effect of the two worlds, it's same in both worlds. Because her father was from that world and her mother was from this world.

Secondly, even if there was not witch, she would still had to control her powers because they can be very dangerous for her."

Ethan: "Yes master, I understand. I'm very sorry for my behavior."

Master Z: "No my, son. Don't worry."

Ethan: "Thankyou master. I'll get going then."

Ethan was going back. Now that Master Z had explained everything, it all made sense to Ethan. However, he still was worried for Katie. He didn't want her to get hurt at all.

'I promise, I will do everything to protect you Katie'

[Time Skip]

{Katie's P.O.V}

Returning from college, Ethan proposed, "Let's go to the park," and took my hand, guiding me to a bench. Observing the people in the park, an inexplicable unease settled within me. They appeared oddly lifeless.

Ethan returned with ice cream, a warm smile accompanying the treats.

Me: "Thank you." I expressed gratitude while savoring the ice cream.

Ethan: "No need."

Throughout our snack, I noticed Ethan's peculiar behavior. He wasn't eating his ice cream, rather absently twirling his spoon.

Me: "Ethan."

Ethan: "Hmm."

Me: "Is everything alright?"

Ethan: "No, why do you ask?"

Me: "You've been contemplating something since morning. Is everything okay with you?"

Ethan: "Katie." He addressed, sidestepping my questions.

Katie: "Yeah?"

Ethan: "Promise me something."

Me: "What?"

Ethan: "No matter what happens, promise me you won't put your life in danger while facing the witch."

Me: "What-" his sudden request bewildered me.

Ethan: "We'll defeat the witch together. So, you don't need to worry. It's going to be fine. Promise me that no matter what, you won't get stressed out. We will definitely succeed."

His deep concern left me perplexed.

Me: "Okay. I promise."

His smile reassured me.

Me: "But what's all this about?"

Ethan: "Nothing. I'm just worried about you." He gazed into my eyes, smiling.

My heart skipped a beat, and I turned away to hide my blushing face.

Ethan: "Let's get going." He stood up, extending his hand for me to hold. We walked back home hand in hand.

While strolling on the footpath, a person bumped into Ethan.

Ethan: "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

The person glanced at Ethan with half-opened eyes, a peculiar sign on his left hand.

I noticed the same strange behavior from people at the park. Something was amiss.