
Chapter # 35

Ethan: "She used too much of her energy causing her to pass out-" before he could finish his he coughed blood.

She didn't notice it before but Ethan's state was as terrible as Katie's or maybe worse, yet he was standing there carrying Katie all the way back and still worrying about her while coughing blood himself.

Grandma: "My sweet kid, go and get some rest. I'll take care of Katie so don't worry and get some shut eye."

He nodded and after putting Katie in bed, he took a last glance at her and went to his room.

Katie woke up with a throbbing headache.

Me: "Ughhh."

Ethan: "You're up? Have this."

He handed her a bowl of soup.

Me: "What's this?"

Ethan: "It has some herbs from our world. It'll help you regain your strength. You fainted because you used so much of your power."

Me: "Oh, okay. Thanks."

Ethan: "Anytime."

Grandma: "How are you feeling, dear?" She asked entering the room with her phone in her hand.

Me: "I'm good."

Grandma: "Here you've got a call from your grandpa." She handed us the phone and went back.

I put the phone on speaker.

Me: "Hello."

Master Z: "Hello, my dear. Are you feeling well? You're not badly hurt, right?"

Me: "Grandpa, calm down. It's nothing serious. I'm all good now. Don't worry. I'm glad I could save everyone."

Master Z: "Is Ethan there?"

Ethan: "Yes, sir."

Master Z: "You got any information?"

Ethan: "Yes, sir. As you expected, it's the witch. It's not possible for a whole mall to collapse without any reason. Neither by an earthquake nor someone's attack. So it's probably the witch's doing."

Master Z: "It definitely is. And she probably did it to see Katie."

Me: "Me? Why?"

Master Z: "She wanted to see her rival and her capabilities. She must be ready to attack anytime now. Katie. You need to be careful."

"Best of luck, guys. I really appreciate your efforts. I will be watching you guys all the time. Ask me if you need any help."

Me: "Okay. Bye." And he hung the phone.

Ethan looked at Katie's concerned face.

Ethan: "Don't think too much," he said pushing her down softly. "Take some rest."

He was about to go back when Katie said.

Me: "Thankyou for carrying me back."

Ethan: "My pleasure." He said smiling.

[Time Skip]

Chief Shen: "I heard about the attack."

Katie: "Yes, Chief."

Chief: "This means the witch is ready. It's a matter of time that she attacks. Thus, you guys need to do as much practice as you can."

Both: "Yes, Chief."

Practice became more intense, with Katie gaining better control over her powers. However, Master Z expressed concern about Katie's immense powers, fearing she might struggle to control them.

Later, Master Z, Chief Shen, and Ethan discussed.

Chief Shen: "It's strange. Whenever I sense the witch, I get a strong feeling of power, but if she has an army, it should be bigger. And to think, if she has an army, where could she be hiding them. And if she doesn't, she possibly can't fight with Katie all alone. It all doesn't fit right with me."

Master Z: "You're right. But there's something I'm more concerned about."

Cheif Shen: "What is that?"

Master Z: "Katie."

Ethan: "Katie?? What do you mean?"

Master Z: "The power you sense is nothing compared to the power of Katie. It was already incredible. But now that she has a control over it it's beyond belief."

Chief Shen: "Then, isn't it a good thing? What are you worried about."

Master Z: "I'm afraid that she might not be able to control such massive powers. It's possible that the powers take control over her. This wouldn't be a good thing. If she became too overwhelmed by something she might lose her control and start destroying everything. So this fight isn't only between the witch and Katie. But it's also between Katie and her powers.

Either way, her own life is in danger."

Ethan: "Did you know this form the start?" His face was full of worry.

Master Z: "Not everything, but most of it." Hearing this Ethan got mad.

Ethan: "Then, why would you even involve her in this!? If you knew this would cause her harm, why did you approach her?!!"

Chief Shen: "Behave!!"

He angrily got up and went back before saying "I swear if anything happens to her, I won't ever forgive you!"