
Chapter # 33

Me: "I never had any friends in primary and middle school. My grandmother worried, so I decided to try and make friends to put her at ease. When I came to college and thought I could finally be happy, you all did that to me."

Case's head hung low in embarrassment.

Case: "I'm sorry, Katie. I hate myself for going so low. I know I'm not worthy of being forgiven. I know you won't forgive me, but at least I want you to know that I feel ashamed of what I've done to you. I am really sorry. You know I changed after my mom's death. And you know my stepmom. She made me miserable."

I slightly nodded.

Case: "I was so helpless. I couldn't do anything. Because of that I became like that. I couldn't bear to stand a person being happy."

I looked at her surprised. She looked embarassed.

"Yes...I'm sorry. That's the reason I bullied you. When you first came, you were so friendly with everyone. The students, teachers, everyone liked you. You were living such a happy life. I just couldn't stand that."

I was on the verge of crying.

Me: "That...was the reason you bullied me. I mean how can you do that. I never had any friends in primary and middle school. I just wasn't able to make any friends. My grandmother was quite worried because of that. Then I decided to try and make some friends so that grandma could be at peace. When I came to the college and finally thought that I could be happy, you all did that to me."

Case's head was still hanging low. She looked as if she was regretting everything.

There was silence for a few seconds before Case spoke.

Case: "I'm so sorry, Katie. I hate myself for going so low. I know, I'm not worthy of being forgiven. And, I know you won't forgive me. I mean that's just not possible. But, I, atleast want you to know that I feel ashamed of what I have done to you. I am really sorry."

Me: "It's not easy for me to forget everything-"

Case: "Yeah, its quite alright. It's already unfair for me to ask for forgiveness. I'm beyond greatful for your help. If there's any way i could be of use to you that might atone for my sins, please do tell me. I'll get going then."


Ethan: "Hey, what happened? Where did you guys go? She didn't say anything to you right?"

This boy worries too much. I glanced at him and he stopped.

Ethan: "What?"

Me: "Don't worry, everything's fine now." I said and smiled. He was confused but nodded and focused on the lecture.

After school, as we approached the gate, I saw Case's father. He recognized me and came over.

Me: "Hi, Sir."

Mr. Wilson: "Hi dear, how are you?"

Me: "I'm good."

Mr. Wilson: "Great."

Case: "Dad!"

She shouted and ran towards him, hugging him tightly. After breaking the hug, they engaged in a warm conversation.

Mr. Wilson: "How was the day, sweetheart?" Case broke the hug.

Case: "It was amazing.

Mr. Wilson: "That's great. Ok then, let's get going." Case nodded. "Good bye, kids." He said to us.

We nooded and they went towards the car.

Mr. Wilson: "Where do you wanna go today?"

Case: "Umm...to the amusement park, then we'll have dinner together, eat ice cream. And then we'll go for a night walk."

Mr.Wilson: "Great. So everything's planned."

Case: "Yes."

They talked while going towards the car

As they left, I couldn't help but feel content that Case finally had the happiness she deserved.

Ethan: "Katie? You okay?"

Me: "What?"

Ethan: "You look kinda sad."

Me: "Do I?"

Ethan: "Yes."

Me: "No, I'm actually happy."

Ethan: "Happy?"

Me: "Yeah, because of Case. She finally has what she wanted. Let's get going."

[Author's P.O.V]

Ethan sensed that Katie might be missing her own father. As they headed home, he decided to surprise her, grabbing her hand and leading her somewhere unexpected.

Katie: "Hey, that's not the way home..."

Ethan: "We're not going home."

Katie: "Then?"

Ethan: "It's a surprise." (◠‿◕)

Ethan guided Katie to a bustling mall.

Katie: "What are we doing here?"

Ethan: "What we should do."

They entered the mall, and Ethan, brimming with excitement, outlined their plan.

Ethan: "Okay, first, a movie, then some food, followed by shopping, games, and another round of eating."