
Chapter # 32

Mr.Wilson: "I trusted you. I loved you and gave you everything. I gave you the place of my dead wife. In return, I only wanted you to love my child, take care of her, don't let her feel the absence of her mother."

Ms.Cara: "I'm really sorry, Wilson. Please forgive me. Give me another chance."

Mr.Wilson: "Get lost." He said and signalled the guards to take her away.

He closed the door and turned around. He saw Case standing near the stairs. She was crying.

He looked at her pititly. He went towards her, bent down and hugged her tightly.

Mr.Wilson: "I'm sorry my dear. I'm really sorry. I'm such a bad father." He said caressing her face.

Case started crying heavily.

Mr.Wilson: "I never thought you were going through so much. I can't believe she hurt you so much."

Mr.Wilson also started crying.

Case: "No it's not your fault, Dad."

Mr.Wilson: "It is. Everything's my fault. As a father, I should have noticed the slightest thing. But no I was so blind that I couldn't even notice my daughter's pain. How will I face your Mom. Please forgive me."

Case: "No dad. Please. Everything's good now. Right. Let's forget everything."

He hugged her again.

Mr.Wilson: "Don't worry, dear. I won't let Cara go so easily. She will pay for everything she has done to you.

And now it's just you and me. No one will come between us. We are enough for each other. You are much important to me than anything else.

I'm gonna give you all the love and time you deserve."

Case: 'Thankyou Dad."

Mr.Wilson: "No sweetheart. I'm not worthy of being thanked. If it wasn't for your friends, I hate to say but this day might have never come."

Case: "My friends??"

Mr.Wilson: "Yes sweetheart. I'm happy that you have such caring and amazing friends."

Case: "What are you talking about?"

Mr.Wilson told her everything that happened in the office.

Case was dumbfounded. She never expected them to do that. Especially Katie, whom she had bulied for almost two years. She felt happy and ashamed at the same time.

"They really are amazing." She said and smiled warmly.

{End of Author's P.O.V}

[Katie's P.O.V]

Walking back home, we reflect on the success.

Me: "He did it. He finally took a stand."

Ethan: "We made a difference."

Mia: "A positive one."

Suddenly, an old lady passes by, giving me a strange feeling.

Me: "Did you feel that?"

Ethan: "Feel what?"

Me: "Never mind. Let's head home."

The old lady glances back.

?? : "So, she's that girl. Interesting."

[The Next Day]

Heading to the cafeteria, I noticed Case approaching me. She stood in front of me, an unreadable expression on her face. I looked at her, puzzled.

Case: "Come with me."

Me: "Where?"

Case: "Just come."

Without waiting for my response, she grabbed my hand and led me to the rooftop. Ethan attempted to intervene, but I signaled him to let it be. Once on the rooftop, Case turned to face me, her eyes searching for answers.

Case: "Why did you do that?"

Me: "Do what?"

Case: "Why did you help me?"

Me: "I just wanted to."

Case: "That's not a reason."

Me: "I didn't want you to live like that."

Case: "But why? Why did you care?"

A faint smile crossed my lips.

Me: "I didn't want you to suffer like I did."

Case: "What do you mean?"

Me: "I don't have parents." I revealed, watching her expression change.

I maintained my smile.

Case: "So who took care of you?"

Me: "My grandma."

Seated against the rooftop wall, I continued sharing my story.

Me: "She was the reason I endured all the bullying. I didn't want to cause any trouble, so I stayed silent."

Case was taken aback.

Me: "I never had any friends in primary and middle school. My grandmother worried, so I decided to try and make friends to put her at ease. When I came to college and thought I could finally be happy, you all did that to me."

Case's head hung low in embarrassment.

Case: "I'm sorry, Katie. I hate myself for going so low. I know I'm not worthy of being forgiven. I know you won't forgive me, but at least I want you to know that I feel ashamed of what I've done to you. I am really sorry. You know I changed after my mom's death. And you know my stepmom. She made me miserable."

I slightly nodded.