
Chapter # 31

Ms.Cara: "Don't you dare disobey me again or else you know the consequences." She then pushed her on the ground.

Ms.Cara: "Now get lost."

Case quciky got up and ran to her room. She locked her door and started crying.

Case: ''Mom, I miss you so much. Why did you leave me? What do I do..? Mom, come back."

I found myself crying after this. Ethan rubbed my back and calmed me down.

I can truly feel her.

Mr. Wilson: "Turn it off. I can't watch anymore."

He was visibly affected. His eyes closed and tears rolling down his face.

Mr.Wilson: "I can't believe my eyes. I can't. I can't believe this much was happening and I didn't know any of it. For three years my daughter suffered all that and I thought she was happy.

I'm such a bad father. I don't deserve to be a father." His hard hanging low. His face was filled with regret.

Ethan went closer to him.

Ethan: "Sir, our purpose was not to make you feel regretful. We wanted you to know about everything.

It's not all your fault. I know you were working hard for Case. But what she needs is not the money, it's you. She need her father.

And now it's your decision to what to do."

Mr. Wilson nodded his head.

Mr. Wilson: "I won't let my daughter suffer anymore. Cara will pay for what she's done. Thank you so much, kids. Without you, I wouldn't have known. I'm grateful that Case has friends like you. I'm sorry for everything I said."

Me: "No, sir. It's natural. Nobody likes to hear bad things about their family. We appreciate you listening to us till the end. Our mission is complete."

He smiles, calls someone.

Mr.Wilson: ''Hello. Darling get ready, I've a surprise for you.''

Me: ''It would be a nice surprise." I chucked a little.

Ethan: "It will be very memorable for her."

Mr. Wilson: "Thank you again, kids. I'll never forget this. Bless you."

Me: "Its a pleasure Sir."

Mr.Wilson: "I'll get going then. Got to give my wife a surprise."

Me: "Yup. Hurry up."

He left the office hurriedly.

As he leaves, we feel a sense of accomplishment.

Me: "Finally," I sigh. I looked at Ethan and Mia. "Good job, guys."

[Author's P.O.V]

Mr.Wilson arrived at his Mansion. He went inside and looked at her wife, all ready for the surprise. He smirked as he was going to give her wife the biggest surprise ever.

Ms.Cara: "Welcome back, honey." She said smiling.

Mr. Wilson didn't say anything. He went close to her and threw some papers on her face.

Ms. Cara was very shocked.

She looked at the papers. It said 'DIVORCE PAPER'.

She looked at him frantically.

Ms.Cara: "What is this, Honey?"

Mr.Wilson: "Are you blind. These are divorce papers. Take them and get out of my house."

Ms.Cara: "But...why? Why are you doing this?"

Mr.Wilson: "Huh.. seriously??! After doing everything with my daughter you have the audacity to say Why??!!" He said loudly.

Her eyes widened in realization. She clearly knew what he was talking about.

Ms.Cara: "What are talking about, honey? What did I do to Case? I love her so much."

Mr.Wilson: "Yeah right. This shows your love." He said and showed her the recordings.

She was dumbfounded. By this time, Case had also came out of her room due to all of the noise.

Mr.Wilson: "I trusted you. I loved you and gave you everything. I gave you the place of my dead wife. In return, I only wanted you to love my child, take care of her, don't let her feel the absence of her mother.

But I never thought you would make my daughter's life a living hell. I can't believe you abused my daughter for three years."

Ms.Cara: "I'm really sorry, Wilson. Please forgive me. Give me another chance. I won't do it again." Mr.Wilsom could clearly feel the fakeness in her voice.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Mr.Wilson: "Get out my house.!"

He said and dragged her out of the house.

Ms.Cara: "No- you can't do that."

Mr.Wilson: "Get lost." He said and signalled the guards to take her away.

He closed the door and turned around. He saw Case standing near the stairs. She was crying.

He looked at her pititly. He went towards her, bent down and hugged her tightly.