
Chapter # 28

{Time skip}

(During practice)

Ethan: "Ugh...I'm exhausted. No more, please."

Me: "Come on, Ethan, get up. We need to do more. We won't be able to practice tomorrow, so let's double up today."

Ethan: "But..."

Me: "No buts. Get up."

Ethan: "Alright, alright."

Me: "I hope everything goes smoothly."

Ethan: "Don't worry. It will." :)

[The Next Day]

We were standing in front of Case's mansion. Ethan and Mia had reporter's get up. While I was in a spy get up.

We all had earpieces through which we will communicate with each other.

(Yeah I know it's kind of too much. But it's so fun.) ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭

Ethan: "Whoa, it's massive."

Me: "It's called a mansion for a reason, dummy."

Ethan: "Any guesses on how many guards there are?"

Mia: "Many, but we're focusing on the main gate."

Me: "Remember the plan – you two distract the guards while I sneak in to install the cameras."

Mia: "How will you get past the cameras?"

Ethan: "Don't worry, I already hacked them."

Mia: "Impressive."

Ethan: "Genius, actually."

Me: "Genius, my foot. You used your magic." I said with a grin.

Mia: "Did you say something?"

Me: "Oh, nothing."

Ethan: "Let's go then."

Ethan and Mia approached the gate while I hid behind in a bush. The guards questioned them.

Guard: "Who are you guys? What are you doing here?"

Mia: "Oh, hello, sir. We're reporters and wanted to interview you fine people who guard this mansion day and night. Your dedication is commendable."

Guard: "No." He responds bluntly.

Ethan: "But sir, we really admire what you do. Guarding this mansion is no small feat. You protect the people of this mansion. It's so wonderful."

Oh my God, just check this guy's acting.

The guard looked at him curiously..

Ethan: "It would be great to interview you guys about your hard work. We really wanted to do it. But it's fine if you don't want to do it."

He was about to go back and guess what happened next.

Guards: "O-okay you can come."

The guards fell into his trap. Like seriously, what else did you expect. I mean who doesn't like praises.¯\( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/¯"

Ethan: "One step down." He whispered through the earpiece.

Me: "Good."

I slipped past the gate and proceeded with camera installation while the guards were occupied with the interview. I installed the cameras at different places. Like one in the living room, one in the kitchen. I used a little magic to install the cameras correctly so that they can't be detected easily. Everything was in place, and I made my way back.

Me: "Done."

Mia: "Katie, hurry. Case might come home at any moment."

Me: "I'm on my way."

I went outside. While Ethan and Mia were still surrounded by the guards.

I was quite shocked at how intimitated the guards were by being interviewed.

I quickly passed through the main gate and hid behind the bush.

Me: "I'm back. Hurry up now, I can see Case's car coming."

Mia: "Ok Sir, we need to go now. It was fun interviewing you guys. We wish to do this again."

Guard: "Sure come back anytime." A guard said smiling. Another one elbowed him slightly.

Guard: "Open the gates, Miss Case is coming." Another guards said. They all hurriedly went back to there respective places.

As Case's car entered the Mansion, Ethan and Mia left the house.

I hope she doesn't notices them.

We all high fived.

Me: "Good job guys."

Ethan: "Yes ,we did it."

Me: "Not now, though. The real challenge is at Mr. Wilson's company."

We hopped into a taxi.

Me: "Take us to Wilson Company, please."

Driver: "Sure thing."

{Time skip}

We were infront of Mr.Wilson's company.

Me: "Let's go, and let's finish this once and for all."

Mia: "Check the recordings. Has Case returned?"

Me: "Yeah, she's back."

Entering the company, we approach the reception.

Receptionist: "Hello, how may I help you?"

Me: "We want to see Mr. Wilson."

Receptionist: "What? Why would you like to meet him?" She was quite confused.

"What are these CHILDREN doing in the company?!"

A middle age person came towards us. He was quite angry.

Receptionist: "Hello sir, these children are here to meet Mr.Wilson."

Man: "Are you serious??! This is a company not a playground. Get them out right now!" He said furiously and went away.

Ethan: "Hmph.! Such a rude person."

Mia: "Why does he have such an attitude."

Me: "Miss please let us meet Mr.Wilson. it's really important. Please miss."