
Chapter # 27

{Next Morning}

I got up and started to get ready for college. While getting ready, I was thinking about how to help Case. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

Me: "Yes! This might be a good idea." I said to myself and went downstairs.

Me: "Good morning Grandma."

Grandma: "Good morning."

Me: "Are you feeling better now?"

Grandma: "Yes, sweetheart. Thank you so much for yesterday."

I smiled at her.

Me: "Is Ethan still sleeping?"

Grandma: "Maybe."

Me: "Ok, I'll check."

I went to his room and Woah...

I barely stopped myself from laughing. He was sleeping in such a weird way. His one leg was on the bed and the other on the floor. One hand is on the bed and the other swaying in the air. I took a picture and gave him an evil smile.

I then went towards his bed.

Me: "Ethan, Ethan wake up. We're gonna be late."

I started shaking him but nothing...

I then started tickling him.


He still kept snoring not moving an inch. I looked at him in shock. How does he not feel any tickling? If I was him, I would be laughing on the floor holding my stomach.

What to do now??. Wait.....^_________^

Me: "Ethan, Ethan get up quickly. The house is on fire.!!!"

I started shaking him fastly.

Ethan: "What..?!! fire!!. Oh No...Hurry and run outside."

He said and ran outside without his slippers!..

I started laughing loudly. He came back realizing what had happened.

His hair and clothes a mess. He looked at me with a frown.

Ethan: "Hey...that wasn't very nice."

Me: "O-kay. I'm sorry. But it worked didn't it?" I said chuckling.

He rolled his eyes and looked away pouting.

Me: "Okay okay. I won't do it again. Now get ready or else we'll be late."

[At school]

Ethan and I were heading to the cafeteria when Mia called out to me.

Mia: "Katie."

Me: "Oh hi, did you get the info?"

Mia: "Yes."

Me: "And Ethan, did you manage to get the cameras?"

Ethan: "Yeah."

Me: "Great." Ethan and Mia both wore puzzled expressions.

Me: "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot the introduction." I gestured towards Ethan. "Ethan, this is Mia. Mia, meet Ethan. Don't worry, he's aware of the plan, and he's here to assist us." Ethan nodded, acknowledging the introduction.

Mia: "Ok," she said, smiling.

Me: "So, Mia, can you share the information you gathered?"

Mia: "Certainly. Considering Case's affluent background, there's high security outside the house—guards, cameras, and the works. However, inside the house, security is comparatively lax. There are only a few maids who leave after completing their early morning tasks. Additionally, there are no interior cameras. I'm sure you can guess why."

Me: "So there's no evidence of what Case's stepmom does to her."

Mia: "Exactly. Although, there's a maid who is constantly with her. Whether she goes out or stays in, this maid is always by her side. I discovered she's actually her niece. Hence, she remains loyal, never revealing anything to outsiders. As for her routine, she frequently goes out on Tuesdays and Wednesdays—often to the salon or shopping with her friends."

Me: "Impressive work, Mia. I had my doubts about how Ms. Cara (Case's stepmom) could dare to mistreat her under such high-security conditions. But it's possible due to the lack of surveillance inside the house."

Mia: "Indeed. So, what's your plan, Katie?"

Me: "Now that we know Cara's schedule, our strategy is to enter the house when she's out and install the cameras."

Ethan: "It sounds straightforward, but it's bound to be quite challenging."

Me: "I'm aware of the difficulty, but it's the most effective way to expose Ms. Cara. After installing the cameras, we'll approach Mr. Wilson and present him with the live recordings."

Mia: "I see. This way, he'll have irrefutable evidence and no reason to doubt us."

Me: "Precisely. It's crucial to inform Mr. Wilson about his wife's actions."

Ethan: "Alright, let's execute the plan tomorrow."

We all nodded in agreement.

{Time skip}

(During practice)

Ethan: "Aah... I'm exhausted. No more."

Me: "Come on, Ethan, get up. We need to push ourselves further. Tomorrow we won't be able to practice, so we have to double our efforts today."

Ethan: "But-"