
Chapter # 24

Ethan: "Let's skip practice today."

Katie: "What?"

Ethan: "We'll come home early and help Grandma so she can rest. Okay?"

Katie's face lit up with gratitude.

Katie: "Really?"

Ethan: "Yes."

Katie: "But the practice—"

Ethan reassured her.

Ethan: "Don't worry; it's just for one day."

Katie's cheerfulness returned.

Katie: "Okay..."

I couldn't help but smile at her. It was always worth it to see her happy.

(End of Ethan's P.O.V)

{Katie's P.O.V}

During lunch break, I was trying to find Mia. I wandered through the school's corridors, hoping to spot her. It was by the restroom that I finally saw her emerging. As she walked past me, I called out to her.

Me: "Mia."

Mia: "Uh... um, yes?"

This was the first time we had ever conversed. Mia was Case's friend, but she had never bullied me. I believed she was genuinely a kind person.

Me: "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Mia: "Umm..."

Me: "It's about Case, and it's important."

Mia: "Okay."

Me: "Let's find a place to sit."

We headed outside and settled on a bench.

Me: "Alright, so I may not be in the best position to ask you this, but it's necessary. Has Case always been like this? I mean, was she a bully from the very beginning? Because I have a feeling she wasn't."

Mia: "Why do you want to know that?"

Me: "I wouldn't have inquired about her if I hadn't encountered a situation a few days ago."

Mia: "What situation?"

Me: "I'm going to tell you everything since I know you're her true friend. A few days ago, I was on my way back from the infirmary when I found Case quietly crying in the Janitor's room."

Mia: "What?" Her eyes widened in shock.

Me: "Yes, but there's more. After that, I decided to talk to her because I was worried about why she was crying. The next day, I was in the restroom, washing my hands. Case walked out of one of the stalls and began washing her hands. When she was about to leave, I grabbed her wrist. She winced and pulled her wrist away, revealing a blue bruise."

Mia: "Oh my God."

Me: "Do you remember when Dr. Ellen was looking for Case?"

Mia: "Uh, yes."

Me: "It was because of that bruise."

Mia: "Did you tell her?"

Me: "Yes, I had to. It was already in a bad state, and I knew she wouldn't treat it herself, so I informed Dr. Ellen. She promised not to tell anyone."

Mia: "Why would you do that? I mean, she was your bully."

Me: "I don't fully understand it either. I could have just left her in the Janitor's room that day and not cared. But for some reason, I felt that something was wrong with her. Just like how I told someone that no one is bad without a reason. That's why I decided to talk to you. You know, another thing I observed was that she acts tough and rude, but now that I've started to watch her closely, it's all a facade."

Mia: "You're incredibly perceptive," she remarked with a chuckle.

Me: "Uh...?"

Mia: "Everything you noticed is correct. I never thought I'd tell this to anyone, but I have to now."

Me: "Don't worry; I'll keep it a secret. I just want to help her, and I think you do too, so let's do it together."

She nodded and continued.

Mia: "Three years ago, her mother died in a car accident. Her father is a hardworking man, and he couldn't leave Case alone at home. So, he remarried. Ever since her stepmother entered her life, she changed."

Me: "Oh my. Is her stepmother the typical kind who's rude most of the time but acts differently in front of her father?"

Mia nodded, and I offered a sympathetic look.

Mia: "Exactly like that. I made the same face as yours when she told me this, and she got mad. She hates it when people feel sorry for her. But you know what? She never told me about getting hurt."

Me: "Do you think her stepmother is abusive?"

Mia: "I can't say for sure, but it's possible."

Me: "What should we do?"

Mia: "I'm glad you're concerned about her despite everything she's done to you."

Me: "Honestly, it was tough. It was hard enduring her bullying. You know, I don't have parents. They passed away when I was just three years old."

Her expression changed to one of complete surprise. I chuckled and continued.