
Chapter # 23

Ethan: "Why the sudden interest? It's not like you've ever been this concerned before. Are you feeling sorry for Case?"

Me: "Yeah, it's the first time, but that's because I never really noticed before. Now that I'm paying closer attention, it seems like she's hiding a scared side behind her tough exterior."

Ethan nodded in understanding.

Following the conclusion of our college classes, we ventured into the other world. I finally acquired my magic stick, and we dedicated ourselves to practicing spells and honing our combat skills.

Me: "We're getting better day by day, aren't we?"

Ethan: "Yeah, it won't be long before we become pros, right?"

I playfully teased him.

Me: "Okay, don't let your ego inflate too much. We're not that good yet."

Ethan confidently responded, "We will be. Soon." ୧(^ 〰 ^)୨

[After Practice]

Me: "Aaah, I'm exhausted."

Ethan: "Me too..."

We began the journey back home after a strenuous practice session.

Both: "We're home."

Grandma: "Welcome back, kids. You both look tired."

Me: "Yes, Grandma. We're really tired."

Grandma: "Why don't you take the day off?"

Me: "Not today, Grandma. Chief said that we need to practice hard."

Grandma: "That kid. He was always like that."

Ethan: "Are you talking about Dad?"

Grandma: "Yes, dear. Even when he came here with Katie's dad, he wouldn't stay long. He'd say, 'I'll get going; I've got to practice.'"

Ethan: "Oh."

Grandma chuckled and continued with her story.

Grandma: "Tell him to come visit me sometime. It's been a while since he was here. I miss him."

Ethan reassured her.

Ethan: "I'll make sure to pass on the message."

Grandma couldn't help but ask.

Grandma: "By the way, where did

he go?"

I explained our lack of information.

Me: "We don't know; he just said he had to go somewhere."

Grandma accepted the response.

Grandma: "Ah, I see. Well, eat your dinner and go to bed early tonight. Rest well, and be sure to massage your legs, or you'll have cramps tomorrow."

Both of us agreed with her instructions.

Both: "Okay, Grandma."

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind full of thoughts about my parents, Case's situation, and the looming battle with the witch. There was much on my plate.


The next morning, I was getting ready for college when I suddenly detected a burning smell wafting from downstairs. I hurriedly made my way downstairs.

Me: "Grandma..."

Grandma: "You must be here because of the burning smell, right?" She greeted me with a reassuring smile.

Ethan emerged from his room, inquiring about the peculiar aroma.

Ethan: "What's that smell?"

Grandma took responsibility for the incident.

Grandma: "Sorry, kids, I accidentally burnt some pancakes."

Ethan: "Oh, okay."

I couldn't ignore the signs any longer.

Me: "Grandma, you're sweating. Are you okay?"

Grandma tried to brush it off.

Grandma: "Yes, dear, I'm working in the kitchen in front of the stove. It's normal to sweat."

But something felt off.

Me: "But—"

Grandma interrupted to prevent further worry.

Grandma: "Go and get ready, or you'll be late."

As we left for college, a growing concern lingered in my mind. It was unusual for Grandma to make mistakes in the kitchen and perspire so profusely.

{Ethan's P.O.V.}

We set off from home, walking toward the bus station. I noticed the troubled expression on Katie's face as she contemplated something.

Ethan: "Katie?"

Katie: "Uh, yes."

I couldn't ignore her distress.

Ethan: "Is everything alright? You seem stressed about something. I noticed it during breakfast too."

Katie confided in me.

Katie: "It's about Grandma."

I probed for more details.

Ethan: "Grandma?"

Katie: "Yes. You know, it was the first time she ever burnt something, and I've never seen her sweat so much before. I'm worried about her health. She takes care of everything, and I can't even help due to college and practice—"

I tried to calm her worries.

Ethan: "Hey, hey, stop. Calm down first. You're overthinking. Everything's fine. It's true that she works hard, but she might have just overworked herself. She only needs some rest."

Katie nodded, her expression still marked by concern.

I had observed these changes as well. Though my time living here hadn't been long, I, too, had never seen Grandma in such a state. But I needed to reassure Katie.

Ethan: "Let's skip practice today."

Katie: "What?"

Ethan: "We'll come home early and help Grandma so she can rest. Okay?"

Katie's face lit up with gratitude.

Katie: "Really?"

Ethan: "Yes."

Katie: "But the practice—"

Ethan reassured her.

Ethan: "Don't worry; it's just for one day."

Katie's cheerfulness returned.

Katie: "Okay..."

I couldn't help but smile at her. It was always worth it to see her happy.

(End of Ethan's P.O.V)