
Chapter # 22

{Katie's P.O.V}

I went to the restroom. As I stood by the sink, Case emerged from one of the stalls. She glanced at me briefly but quickly averted her eyes as if trying to maintain her facade of indifference. She proceeded to wash her hands nonchalantly.

Case: "How are you doing, loser?" She attempted to sound normal but failed miserably. She turned off the tap and turned away, ready to leave.

I couldn't let her slip away without asking.

Me: "Wait a minute," I said, seizing her wrist.

Case: "Ouch!" She cried out in pain.

Me: "Are you okay?" I inquired, my eyes drawn to her wrist, which was marred by a prominent, painful-looking bruise.

She swiftly pulled her wrist away and attempted to conceal the bruise, but it was too late. I had already seen it.

Me: "What happened to your wrist?"

Case: "It's none of your business!" She snapped, refusing to turn back toward me. She pushed past me.

Me: "At least treat it. It's already worse."

Case: "Why do you care?" She said without turning around and went out of the restroom.

[Case's P.O.V]

I strolled through the school hallways when Mia, my friend, called my name.

Mia: "Case, wait a sec."

I responded irritably, "What?"

Mia: "Dr. Ellen was looking for you."

I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice. I discreetly concealed my bruised wrist behind my back.

Me: "Why?"

Mia: "I don't know. Did you get hurt?"

I took on an arrogant tone.

Me: "No, I didn't. Who could possibly hurt me?"

Mia: "Okay, good. Be sure to visit her."

I nodded and bid her goodbye. As I turned away and watched her figure recede, I couldn't help but think, 'Even though I'm always rude to her, she never says anything and always smiles when talking to me. She's the only true friend I've got. The rest are just my friends because I'm rich.'

I headed to the school infirmary, where Dr. Ellen awaited me.

Dr. Ellen: "Oh, Case. Finally, you're here."

I replied uninterestedly, "Why were you looking for me?"

She approached me and gently took my injured wrist in her hands.

Dr. Ellen: "Because of this," she said, indicating the bruise.

I was taken aback.

Me: "How do you know?"

Dr. Ellen: "Someone informed me. But don't worry; I won't tell anyone."

She proceeded to tend to my injured wrist.

Dr. Ellen: "And done," she announced with a kind smile.

I got up and turned to leave, but Dr. Ellen offered me some advice.

Dr. Ellen: "If you're having a difficult time, find someone to talk to. It's not good to bottle up your feelings for too long."

I responded with gratitude.

Me: "Thank you for your concern. But I'm okay."

Dr. Ellen accepted my response and let me go.

As I left the infirmary, I couldn't help but wonder who had told Dr. Ellen about my wrist. No one else knew about it, except for Katie. But why would she inform Dr. Ellen about it? Why would she do that?

{Katie's P.O.V}

I entered the college cafeteria, and Ethan was already there. I took a seat in front of him.

Ethan: "So... any progress?"

I shook my head, my concern for Case still weighing heavily on my mind.

Me: "I'm thinking about talking to her friend, Mia. She's the only person I believe is genuinely Case's friend. The rest are just gold diggers. You know, her wrist was severely hurt, and I'm growing more worried."

Ethan cautioned me, "Hey, keep calm. Don't get too worked up about 'her'."

Me: "She's still a girl, and a girl having a bruised wrist is not usual."

Ethan: "Hmm, you're right. Go ahead and talk to her friend. But do you think Case would have confided in her?"

Me: "No, I'm sure she didn't tell anyone."

Ethan: "So, what will you ask her friend?"

Me: "I want to know when Case began to act so rudely. I have a feeling that she wasn't always like that."

Ethan couldn't help but tease me.

Ethan: "Why the sudden interest? It's not like you've ever been this concerned before. Are you feeling sorry for Case?"

I chuckled.

Me: "Yeah, it's the first time, but that's because I never really noticed before. Now that I'm paying closer attention, it seems like she's hiding a scared side behind her tough exterior."

Ethan nodded in understanding.

Following the conclusion of our college classes, we ventured into the other world. I finally acquired my magic stick, and we dedicated ourselves to practicing spells and honing our combat skills.