
Chapter # 21

Chief Shen: "Now, let's see the roundhouse kick."

Ethan: "Alright..."

Ethan executed a roundhouse kick, which Chief Shen blocked, although he noted that Ethan's posture was off.

Chief Shen: "Alright?"

Both: "Yes."

Chief Shen: "Katie, did you understand?"

Me: "Yes, Chief."

Chief: "Great. Ethan will assist you with these moves, as he's learned them already. I'm pressed for time, or else I would have taught you personally."

Me: "No worries, Chief." :)

Chief Shen: "Any questions?"

Me: "Yes, Chief."

Chief Shen: "Go ahead."

Me: "Chief, why do we need to learn combat when we have magic?"

Chief Shen: "I expected this question. You see, your magic also consumes your body's energy. As young as you are, you can't use magic extensively, given your limited practice duration. Building physical strength by learning these skills enhances your magical abilities."

"Furthermore, there are instances when you can't concentrate properly in battle. You might mispronounce spells or forget them. What would you do then? These combat skills can save the day. Do you understand?"

Me: "Yes. I got it now, Chief"

Ethan: "Ahan, it makes sense. I was also unsure at first, but your explanation is convincing."

Chief Shen: "Good. Listen attentively. I won't be around for a while. It's essential that you both practice diligently. Practice sparring, both offense and defense. And... stay committed. We don't know when the witch might strike. I want you both to be fully prepared when I return. Alright?"

Both: "Yes, Chief."

As Ethan and I walked back home, he brought up a conversation from the previous day.

Ethan: "Hey, you were about to tell me something yesterday."

Me: "Oh, that... You remember when I went to the infirmary yesterday?"

Ethan: "Yeah."

Me: "Well, when I was coming back from the infirmary, I saw Case crying."

Ethan: "And...?"

Me: "She was actually crying in the janitor's room."

Ethan: "So...?"

Me: "What do you mean by 'And'?"

Ethan: "Are you worried about her?"

Me: "Yes, I am."

Ethan: "Why?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Ethan: "I mean, she's your bully. Why would you care about her? If she was crying, let her cry. It's not your problem."

Me: "Hey, don't be heartless. You know, people aren't mean for no reason. If she was bullying me, there must be a story behind it. She might be going through something herself."

Ethan: "Wow, you have such a big heart. How can you be like that?"

Me: "I don't know," I replied, with a little chuckle.

Ethan: "What's your plan then?"

Me: "I'm thinking about talking to her. Even though I doubt she'll open up, I want to understand what's bothering her and help if I can."

Ethan: "Such a goody two shoes," he said, playfully pinching my cheeks.

Me: "Hey..."

Ethan: "Haha, do what you think is right. I'm with you," he assured me, offering a warm smile. I nodded.

We returned home, where Grandma warmly welcomed us.

Grandma: "Are you hungry, my dears?"

Both: "Yes, Grandma... very."

Grandma: "Alright, set the table, and I'll bring the food."

Me: "Aah, I'm stuffed."

Ethan: "What did you expect after devouring three plates of rice?"

Me: "I think I might want to test that punch Chief taught me earlier. Where should I try it?" I said, eyeing my fist and then grinning at Ethan.

He playfully gulped and pretended to bow.

Ethan: "I beg your pardon, it was a slip of the tongue. I promise to teach that tongue a lesson. Please forgive me."

I stifled a laugh.

Me: "Okay, I'll forgive you this time. Just don't make the same mistake again."

Ethan: "Thank you, your highness," he added with a smirk.

We both burst into laughter, and even Grandma chuckled as she watched us.

After finishing the dishes, I stepped onto the terrace and gazed at the starry night sky. The stars sparkled beautifully, and I couldn't help but smile. I returned to my room and drifted off to sleep.

{Katie's P.O.V}

As we sat in our morning class, I couldn't help but notice that Case was present today. However, she was far from her usual self. There was an air of exhaustion about her that was hard to ignore.

I went to the restroom. As I stood by the sink, Case emerged from one of the stalls. She glanced at me briefly but quickly averted her eyes as if trying to maintain her facade of indifference. She proceeded to wash her hands nonchalantly.

Case: "How are you doing, loser?" She attempted to sound normal but failed miserably. She turned off the tap and turned away, ready to leave.