
Chapter # 20

Chief Shen: "Now, the next two spells are for causing objects to explode or turning them into stone. When the enemy wizard attacked this world, he had a massive army of minions, and we used these spells to either obliterate them or petrify them. It's just a hunch, but the witch may also have her own army of minions, so these spells are crucial. But remember, they're not easy to pronounce. The spell for causing explosions is _Mosmardae devidegatae_."

He invoked the spell, making a nearby rock explode.

Chief Shen: "The next spell turns objects into stone. _Tretangllarie navecos_," he said, pointing at a pot of water, which promptly turned to stone.

Both: "Wow..."

Chief Shen: "You'll need to practice these spells diligently."

We nodded.

Chief Shen: "Take this book; it contains all the other spells. Make sure to practice those as well."

I accepted the book.

As we walked back home, I pored over the spells.

Me: "These spells can confuse temporarily, enlarge objects, heal minor injuries, stop other spells, and even restrain a person. These spells are incredible."

Ethan: "Really?"

Me: "Yes, perhaps it's not surprising to you, given your familiarity with magic, but for people in this world, magic is a revelation."

We returned home, had dinner, and headed to bed.

The next day, as we headed to college, I decided to try talking to Case. I knew she might not open up, but it was worth a try. We reached our classroom, and after a few minutes, the teacher began taking attendance.

Teacher: "Case."


Teacher: "Case Wilson?"

Girl: "Sir, I think she's absent."

Teacher: "Alright."

"She's absent? She might be in that room," I thought to myself. I excused myself and went to the janitor's room, but she wasn't there.

{Time skip}

The bell rang, signaling the end of college. We gathered our bags and exited the school building. As we headed to the other world for our practice, I had a question for Chief Shen.

Me: "Chief?"

Chief Shen: "I know you might be wondering why I'm here today. I'm going to teach you some basic combat skills. I have to leave for a while, and I won't be back soon. So, today, I'll impart some fundamental techniques."

Both: "Alright."

Chief Shen: "If you think that fighting is just about throwing punches and kicks randomly, you're mistaken. If you do that, your opponent might get hurt, but there's a high chance you'll get hurt too. You don't need to become martial arts experts, as you'll primarily rely on magic. However, understanding the basics is crucial. You can adapt and enhance these skills in your own way through practice."

Both: "Understood."

Chief Shen: "The foundation of combat is striking, which encompasses punching, kicking, and strikes."

He snapped his fingers, conjuring a punching bag before us.

"Show me how you punch."

We both clenched our fists and punched the bag with force.

Chief Shen: "Not bad..."

Our smiles quickly faded as we were corrected.

Chief Shen: "Your punches were incorrect. Let me demonstrate."

He punched the bag to illustrate the proper technique.

Chief Shen: "Can you spot the difference between your punches and mine?"

We shook our heads, unsure of what we did wrong.

"Pay attention. When making a fist, your thumb should be tightly tucked inside, and your contact points should be the knuckles of your middle and index fingers. Punching with the other two fingers' knuckles risks hurting your hand. Got it, knuckleheads?" He said with a chuckle.

We laughed and nodded.

Chief Shen: "Now, try again."

Chief Shen: "Next is kicking, which can be even more powerful than punching. However, it's vital to condition your feet properly to avoid injuring yourself. I'll show you some types of kicks."

Ethan: "Oh boy, I'm in for it now," he mumbled, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Chief Shen: "Katie, count to three, and then say start."

Me: "Three, two, one... start."

Chief demonstrated a front kick, which Ethan skillfully blocked.

Chief Shen: "Good."

Next, he appeared to go for a front kick but cleverly executed a sidekick, causing Ethan to lose his balance and fall.

Chief Shen: "These are tricks that can be quite helpful."

Ethan got up, slightly embarrassed.

Chief Shen: "Now, let's see the roundhouse kick."

Ethan: "Alright..."

Ethan executed a roundhouse kick, which Chief Shen blocked, although he noted that Ethan's posture was off.

Chief Shen: "Alright?"

Both: "Yes."

Chief Shen: "Katie, did you understand?"

Me: "Yes, Chief."

Chief: "Great. Ethan will assist you with these moves, as he's learned them already. I'm pressed for time, or else I would have taught you personally."