
Chapter # 19

Ethan: "Yes, keep hitting there, just a little more. You did it!"

Me: "Another win!"

Ethan: "Congratulations."

Me: "Why aren't you playing, Ethan?"

Ethan: "I'm happy just watching you. It's fun, right?"

I suddenly realized something.

Me: "Did you bring me here because you knew I'd enjoy it?"

Ethan: "Perhaps."

Me: "But why?"

Ethan: "I want you to experience all the things you couldn't before."

I couldn't help but stare at him, touched by his thoughtfulness.

Me: "Thank you. I feel incredibly lucky to have you by my side."

Ethan: "It's my pleasure. Let's go, we still have some coins to use up."

We played numerous games, and I had an absolute blast, all thanks to Ethan.

As we headed back home, Ethan had one more surprise in store.

Ethan: "Wait here." He said and went somewhere. I sat on a bench. I closed my eyes and started humming. "Here you go." I opened my eyes and saw Ethan holding a chocolate ice cream.

Me: "Thankyou."

He sat beside me and started eating his strawberry ice cream.

We finished our ice cream.

Me: "Ethan..."

Ethan: "Hmm."

Me: "Thankyou so much."

Ethan: "For what?"

Me: "For everything."

Ethan: "I didn't do anything."

Me: "You did. Much more than you think."

I said and gave him a big smile.

Ethan: "Just stay happy. That's all that matters." He said giving me his boxy smile.

{Time Skip}

In College


I hurried through the hallway on my way to class, running a bit late due to a headache that had sent me to the infirmary earlier. The hallway was empty, and as I walked, I heard faint sobbing. Perplexed, I moved closer to the lockers. The sound was coming from the Janitor's room.

I opened the door a little and peeked inside.


Case was sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her face as she tried to stifle her sobs. I quietly closed the door.

'Why's she crying? Should I talk to her? No. But she's crying. Arghh...what should I do?'

I went to the class while thinking about whether to talk to her or not.

{Time Skip}

As we prepared to venture into the other world, I couldn't help but wonder what had upset Case so profoundly. My contemplation was abruptly interrupted by Ethan.

Ethan: "Earth to Katie," he teased, waving his hand in front of my face.

Me: "Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought."

Ethan: "Is everything okay?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm just... today-"

Chief Shen: "Oh, you guys are here."

Both of us: "Yes."

Chief Shen: "Let's get started."

We nodded.

Chief Shen: "Today, we're going to learn some spells. The first one is for shielding yourself. Ethan, attack me."

Ethan launched an attack, and Chief Shen invoked the spell.

Chief Shen: "_Sumol cursito_," he chanted, forming a protective barrier around himself.

Me: "Impressive."

Chief Shen: "Now it's your turn."

Ethan: "I'll give it a shot."

Chief Shen: "Go ahead."

Ethan: "_Sumol cursito_," he repeated, but nothing happened.

"_Sumol cursito_" he tried again, with the same result.

"_Sumol cursito!!!_"

Chief Shen: "You idiot kid. Have you forgotten that you must believe in the spell for it to work. Mere recitation won't do it," he scolded, shaking his head. "Katie, your turn."

Me: "Yes, Chief."

I closed my eyes, focused, and invoked the spell. "_Sumol cursito_," and I successfully created a protective barrier.

Chief Shen: "Well done, Katie. Ethan, learn from her."

I gave Ethan a triumphant smirk, and he responded with a roll of his eyes.

Chief Shen: "Next, we'll learn the wand lightning spell." He demonstrated by conjuring lightning to strike a tree. "Katie, you still don't have a wand, right?"

Me: "Yes, Chief."

Chief Shen: "Ethan, you give it a try."

Ethan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then cast the spell.

Ethan: "_Nox sentios!!!_"

The tree was engulfed in lightning.

Chief Shen: "Good."

I gave Ethan a thumbs-up.

He had a proud smile on his face.

Chief Shen: "You'll need to practice this spell to control the amount of lightning better."

We both nodded.

Chief Shen: "Now, the next two spells are for causing objects to explode or turning them into stone. When the enemy wizard attacked this world, he had a massive army of minions, and we used these spells to either obliterate them or petrify them. It's just a hunch, but the witch may also have her own army of minions, so these spells are crucial. But remember, they're not easy to pronounce. The spell for causing explosions is _Mosmardae devidegatae_."

He invoked the spell, making a nearby rock explode.