
Chapter # 18

Me: "Ah, I see now."

Chief Shen: "Is everything clear?"

Me: "Yes, Chief. Thank you for explaining."

Chief Shen: "You're always welcome, marshmallow."

I looked at him with astonishment.

Me: "How did you know about that nickname?"

Chief Shen: "Don't you remember? I was a friend of your father's. I used to visit and see you frequently. I recall that whenever your father called you 'marshmallow,' you'd smile sweetly. It was adorable. I also brought you many gifts, and my favorite was a large teddy bear."

Me: "The white one?? With a heart in the middle?"

Chief Shen: "Exactly."

Me: "I still have it, and it's one of my favorites."

Chief Shen: "Really?"

Me: "Yes, I would use it every time l flet lonely."

Chief Shen: "I'm glad to hear it helped you."

Me: "May I make another request?"

Chief Shen: "Of course, sweetheart."

Me: "Could you call me 'marshmallow' more often? Your voice is so similar to my dad's, and I really love it."

Chief Shen: "Certainly, marshmallow." He embraced me, and Ethan chimed in.

Ethan: "Is your emotional moment over yet?"–_–

We broke the hug and found Ethan with a slightly annoyed expression.

Chief Shen: "Why? You need a hug too."

Ethan: "Ew, no. Let's get back to training."

Chief Shen: "Alright, alright. I'll see you both tomorrow, then."

Ethan: "Yeah, yeah."

Ethan grabbed my hand, and we headed home. I waved at Chief Shen, and he waved back.

On our way home, Ethan had a suggestion.

Ethan: "Should we purchase some punching bags?"

Me: "Why?"

Ethan: "You know, they can help you control your strength better."

Me: "That's a good idea."

Ethan: "Let's go."

We went to a store to buy the punching bags.

Me: "Excuse me, ma'am. Can we have five punching bags?"

Shopkeeper: "Five?"

Ethan: "Yes."

Me: "But isn't that a lot?"

Ethan: "Madam, with your strength, I don't think even five will be enough."

Me: "..."

While they were packing the bags, I noticed an arcade nearby. Ethan followed my gaze.

Ethan: "Oh, an arcade."

Me: "Have you been there? Is it fun?"

Ethan: "Yes, it's incredibly fun. They have some amazing games."

Me: "I didn't know. In fact, I've never been to one." I admitted with a wistful smile.

Ethan quickly picked up on my change in tone.

Ethan: "I'm sorry—"

Me: "No, don't be," I reassured him with a smile.

Ethan: "Madam, could you please deliver these to xxx address?"

I looked at him in confusion.

Me: "


Ethan: "Do you think we can carry five punching bags, dummy? Let's go."

Me: "Wait, that's not the way home."

Ethan: "We're not going home."

Me: "Then..."

Ethan: "Let's spend the day hanging out."

He dragged me into the arcade, bought a pile of coins, and we began exploring the games.

Me: "Why did you buy so many coins?"

Ethan: "Because we're going to play a lot!"

We made our way to the games.

Ethan: "Which one do you want to play first?"

Me: "How about Pac-Man?" I suggested eagerly.

Ethan: "Let's do it." He inserted coins into the machine.

Ethan: "You know how to play, right?"

Me: "Not really. I've only heard about it."

Ethan: "Well, it's one of the best arcade games. In this game, you control the yellow circle, Pac-Man, and your goal is to collect all the dots in the maze while avoiding the colorful ghosts."

Me: "Got it."

Ethan: "Now, start playing. I'll guide you."

I began playing the game.

Ethan: "Good job, you're doing great. Collect those energy dots; they turn Pac-Man blue, allowing him to eat the ghosts and earn more points."

Me: "Yes!"

Ethan: "You won!"

Me: "I did!"

Ethan: "Excellent job for your first try."

Me: "Thank you."

Ethan: "Now, let's move on to the next game."

Me: "Space Invaders? That looks interesting."

Ethan: "Yes, it is. In this game, you control a lone spaceship, shooting at a wall of advancing enemies. The more enemies you defeat, the faster the remaining ones move, so be cautious."

Me: "Understood."

Ethan inserted coins, and I started playing.

Ethan: "You're doing great, keep it up. Shoot that one. Well done."

Me: "This is really fun."

Ethan: "See, I told you. And now, for the final game, the big one."

Me: "I'm ready."

Ethan: "Yes, keep hitting there, just a little more. You did it!"

Me: "Another win!"

Ethan: "Congratulations."

Me: "Why aren't you playing, Ethan?"

Ethan: "I'm happy just watching you. It's fun, right?"

I suddenly realized something.

Me: "Did you bring me here because you knew I'd enjoy it?"

Ethan: "Perhaps."

Me: "But why?"