
Chapter # 17

Ethan: "Strength alone isn't enough; you need to use your brain, Miss 'I'm so awesome'."

Me: "Aish. You dummy."

Ethan: "Ohh dummy. I like that name. Isn't it cute?"

Me: "Is it?? Then what about dimwit?"

Ethan: "Heyyy~~ don't be rude now."

Me: "Help me stand up."

Ethan: "Okay old lady.."

Me: "Old lady? Seriously?"

Ethan: "Yes, you're an old lady now."

Me: "I'm not an old lady."

Ethan: "Okay, you're not."

Me: "Good, now help me up."

Ethan: "Alright, old lady," he said and then dashed away, laughing.

Me: "You... I'm not an old lady." I yelled and ran after him.

While we were running, Chief Shen appeared. We abruptly stopped our chase and greeted him.

Me: "How are you, Chief?"

Chief Shen: "I'm well, and you?"

Me: "I'm doing great."

Chief Shen: "That's good to hear. How's your training progressing?"

Me: "It's going really well."

Chief Shen: "That's excellent."

Me: "And how's this young man holding up?" I asked playfully, tousling Ethan's hair.

Ethan: "Dad..."

Chief Shen: "Has he been causing you any trouble?"

Me: "Not at all, Chief. He's a really nice guy."

Ethan: "You heard that, Dad."

Chief Shen: "I know she's just saying that so you won't get hurt. Don't get your hopes up."

Ethan: "Come on, Dad, I'm not that bad, am I?"

Chief Shen: "Maybe..."

Ethan: "Hey..."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched their banter, but what I didn't anticipate was a tear escaping from my eye.

Ethan: "Katie, are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked with genuine concern.

Me: "Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry. Just seeing you both brought back memories of my dad," I explained, wiping away the tear and managing a small laugh.

They regarded me with sympathy, and Chief Shen decided to offer comfort.

Chief Shen: "Come here, Katie."

I approached him, and he gently patted my head.

Chief Shen: "Don't worry. I'm here for you, even if your father isn't. You can think of me as a surrogate. If you ever have concerns or if Ethan gets on your nerves, come to me. I'll listen to all your worries. Remember, I'm always by your side."

Touched by his words, I became emotional and hugged him tightly.

Me: "Thank you so much, Chief."

Chief Shen: "You're always welcome."

After some time, I regained my composure.

Chief Shen: "Are you feeling better now?"

I nodded, and he offered a reassuring smile.

Chief Shen: "Alright, you two continue your training. I'll be on my way."

Me: "Chief, wait."

Chief Shen: "Yes?"

Me: "Can I ask you something?"

Chief Shen: "Of course, dear."

Me: "When my grandma told me about my mom and dad, she said the wizard disappeared into a black hole."

Chief Shen: "Yes, that's right."

Me: "So who's attacking us now?"

Chief Shen: "This time, it's a witch. The wizard was her lover, and now she seeks revenge. Long ago, the wizard, known as William, was a good man. He was powerful but not evil. However, he gradually succumbed to greed, realizing he couldn't conquer our world. So, he turned his sights on your world, aiming to rule it. The witch, Kathleen, tried to stop him, but he became blinded by his greed and ignored her. When the day came that he was sucked into the black hole, Kathleen was there too. Despite everything, she still loved him and wanted to implore him to stop. However, he was gone before she had the chance. She spent days crying by the black hole, and everyone tried to console her to no avail. Eventually, she found the strength to stand up with the help of the wall. She discovered a familiar stick under some debris – William's magic wand. She realized it still held power and decided to carry out what he couldn't. People in our world pitied her for her loss, and she cleverly garnered sympathy, convincing them to send her to your world so she could heal. What they didn't know was that she had the magic wand, which she later used to build her army and amass incredible power. Before we met you, we received word of a powerful presence in your world. Your world's inhabitants lack magic, and those who travel from our world are restricted from using their magic unless absolutely necessary. The witch's power was exceptional, and it was the fortune teller who revealed that she was seeking revenge on her lover. He also told us that only you could save us."

Me: "Ah, I see now."

Chief Shen: "Is everything clear?"

Me: "Yes, Chief. Thank you for explaining."

Chief Shen: "You're always welcome, marshmallow."

I looked at him with astonishment.

Me: "How did you know about that nickname?"