
Chapter # 15

I was left stunned. I had never viewed it from that perspective.

Me: "You're absolutely right," I conceded, my head hanging low.

Ethan: "It's good that you've understood that. No matter how much you've tolerated, unless you take a stand and reveal your strength to them, the bullying won't cease. It doesn't matter whether you have friends or not; you're the only one who can stand up for yourself."

{The next day}

Today, I brimmed with excitement. I promised Ethan that I wouldn't hold back any longer. The anticipation of today's encounter with the wealthy bullies was exhilarating. Just wait, you privileged brats, I thought as I prepared for the day.

After getting ready, I descended the stairs.

Me: "Bonjour~."

Grandma: "Good morning, sweetie."

Ethan: "Morning."

Grandma: "Someone's in high spirits today, huh?" Her eyes twinkled as she commented, and I chuckled in response.

I took a seat beside Ethan.

Ethan: "Why the grin?"

Me: "Oh, it's nothing. Just feeling excited about today."

Ethan dropped his spoon, a puzzled expression on his face.

Ethan: "Are you not feeling well?"

Me: "No, I'm perfectly fine."

Ethan: "Then—"

Me: "Shhh... and keep eating."

With our goodbyes to Grandma, we headed to the bus station. While walking, I sensed a presence behind me. I couldn't resist a mischievous smirk, silently counted to three, then sidestepped. The person who had intended to push me found herself sprawled on the ground.

Me: "Oops. Missed!" I taunted, smirking.

Witnesses tried their best to stifle their laughter. Ethan, meanwhile, appeared in a state of shock.

After boarding the bus, I couldn't help but groan.

Me: "Ugh... again!?"

Ethan: "What's wrong?"

Me: "The bus is filled with 'losers'... again." I shook my head in mock disappointment.

Ethan struggled to keep a straight face but failed miserably.

We took our seats.

Ethan: "You've got to be kidding me. I think you're sick."

Me: "What?"

Ethan: "You're not really feeling well, are you?"

Me: "No!"

Ethan: "Really?"

Me: "Yes!"

Ethan: "Well, anyway, that was so cool."

Me: "Wasn't it?"

Ethan: "I'm stunned. You're a savage."

Me: "Oh, when I was born, the Devil said, 'Oh shoot... competition.'" I snickered, and Ethan's jaw dropped.

He raised his arms dramatically and proclaimed:

Ethan: "All hail the devil queen."

Me: "Ahahaha, thank you, thank you."

Ethan: "Now, tell me, where did you pick up those lines?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow.

I gave him a cheeky smile.

Me: "I also searched on Google."

Ethan: "Really? Argh, I scoured the entire Google and couldn't find lines as cool as those," he pouted, and I chuckled at his playful exasperation.

As we walked toward our class, Ethan turned more serious.

Ethan: "Today, you need to show your spells to Master. Are you ready?"

Me: "Yes, I'm prepared."

Ethan: "It will go well. You're a natural; you just need to have confidence."

Me: "Okay."

Upon entering the class, the room fell silent as all eyes turned to us. I couldn't help but notice Case, her red nose evidence of her earlier fall.

Everything proceeded smoothly... until lunchtime.

While Ethan went to the restroom, I found myself standing before Case and her friends. Case wore a smug expression, sizing me up.

Case: "Where did your 'guardian' go? Has he finally realized you're a loser?" Her friends cackled in amusement.

Me: "Why, do you miss his insults? If that's the case, I can accommodate." I retorted, a smirk playing on my lips. The entire cafeteria seemed to be watching.

She appeared taken aback, as it was the first time I'd ever talked back.

Case: "Oh, so the loser knows how to talk?"

Me: "Indeed, I do. Now, are you scared?" The cafeteria collectively responded with 'ooohs.'

Case: "Watch your mouth." She moved to slap me, but I caught her hand, stopping her mid-air.

Me: "Watch yourself. If you think I'm scared of you, you're mistaken. I was never afraid of you to begin with. I chose not to react before, thinking it wouldn't help, but someone made it clear there's no point in being nice to people like you." I spoke as I brought her hand down.

She stood frozen, stunned by my newfound assertiveness.

I turned and saw Ethan. He wore a proud smile as I approached him, and we left the cafeteria together.

Ethan: "That's my girl," he said, ruffling my hair.

Me: "Hey, don't do that."

Ethan: "I'm genuinely happy. You did great."

Me: "Well, it's all thanks to you."

Ethan: "No, I simply offered advice. You're the one who put it into action."

I offered a warm smile in return.