
Chapter # 13

Ethan: "Alright, enough talking. Let's get down to practicing. Just don't accidentally blow me away."

Me: "Hey, I'm not that bad... am I?"

Ethan: "Kinda..."

I shot him a glare, and he burst into laughter.

Ethan: "I'm just kidding. Let's start with some simple finger action. Allow me to demonstrate."

With a snap of his fingers, a tiny flame danced and vanished.

Ethan: "Now, your turn."

I snapped my fingers but produced nothing. I tried repeatedly, but it was futile.

Ethan was rolling on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

Ethan: "S-so y-ou can-n pu-put a Whole Forest o-on f-fire b-but y-you ca-n't s-start a small blaze." He said between his laughs.

Me: "(눈‸눈)"

Ethan: "Aah my stomach hurts. By the way, thankyou, I had a good laugh."

Me: "(눈‸눈)"

Ethan: "Shall we give it another shot?" He said teasingly.

Me: "(눈‸눈)"

Ethan: "Hey~~~what's with that expression? Did someone mock you?" He said trying to control his laughter.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Ethan: "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. I promise not to laugh again."

Me: "....."

Ethan: "Hey, don't ignore me. I'm really sorry."

Me: "...."

Ethan: "You won't forgive me, will you?"

Me: "....."

Ethan: "What if I offer you a chocolate ice cream as an apology on the way back?"

My ears perked up when I heard chocolate ice cream.

Ethan: "So, what's your verdict? Will you forgive me now?"

Me: "I forgive you, not just for the ice cream but because I've a big heart. And by the way, make it three scoops with plenty of chocolate syrup."

Ethan: "Alright, madam." He chuckled.

"Now, shall we give it another go?"

I made another attempt, trying to cut a tree branch, but ended up felling the entire tree. Ethan shook his head.

Despite trying again, I couldn't produce the desired result.

Me: "It's so frustrating. I can't do it."

Ethan: "Are you giving up already? You won't succeed unless you believe in yourself. Give it another shot."

His tone turned serious, and I couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated.

Me: "Alright, but don't scare me like that." I said in a low voice. But suddenly this potato started laughing.

Ethan: "How was my acting?"

I gave him an exasperated look and scoffed.

Ethan grabbed my shoulders and said, "You can achieve anything, but you must believe in yourself first."

Me: "I'm sorry. I'll try."

Ethan: "Good."

I closed my eyes, concentrated, and repeated to myself, 'I can do it.'

When I opened my eyes and snapped my fingers, a small flame emerged. Success! I turned to a tree and cut a branch. This time, I had succeeded.

I looked at Ethan with a triumphant smile, and he returned it proudly.

{Three days later}

As we were heading back home after practice, Ethan brought up a serious topic.

Ethan: "Are you going to do something about those bullies?"

Me: "Where is this coming from?"

Ethan: "You can't let them get away with what they're doing."

Me: "What are you talking about?"

Ethan: "I don't think I need to remind you of what happened at school today."



As usual, I opened my locker, only to have trash spill out.

Ethan: "What's this?!" he exclaimed.

Me: "It's trash," I replied, wearing a 'Duh' expression.

Ethan: "I can see that, but why is it in your locker?"

Me: "Someone probably put it there."

Ethan: "Why? Is your locker their personal trash can??!"

Me: "Why are you so mad? It's not new; it happens to me all the time."

Ethan: "Explain."

Me: "They do it on purpose. I don't know what they're trying to prove, but they've been doing this since the beginning."

Ethan: "And you're just letting them?"

Me: "Let's discuss this later. We'll be late for class."

He sighed, and we proceeded to class. But as I opened the door, I was drenched by a bucket of water placed atop it. The students had pulled a prank.

I shivered from the cold.

Case: "Oh my goodness, who put the bucket there?" She sounded concerned.

Girl 1: "Weren't you the one who did it?" She giggled.

Case: "Oh, right, I'm so forgetful," she said sarcastically and then turned to me. "I'm sorry, honey. I pity your state."

Laughter erupted among the students.

I poked my tongue inside my cheek and took a deep breath.

Ethan was seething with anger. He seemed ready to confront them when the teacher entered.

Teacher: "What's going on here?"