
Chapter # 10

Mom: "You don't have to be. You're destined for greatness. Just believe in yourself. If you can do that, you can achieve anything. The lives of millions depend on your choices."

Their words resonated within me, stirring something deep. Suddenly, I felt a surge of determination.

Me: "Mom, Dad, I've made my decision. I'm going to do it."

They beamed at me, their eyes brimming with pride.

I smiled at them, feeling their unwavering support.

Me: "Thank you for believing in me, Mom, Dad. I won't let you down."

They nodded, their pride evident in their eyes.

In that ephemeral dream, I found the strength to face my destiny, inspired by the love and belief of my parents.

Amidst the emotional moment, an unfamiliar sound interrupted our reunion. An alarm?

Confused, I looked at my parents, my expression questioning.

They shared a knowing glance before Dad laughed softly.

Dad: "She really takes after you."

They shared a quiet chuckle, tinged with a hint of sadness.

Mom: "It's time to say goodbye, dear."

Dad: "Time sure does fly, doesn't it?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Dad: "It was all a dream, Marshmallow." He replied with a gentle smile.

Mom: "It's time for us to go."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I protested, Me: "But I want to spend more time with you."

Mom: "Please, dear, don't cry. I want to see you smile. We're really sorry we can't be with you physically, but remember that we are always here," she said, pointing to my heart.

Dad: "We are always watching you." He said trying to ignore a single tear that left escaped his eye.

I nodded, fighting back my tears.

Dad: "Goodbye, my love."

Mom: "Take care of yourself and your grandma."

Me: "I will. Please come back again."

Dad: "We'll try, sweetheart."

I hugged them tightly.

In unison, they said, "We love you, Katie."

I replied, "I love you both, too."

Dad: "Well then, adiòs," he said with a playful smile, making both me and Mom laugh. They waved at me, and slowly, everything disappeared.

I woke up, turned off the alarm clock, and sat up, leaning against the bed's headboard. I smiled, reflecting on the dream. Unintentionally, a few tears escaped from my eyes, and I wiped them away.

'Enough. No more crying. You've got to be strong.' I reminded myself.

I stood up, got ready, and made my way downstairs. It felt as if I had shed my old self and had become someone new.

I greeted my grandma with a cheerful tone.

Me: "Good morning, Grandma."

Grandma: "Well, good morning, sweetheart. Look who's smiling early in the morning?" She replied teasingly

I shot her a mischievous grin.

Grandma: "And the reason behind this grinning face??" Grandma paused her vegetable cutting and asked.

Me: "I've decided that I'm going to do it." I declared with excitement in my voice.

Grandma stopped and looked at me in surprise.

Grandma: "Really?" I nodded vigorously, beaming. "That's amazing, my dear," she said, hugging me. "I know you're going to do really well."

Me: "Thank you, Grandma." ♡

After having breakfast, I went back to my room

Me: "Alright, it's time to call Ethan."

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the thought of him, and when I opened them, he stood before me. I greeted him with a warm smile.

Ethan: "Whoa...are you feeling unwell?"

Me: "No, why?"

Ethan: "Well, you were smiling, and it's not something I'm used to seeing."

Me: "What's with everyone today? Is my smile that weird?"

Ethan: "No, it's lovely." I blushed at that.

"I- I mean It's just that I've never seen you smile like that before. So, what's the reason behind your big smile?"

Me: "I've made a decision...I'm going to do it."

Ethan: "Really? That's fantastic!"

I chuckled.

Me: "You sound just like my grandma. Now, let's get going." ᕙ( •‿• )ᕗ

We headed to Master Z's palace.

Ethan: "So, they appeared in your dream. That's incredible!"

Me: "You know what's funnier?"

Ethan: "What?"

Me: "Master Z is my grandfather."

Ethan's eyes widened.

Ethan: "⊙.☉"

I couldn't help but laugh.

Me: "Yes, really. He's my mom's father."

Ethan: "Wow, that's why he was so happy?"

Me: "About what?"

Ethan: "Whenever he would talk about you, he always had a big smile plastered on his face. I was very confused because I've never seen him smile that much before."

I smiled at that.

After some time, we reached the palace.

Me: "You didn't tell them I was coming. Right?."

He nodded.

We went inside and Ethan told Master Z that he has a guest. He was a little confused and told him to bring the guest inside.

Me: "Good morning~"

He was shocked to see me.

Master Z: "Katie?"

Me: "I'm back."

I said and he smiled widely.