
ECHOES FROM MY MIND (A wave of pleasure)

Every thing in her life was happening fast, from the death of her parents to an arranged marriage by her uncle, while trying to escape these ordeal she got into the hands of kidnappers and got sold to a brothel. After pulling a stunt she got auctioned. Things got sour when the lord who bought her proposed marriage to her and she agreed... His sole aim was to end her life but what happens when he gets tangled in a web of unfamiliar emotions and his heart starts beating again. This is a forbidden romance between a human and a mystic, can they be together against all odds

Flekinovels · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Make Up


Sandra stood in front of the mirror as she ruffled her hair till it was looking like a bed nest, what was she thinking it wasn't her house in the first place so why the need to worry about who was entering "you messed up Sandra" she scolded herself internaly

"What are you doing" she heard Lazarus voice from behind her, she turned to face him and she saw him sitted on her bed

"This a lady's room for crying out loud!, You knock before entering" Sandra shouted forgetting that he was the one who bought her, she wanted to apologize but Lazarus beat her to it

"Sorry, I totally forgot"

Sandra nodded slightly at least he wasn't angry

"What are you doing to yourself" Lazarus asked as he stared at her hair. Sandra thought for a while before replying

"I'm making up"

"Is this makeup" Lazarus asked in disbelief

"Yes, this is how I do my makeup" Sandra retored quickly, it was make up in a way though, the negative way. Lazarus looked thoughtfull for a while before nodding his head

"Either ways My lord just sent for you"Lazarus informed standing up from the bed. Sandra's blood became cold, what she avoided has just come face to face with her

"Why" she asked calmly, Lazarus raised his brows and she looked away. Of course that was a stupid question how could she ask the one who bought her why he was calling

"Were his eyes red" she asked again, Lazarus looked at her puzzled

"Were they supposed to be" he asked in response

"Don't be dumb, I meant if he was angry" Sandra explained, Lazarus shrugged slightly

"Well, I wouldn't know, he didn't tell me if he was"

"So you can't know if he is angry without him telling you " Sandra retored sounding mocking

"That's why you're here, if I can't know, you definitely can " Lazarus responded defensively

"Is that your way of telling me why I was bought " she asked

"Let's go, my Lord doesn't like to be kept waiting, that I know " Lazarus spoke ignoring her question, the reason why Regan bought her would be revealed to her by himself

"Do I look good enough to see him " Sandra asked taking a quick glance at the mirror

"Noo, but however you look, he'll sort you out " he replied as he led the way out of the room, Sandra followed suite

"Perfect " she replied internally, just the look she needed, once lord Mystery sees her his reaction would be, 90billion dollars! for this, I need a refund. Noo he wouldn't do that, he'll be like,90 billion dollars! for this, too ugly to be my sex slave. She imagined as they made way to his chamber.....