
Chapter 9 Do you like him so much?

The darkness in the dream almost overwhelmed her. She couldn't see light, anything in front, but only call Clinton silently. When she woke suddenly from the nightmare, she found herself soaked in her blouse.

She panted loudly to notice a glass of water appeared in front of her.

She said thank you while toke it over.

But an angry voice succeeded, 'do you really like him so much?"

Sandra smiled bitterly and turned to the man whose face was delicate but fierce out of anger, but it didn't impact his glamor, 'I love him, very much."

'He will kill you. Do you know you fainted twice…" words were about to get out but then he stopped and looked at her, full of worries. He hoped she could reflect on it.

'I know I got brain cancer."

Her serenity while saying these words surprised Jimmy Gu, but it sounded also reasonable.