
Chapter 39 Sacrifice for Their Reunion

Clinton was sitting in his office and the secretary told him Jimmy was here. He was surprised but still asked him to come in.

Jimmy said immediately when he saw him, 'Come with me."

Clinton frowned his eyebrows and asked coldly, 'Why?"

Jimmy came up to hold him without hesitation, 'Sandra is in the hospital. Don't you want to see her?"

Clinton was shocked, Sandra was in hospital?

'I have divorced her. Where she is has nothing to do with me." He turned with pretentious coolness.

But they never thought there was someone else who heard their conversation. It was Jessig.

A cruelty in her eyes, she turned away without hesitation and went straight to the hospital.

Sandra saw her and didn't know who she was. She said friendly, smiling, 'Hi."

Jessig thought she pretended to not recognize her, and sneered, 'Sandra, your acting skills are getting better and better."

She had no idea what she was talking about, asked in a puzzle, 'Do we know each other?"