
Chapter 38 Crazy Ideas

'Hurry, electric shocks! Electric shocks!"

The strong stoke electric power was transmitted into her body one after the other. Perhaps she didn't want to leave or she wanted to live. After a few of electric shocks, her breath came back.

The doctor cleaned the sweat and opened the door. Jimmy got hold of him immediately, 'How was she?"

The doctor took of the facial mask and told him to calm down. And then he said, 'She got the terminal cancer and the affected cells are spreading. She won't have much time."

His eyes were wide open, and his body was shivering. He was about to scratch the person who was talking nonsense in front of him.

Hark said there was still 30% possibilities to cure her. But why did he say she didn't have much time?

How could she die so fast? What would he do? Without he, what could he do?