
Chapter 20 Just a Coincidence!

Sandra didn't know what to say, but looking at Clinton unintentionally.

He looked at her coldly and sneered, 'aren't you satisfied now!"

Sandra felt wronged suddenly. Satisfied? For what? She had no idea what happened from the beginning to the end. Jessi blamed her, and now Clinton blamed her too. Did it mean even if her presence was completely coincident, it was still regarded as her plot?"

'I didn't do anything!" Sandra didn't want to be mistaken by Clinton. She was almost crying and hoped Clinton could believe her.

Actually, Clinton didn't mean anything with what he said, it was just a reflex out of years of mocking her before. The moment the words came out of his mouth, he was shocked too, but it was too late to get them back.

He cast a glimpse at Sandra lightly and carried Jessi to go outside, cursing slightly.