
Not Everyone

"You are smiling and grinning with a nefarious deed to be done in mind, correct?" Mona asked. "What is it that you wish to do to the secondary assassin?" She asked him. At first, the one plan in mind that the primary assassin which was in this case, Lee, wanted to do was to lock the assassin off somewhere or to distract the person or perhaps launch a sleeping dart at the assassin in order to make the said assassin's absence apparent for everyone. Mona shook her head and told him that they would ruin her reputation and that they did not really need to do something like that, they could just speak to the person and explain the whole situation. "You can try, but it is still going to be a hard sell knowing this person…" Lee said as he said those words with clear signs of nervousness and what not. It turns out that the secondary assassin in this case was actually assigned to someone named 'Victor.' After knowing this, Mona slapped herself in the face. "Shit." She said to herself.