
Reluctant Scarlett accept for once, but Ethan is too good!

It took a while for Scarlett to wake up, and when she did, she blinked at the sight of Ethan. 

He was asleep beside her, and she could feel that she was naked. He was also naked. Blinking to herself, she groaned slightly and ran her hand around his chest and abs. Then, she sighed. 

"When did you even undress me?"

He opened his side eye. "When you were asleep and snoring away like a pig."

"Why do I feel so comfortable now?" she asked, "Am I healed?"

"No…" he sighed exaggeratedly. "You are afflicted with terminal love for your husband and will have extreme heartache when you don't kiss him the first thing every morning." 

Scarlett blinked and then sighed in relief. If he was joking, she was all fine and dandy.

"I knew it. I knew it!"


"I knew all my problems would vanish when you came back to me…"